module NHC.FFI
( malloc -- :: Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
, mallocBytes -- :: Int -> IO (Ptr a)
, alloca -- :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
, allocaBytes -- :: Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
, realloc -- :: Storable b => Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)
, reallocBytes -- :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Ptr a)
, free -- :: Ptr a -> IO ()
, finalizerFree -- :: FinalizerPtr a
) where
import Ptr
import ForeignPtr (FinalizerPtr(..))
import Storable
import CError
import CTypes
import CTypesExtra (CSize)
import NHC.DErrNo
import IO (bracket)
import Monad (when)
-- allocate space for storable type
malloc :: Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
malloc = doMalloc undefined
doMalloc :: Storable a => a -> IO (Ptr a)
doMalloc dummy = mallocBytes (sizeOf dummy)
-- allocate given number of bytes of storage
mallocBytes :: Int -> IO (Ptr a)
mallocBytes size = failWhenNULL "malloc" (_malloc (fromIntegral size))
-- temporarily allocate space for a storable type
-- * the pointer passed as an argument to the function must *not* escape from
-- this function; in other words, in `alloca f' the allocated storage must
-- not be used after `f' returns
alloca :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
alloca = doAlloca undefined
doAlloca :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
doAlloca dummy = allocaBytes (sizeOf dummy)
-- temporarily allocate the given number of bytes of storage
-- * the pointer passed as an argument to the function must *not* escape from
-- this function; in other words, in `allocaBytes n f' the allocated storage
-- must not be used after `f' returns
allocaBytes :: Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytes size = bracket (mallocBytes size) free
-- adjust a malloc'ed storage area to the size of the new type
realloc :: Storable b => Ptr a -> IO (Ptr b)
realloc ptr = doRealloc undefined
doRealloc :: Storable b => b -> IO (Ptr b)
doRealloc dummy =
failWhenNULL "realloc" (_realloc ptr (fromIntegral (sizeOf dummy)))
-- adjust a malloc'ed storage area to the given size
reallocBytes :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Ptr a)
reallocBytes ptr size =
failWhenNULL "realloc" (_realloc ptr (fromIntegral size))
-- free malloc'ed storage
free :: Ptr a -> IO ()
free = _free
-- foreign finalizer that performs the free operation
foreign import ccall "stdlib.h &free" finalizerFree :: FinalizerPtr a
-- utility functions, not exported
failWhenNULL :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a)
failWhenNULL nm f = do
addr <- f
when (addr == nullPtr)
(throwIOError (nm++" out of memory") Nothing Nothing (fromEnum ENOMEM))
return addr
foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h malloc" _malloc :: CSize -> IO (Ptr a)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h realloc" _realloc :: Ptr a -> CSize
-> IO (Ptr b)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h free" _free :: Ptr a -> IO ()