module NHC.FFI
( ForeignPtr -- abstract, instance of: Eq,Ord,Show
, FinalizerPtr -- synonym: FunPtr ( Ptr a -> IO ())
, FinalizerEnvPtr -- synonym: FunPtr (Ptr env -> Ptr a -> IO ())
, newForeignPtr -- :: FinalizerPtr a ->
-- Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
, newForeignPtrEnv -- :: FinalizerEnvPtr a -> Ptr env ->
-- Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
, newForeignPtr_ -- :: Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
, addForeignPtrFinalizer -- :: FinalizerPtr a -> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
, addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv -- :: FinalizerEnvPtr a -> Ptr env
-- -> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
, withForeignPtr -- :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
, touchForeignPtr -- :: ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
, unsafeForeignPtrToPtr -- :: ForeignPtr a -> Ptr a
, castForeignPtr -- :: ForeignPtr a -> ForeignPtr b
, newConcForeignPtr -- :: IO () -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
, addConcForeignPtrFinalizer-- :: IO () -> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
-- old implementation in terms of ForeignObj
import Ptr
import ForeignObj
newtype ForeignPtr a = ForeignPtr ForeignObj
newForeignPtr :: Ptr a -> IO () -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
newForeignPtr (Ptr p) finalizer = do
fo <- newForeignObj p finalizer
return (ForeignPtr fo)
touchForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
touchForeignPtr (ForeignPtr fo) = touchForeignObj fo
withForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withForeignPtr fo io
= do r <- io (foreignPtrToPtr fo)
touchForeignPtr fo
return r
foreignPtrToPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Ptr a
foreignPtrToPtr (ForeignPtr fo) = Ptr (foreignObjToAddr fo)
castForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> ForeignPtr b
castForeignPtr (ForeignPtr a) = ForeignPtr a
import Ptr
import FunPtr
import NonStdUnsafeCoerce
import Numeric (showHex)
import NHC.Internal (unsafePerformIO)
data ForeignPtr a; -- primitive type known to the compiler internals
foreign import cast foreignPtrToInt :: ForeignPtr a -> Int
instance Eq (ForeignPtr a) where
a == b = (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr a) == (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr b)
instance Ord (ForeignPtr a) where
compare a b = compare (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr a) (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr b)
instance Show (ForeignPtr a) where
showsPrec p f = showsPrec p (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr f)
type FinalizerPtr a = FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
type FinalizerEnvPtr env a = FunPtr (Ptr env -> Ptr a -> IO ())
-- Note that `newForeignPtr' is not a strictly legal FFI function.
-- It is not usually possible to return a ForeignPtr as the result of
-- a foreign import. However, in order to implement ForeignPtrs, we
-- need one single instance of returning a ForeignPtr, and this is it.
-- *** Do not do it elsewhere!
foreign import ccall "primForeignPtrC"
newForeignPtr :: FinalizerPtr a -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
-- newForeignPtr_ creates a ForeignPtr without a finaliser.
newForeignPtr_ :: Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
newForeignPtr_ p = newForeignPtr nullFunPtr p
-- newForeignPtrEnv creates a ForeignPtr with an environment finaliser.
newForeignPtrEnv :: FinalizerEnvPtr env a -> Ptr env
-> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
newForeignPtrEnv f p env = error "Foreign.newForeignPtrEnv not supported"
-- addForeignPtrFinalizer is not implemented in nhc98.
addForeignPtrFinalizer :: FinalizerPtr a -> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
addForeignPtrFinalizer free p = return ()
addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv :: FinalizerEnvPtr a -> Ptr env
-> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv free env p = return ()
-- `withForeignPtr' is a safer way to use `unsafeForeignPtrToPtr'.
withForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withForeignPtr p k = k (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr p)
{- GHC implementation:
do x <- k (foreignPtrToPtr p)
touchForeignPtr p
return x
-- `unsafeForeignPtrToPtr' is a highly dangerous operation. If the last
-- reference to the ForeignPtr disappears before the Ptr that has
-- been extracted from it is used, then the finaliser could run
-- rendering the Ptr invalid.
foreign import cast unsafeForeignPtrToPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Ptr a
-- `Touching' a foreignPtr is just intended to keep it alive across
-- calls which might otherwise allow it to be GC'ed. Only really
-- an issue in GHC - for nhc98 a null-op is sufficient.
touchForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
touchForeignPtr p = return ()
castForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> ForeignPtr b
castForeignPtr a = unsafeCoerce a
{- GHC extensions
mallocForeignPtr :: Storable a => IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocForeignPtrBytes :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
-- It was once the case that the finaliser on a ForeignPtr was a
-- Haskell IO action. These are the remnants of that implementation.
-- (It was eventually decided that, for safety, IO finalisers require
-- concurrency.)
foreign import ccall "primForeignObjC"
primForeignPtr :: Ptr a -> b -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
data _E a = _E a -- just a box to protect arg from evaluation
newConcForeignPtr :: IO () -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
newConcForeignPtr f p = primForeignPtr p (_E (unsafePerformIO f))
addConcForeignPtrFinalizer :: IO () -> ForeignPtr a -> IO ()
addConcForeignPtrFinalizer free p = return ()