-- !!! Wentworth's version of a program to generate
-- !!! all the expansions of a generalised regular expression
-- !!!
module Main (main) where
import Char
main = interact (("Enter a generator: " ++).show.expand.head.lines)
expand [] = [""]
expand ('<':x) = numericRule x
expand ('[':x) = alphabeticRule x
expand x = constantRule x
constantRule (c:rest) = [ c:z | z <- expand rest ]
alphabeticRule (a:'-':b:']':rest)
| a <= b = [c:z | c <- [a..b], z <- expand rest]
| otherwise = [c:z | c <- reverse [b..a], z <- expand rest]
numericRule x
= [ pad (show i) ++ z
| i <- if u < v then [u..v] else [u,u-1..v]
, z <- expand s ]
(p,_:q) = span (/= '-') x
(r,_:s) = span (/= '>') q
(u,v) = (mknum p, mknum r)
mknum s = foldl (\ u c -> u * 10 + (ord c - ord '0')) 0 s
pad s = [ '0' | i <- [1 .. (width-(length s))]] ++ s
width = max (length (show u)) (length (show v))