module Directory (getDirectoryContents) where
import NHC.GreenCard
import PatchIOError
%-#include <dirent.h>
newtype Dir = Dir ForeignObj
%dis dir x = Dir (declare "DIR*" x in foreign "hs_closedir" x)
%fun closedir :: Dir -> IO Int
%call (dir d)
% if (d==NULL) err=0; else err=closedir(d);
%result (int err)
%fun opendir :: FilePath -> IO (Int,Dir)
%call (filePath fp)
% d = opendir(fp);
% if (d==NULL) err=-1; else err=0;
%result (int err, dir d)
%fun readdir :: Dir -> IO (Int,FilePath)
%call (dir d)
% struct dirent *e;
% e = readdir(d);
% if (e==NULL) {
% err=-1;
% fp="";
% } else {
% err=0;
% fp=e->d_name;
% }
%result (int err, filePath fp)
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents fp = do
d <- patchIOErrorFVal "getDirectoryContents" fp opendir
lazyDirContents d
-- Despite the name, I'm not entirely sure that this really is lazy.
lazyDirContents :: Dir -> IO [FilePath]
lazyDirContents d =
catch (do f <- patchIOErrorVal "readDir" (readdir d)
fs <- lazyDirContents d
return (f:fs))
(\e-> do -- patchIOError "closeDir" (closedir d)
return [])
newtype DirEntry = DirEntry ()
foreign import opendir :: CString -> IO Addr
foreign import closedir :: Addr -> IO Int
foreign import readdir :: Dir -> IO Ptr