module Numeric (fromRat) where
import Ratio
import Expt
-- This converts a rational to a floating. This should be used in the
-- Fractional instances of Float and Double.
fromRat :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a
fromRat x =
if x == 0 then encodeFloat 0 0 -- Handle exceptional cases
else if x < 0 then - fromRat' (-x) -- first.
else fromRat' x
-- Conversion process:
-- Scale the rational number by the RealFloat base until
-- it lies in the range of the mantissa (as used by decodeFloat/encodeFloat).
-- Then round the rational to an Integer and encode it with the exponent
-- that we got from the scaling.
-- To speed up the scaling process we compute the log2 of the number to get
-- a first guess of the exponent.
fromRat' :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a
fromRat' x = r
where b = floatRadix r
p = floatDigits r
minExp = (fst (floatRange r)) - p -- the real minimum exponent
xMin = toRational (expt b (p-1))
xMax = toRational (expt b p)
p0 = (integerLogBase b (numerator x) -
integerLogBase b (denominator x) - p) `max` minExp
f = if p0 < 0 then 1 % expt b (-p0) else expt b p0 % 1
xp = scaleRat (toRational b) minExp xMin xMax p0 (x / f)
r = encodeFloat (round (fst xp)) (snd xp)
-- Scale x until xMin <= x < xMax, or p (the exponent) <= minExp.
scaleRat :: Rational -> Int -> Rational -> Rational ->
Int -> Rational -> (Rational, Int)
scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax p x =
if p <= minExp then
(x, p)
else if x >= xMax then
scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax (p+1) (x/b)
else if x < xMin then
scaleRat b minExp xMin xMax (p-1) (x*b)
(x, p)
-- Compute the (floor of the) log of i in base b.
-- Simplest way would be just divide i by b until it's smaller then b,
-- but that would be very slow! We are just slightly more clever.
integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
integerLogBase b i =
if i < b then
-- Try squaring the base first to cut down the number of divisions.
let l = 2 * integerLogBase (b*b) i
doDiv :: Integer -> Int -> Int
doDiv i l = if i < b then l else doDiv (i `div` b) (l+1)
in doDiv (i `div` (b^l)) l