module NHC.FFI (
-- representation of strings in C
CString, -- = Ptr CChar
CStringLen, -- = (CString, Int)
-- conversion of C strings into Haskell strings
peekCString, -- :: CString -> IO String
peekCStringLen, -- :: CStringLen -> IO String
-- conversion of Haskell strings into C strings
newCString, -- :: String -> IO CString
newCStringLen, -- :: String -> IO CStringLen
-- conversion of Haskell strings into C strings using temporary storage
withCString, -- :: String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
withCStringLen, -- :: String -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
-- conversion between Haskell and C characters *ignoring* the encoding
castCharToCChar, -- :: Char -> CChar
castCCharToChar, -- :: CChar -> Char
) where
import MarshalArray
import CTypes
import Ptr
import Word
import Char
-- Strings
-- representation of strings in C
-- ------------------------------
type CString = Ptr CChar -- conventional NUL terminates strings
type CStringLen = (CString, Int) -- strings with explicit length
-- exported functions
-- ------------------
-- * the following routines apply the default conversion when converting the
-- C-land character encoding into the Haskell-land character encoding
-- ** NOTE: The current implementation doesn't handle conversions yet! **
-- * the routines using an explicit length tolerate NUL characters in the
-- middle of a string
-- marshal a NUL terminated C string into a Haskell string
peekCString :: CString -> IO String
peekCString cp = do cs <- peekArray0 nUL cp; return (cCharsToChars cs)
-- marshal a C string with explicit length into a Haskell string
peekCStringLen :: CStringLen -> IO String
peekCStringLen (cp, len) = do cs <- peekArray len cp; return (cCharsToChars cs)
-- marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C strings
-- * the Haskell string may *not* contain any NUL characters
-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be explicitly freed
newCString :: String -> IO CString
newCString = newArray0 nUL . charsToCChars
-- marshal a Haskell string into a C string (ie, character array) with
-- explicit length information
-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be explicitly freed
newCStringLen :: String -> IO CStringLen
newCStringLen str = do a <- newArray (charsToCChars str)
return (pairLength str a)
-- marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C strings using temporary
-- storage
-- * the Haskell string may *not* contain any NUL characters
-- * see the lifetime constraints of `MarshalAlloc.alloca'
withCString :: String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
withCString = withArray0 nUL . charsToCChars
-- marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C strings using temporary
-- storage
-- * the Haskell string may *not* contain any NUL characters
-- * see the lifetime constraints of `MarshalAlloc.alloca'
withCStringLen :: String -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
withCStringLen str act = withArray (charsToCChars str) $ act . pairLength str
-- auxiliary definitions
-- ----------------------
-- C's end of string character
nUL :: CChar
nUL = toEnum 0
-- pair a C string with the length of the given Haskell string
pairLength :: String -> CString -> CStringLen
pairLength = flip (,) . length
-- cast [CChar] to [Char]
cCharsToChars :: [CChar] -> [Char]
cCharsToChars = map castCCharToChar
-- cast [Char] to [CChar]
charsToCChars :: [Char] -> [CChar]
charsToCChars = map castCharToCChar
castCCharToChar :: CChar -> Char
castCCharToChar ch = toEnum (fromEnum ch)
castCharToCChar :: Char -> CChar
castCharToCChar ch = toEnum (fromEnum ch)