-- Header.hs : contains type definition for the system.
-- T.Yu@cs.ucl.ac.uk September 25, 1997
module Header where
-- TypeExp data type --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This is the type subexpression language used in the system.
data TypeExp = IntNum |
Boolean |
Str |
ListType TypeExp |
Arrow TypeExp TypeExp |
-- TypeExp :--> TypeExp
Brackets TypeExp |
TypeVar String |
DummyType String |
GenType String
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ParseTree data type -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pares Tree is either an Empty tree or an Expression
data ParseTree = Empty
| ExpCons Expression
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- Expression data type ------------------------------------------------------------
type ExpressionList = [Expression]
type Population = [(Expression, Double)]
--type Population = [(Expression, Temp ,Double)] --for testing eval function
--type Temp = (Expression,Bool,Bool)
-- data Program = Main Expression [(ADF,String)] -- ADFs and their names
-- data Program = Start Expression
-- data ADF = Lambda1 String Expression TypeExp
-- | LambdaN String ADF TypeExp
data Expression = Constant String
| List ExpressionList -- (List []) is the empty list
| Variable String
| Primitive String
| Function String -- name of ADF - see list above
| Application Expression Expression TypeExp
| Lambda String Expression
deriving (Eq,Show)