module NHC.Binary
( equalsBin
) where
import NHC.GreenCard
import BinPtr
import BinHandle
%-#include "cLowBinary.h"
%fun equalsBin :: Int -> BinHandle -> BinPtr -> BinHandle -> BinPtr -> Bool
%call (int size) (binHandle bhx) (binPtr x) (binHandle bhy) (binPtr y)
% /* size of x and y are not necessarily byte-aligned */
% /* but bits of x and y are guaranteed byte-aligned at both ends */
% unsigned int bytes = (size%8 ? size/8+1 : size/8);
% int xptr, yptr;
% xptr = (x - forceCacheTo(bhx,x)) / 8;
% yptr = (y - forceCacheTo(bhy,y)) / 8;
% retval = 1;
% while (bytes--) {
% if (bhx->cache[xptr] != bhy->cache[yptr]) {
% retval = 0;
% break;
% }
% xptr++; yptr++;
% if (xptr==CACHESIZE) nextcache(bhx);
% if (yptr==CACHESIZE) nextcache(bhy);
% }
%result (bool retval)