module Prelude (Show(..)) where
--import Numeric(showSigned{-,showInt-})
instance Show Int where
-- We don't want to use the generic showsPrec and showInt, as they use Integer
-- showsPrec = showSigned showInt
showsPrec p x =
if x < 0 then showParen (p > 6)
(showChar '-' . if x == minBound
then showString "2147483648" -- WARNING 32bit
else showPosInt (negate x))
showPosInt x
showPosInt :: Int -> String -> String
showPosInt n r =
quot10,rem10 :: Int -> Int -- makes it easier for nhc98 to use byte code instructions
quot10 n = n `quot` 10
rem10 n = n `rem` 10
nr :: Int -> Char -- the magic constant 48 is fromEnum '0'
nr d = toEnum (48 + d) -- nhc98 can only remove toEnum if it's in a strict context
n' = quot10 n
d' = rem10 n
r' :: [Char]
r' = nr d' : r
in if n' == 0 then r' else showPosInt n' r'
showsType a = showString "Int"