module Prelude where
class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a where
floatRadix :: a -> Integer
floatDigits :: a -> Int
floatRange :: a -> (Int,Int)
decodeFloat :: a -> (Integer,Int)
encodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> a
exponent :: a -> Int
significand :: a -> a
scaleFloat :: Int -> a -> a
isNaN, isInfinite, isDenormalized, isNegativeZero, isIEEE
:: a -> Bool
atan2 :: a -> a -> a
exponent x = case decodeFloat x of
(m,n) -> if m == 0 then 0 else n + floatDigits x
significand x = case decodeFloat x of
(m,_) -> encodeFloat m (negate (floatDigits x))
scaleFloat k x = case decodeFloat x of
(m,n) -> encodeFloat m (n+k)
atan2 y x = case (signum y, signum x) of
( 0, 1) -> 0
( 1, 0) -> pi/2
( 0,(-1)) -> negate pi
(-1, 0) -> negate pi/2
( _, 1) -> atan (y/x)
( _,(-1)) -> atan (y/x) + pi
( 0, 0) -> error "Prelude.atan2: atan2 of origin"
atan2 y x
| y==0 && x>0 = 0
| y>0 && x==0 = pi/2
| y==0 && x<0 = negate pi
| y<0 && x==0 = negate pi/2
| x>0 = atan (y/x)
| x<0 = atan (y/x) + pi
| y==0 && x==0 = error "Prelude.atan2: atan2 of origin"
| otherwise = error "Prelude.atan2: not a number"
-- The following is the specification of atan2 from the Haskell Report.
-- However, because we don't implement isNegativeZero, this will always
-- fail. Hence, the alternative implementation given above.
-- Now that we have implemented isNegativeZero, the Report code is now valid.
atan2 y x
| x>0 = atan (y/x)
| x==0 && y>0 = pi / 2
| x<0 && y>0 = pi + atan (y/x)
|(x<=0 && isNegativeZero y) ||
(isNegativeZero x && isNegativeZero y)
= negate (atan2 (negate y) x)
| y==0 && (x<0 || isNegativeZero x)
= pi -- must be after the previous test on zero y
| x==0 && y==0 = y -- must be after the other double zero tests
| otherwise = x + y -- x or y is a NaN, return a NaN (via +)