module Prelude(Show(..)) where
import DIOError
import IO
import NHC.DErrNo
import StrError
instance Show IOError where
showsPrec p (IOError cmd mbfilename mbhandle errno) =
showString "I/O error:\n action : " .
showString cmd .
(case mbfilename of
Just fn -> showString "\n on file: " . showString fn
Nothing ->
(case mbhandle of
Nothing -> id
Just handle ->
(case hGetFileName handle of
Nothing -> id
Just fn ->
showString "\n on file: " .
showString fn))) .
showString "\n gave : " .
shows errno . showString " (" .
showString (strError errno) .
showString ")"
showsPrec p (EOFError op handle) =
showString "End of file detected in " .
showString op . showString " on " .
(case hGetFileName handle of
Nothing -> showString "un-named handle"
Just fn -> showString fn) . showChar '.'
showsPrec p (PatternError "") =
showString "Pattern match failure in do statement"
showsPrec p (PatternError str) =
showString "Pattern match failure in do statement (" .
showString str . showString ")"
showsPrec p (UserError "" str) =
showString "I/O error (user-defined):\n " . showString str
showsPrec p (UserError loc str) =
showString "I/O error (user-defined), " . showString loc .
showString ":\n " . showString str
showsType a = showString "IOError"