Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/prelude/List/List.hs

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module List
  (delete ,deleteBy ,deleteFirsts ,deleteFirstsBy ,(\\)
  ,elemBy ,elemIndex ,elemIndexBy ,elemIndices
  ,find ,findIndices ,findIndex
  ,genericDrop ,genericLength ,genericReplicate
  ,genericSplitAt ,genericTake ,genericIndex
  ,group ,groupBy
  ,inits ,intersect ,intersectBy ,intersperse ,lookupBy
  ,insert ,insertBy
  ,isPrefixOf ,isSuffixOf
  ,mapAccumL ,mapAccumR ,maximumBy ,minimumBy
  ,notElemBy ,nub ,nubBy
  ,partition ,permutations
  ,sort ,sortBy
  ,subsequences ,tails ,transpose 
  ,sums ,products
  ,unfoldr ,union, unionBy
  ,unzip4 ,unzip5 ,unzip6 ,unzip7
  ,zip4 ,zip5 ,zip6 ,zip7
  ,zipWith4 ,zipWith5 ,zipWith6 ,zipWith7

  -- ... and what the Prelude exports
  ,[] ((:), [])
  ,map, (++), concat, filter
  ,head, last, tail, init, null, length, (!!)
  ,foldl, foldl1, scanl, scanl1, foldr, foldr1, scanr, scanr1
  ,iterate, repeat, replicate, cycle
  ,take, drop, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, break
  ,lines, words, unlines, unwords, reverse, and, or
  ,any, all, elem, notElem, lookup
  ,sum, product, maximum, minimum, concatMap
  ,zip, zip3, zipWith, zipWith3, unzip, unzip3
  ) where

import Insert
import InsertBy
import Sort
import SortBy
import Find
import FindIndices
import FindIndex
import Delete
import DeleteBy
import DeleteFirsts
import DeleteFirstsBy
import Difference
import ElemBy
import ElemIndex
import ElemIndexBy
import ElemIndices
import GenericDrop
import GenericIndex
import GenericLength
import GenericReplicate
import GenericSplitAt
import GenericTake
import Group
import GroupBy
import Inits
import Intersect
import IntersectBy
import Intersperse
import IsPrefixOf
import IsSuffixOf
import LookupBy
import MapAccumL
import MapAccumR
import MaximumBy
import MinimumBy
import NotElemBy
import Nub
import NubBy
import Partition
import Permutations
import Products
import Subsequences
import Tails
import Transpose
import Sums
import Unfoldr
import Union
import UnionBy
import Unzip4
import Unzip5
import Unzip6
import Unzip7
import Zip4
import Zip5
import Zip6
import Zip7
import ZipWith4
import ZipWith5
import ZipWith6
import ZipWith7

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