module NHC.Binary
( {-type-} Size(..)
, {-type-} SizedBin(..)
, sizedPut
, sizedGetFAt
) where
import BinPtr ({-type-} BinPtr, unsafeShiftBinPtr)
import Bin ({-type-} Bin(..))
import BinHandle ({-type-} BinHandle)
import CBinary ({-class-}Binary(..))
import GetFAt (getFAt)
import PutBits (putBits)
import GetBits (getBits)
import AlignBin (alignBin)
import SizeofBin (sizeofBin)
import EqualsBin (equalsBin)
import CompareBin (compareBin)
import StdMem (stdmem)
newtype Size = Size Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
data SizedBin a = SB {sizeOf :: Size, bhOf :: BinHandle, binOf :: Bin a}
sizedPut :: Binary a => BinHandle -> a -> IO (SizedBin a)
sizedGetFAt :: Binary a => SizedBin a -> a
-- Note: sizedCompress aligns the end of the object *after* taking
-- its size. Hence, the size will reflect the true, *unpadded* number
-- of bits in the object.
sizedPut bh a = alignBin bh >>
put bh a >>= \x->
sizeofBin bh x >>= \n->
alignBin bh >>
return (SB (Size n) bh x)
sizedGetFAt sb = getFAt (bhOf sb) (binOf sb)
instance Eq (SizedBin a) where
(SB (Size n) bh1 b) == (SB (Size m) bh2 c) = n==m && equalsBin n bh1 b bh2 c
instance Ord (SizedBin a) where
compare (SB (Size n) bh1 b) (SB (Size m) bh2 c) = compareBin n m bh1 b bh2 c