module IO (hPutStr) where
import DHandle
import HPutChar
-- This is the definitely working, but inefficient, version.
hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
hPutStr h [] = return ()
hPutStr h (x:xs) = hPutChar h x >> hPutStr h xs
-- This version does string-packing in chunks on the
-- C-side, improving the performance no matter how large
-- the string is.
-- We cannot yet use this when dealing with traced strings -
-- they have a different data representation that needs to be
-- coded explicitly in C.
foreign import ccall "hPutStrC" hPutStrC :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
hPutStr h [] = return ()
hPutStr h xs@(x:_) = hPutStrC h xs
-- Note: we rely on pattern-matching here to force the evaluation of
-- the first cons in the string - for some unknown reason this is
-- important for the runtime system. The obvious simple alternative:
-- hPutStr = hPutStrC
-- gives an "unevaluated tag in TABLESWITCH" runtime crash.