-- ==========================================================--
-- === Simplification of abstract expressions ... ===--
-- === Simplify.hs ===--
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module Simplify where
import BaseDefs
import Utils
import MyUtils
import AbstractVals2
import AbstractEval2
import Apply
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siVectorise :: HExpr Naam -> HExpr Naam
siVectorise (HLam vs1 (HLam vs2 e))
= siVectorise (HLam (vs1++vs2) e)
siVectorise (HLam vs e)
= HLam vs (siVectorise e)
siVectorise (HApp (HTable t) e)
= HApp (HTable (map2nd siVectorise t)) (siVectorise e)
siVectorise (HApp f a)
= case siVectorise f of
HVAp fn args -> HVAp fn (args++[siVectorise a])
HPoint p -> HVAp (HPoint p) [siVectorise a]
HVar v -> HVAp (HVar v) [siVectorise a]
non_vap -> HApp non_vap (siVectorise a)
siVectorise h@(HVar _) = h
siVectorise h@(HPoint _) = h
siVectorise (HMeet es) = HMeet (map siVectorise es)
-- ==========================================================--
siSimplify :: HExpr Naam -> HExpr Naam
siSimplify hexpr
let hexpr_after_one_cycle = siHOpt hexpr
if hexpr == hexpr_after_one_cycle
then hexpr
else siSimplify hexpr_after_one_cycle
-- ==========================================================--
siHOpt :: HExpr Naam -> HExpr Naam
siHOpt (HMeet es) = siHOpt_meet es
siHOpt (HApp h1 h2) = siHOpt_app (siHOpt h1) (siHOpt h2)
siHOpt p@(HPoint _) = p
siHOpt v@(HVar _) = v
siHOpt (HLam vs e) = HLam vs (siHOpt e)
siHOpt (HTable t) = HTable (map2nd siHOpt t)
-- ==========================================================--
-- meet-literal simplification
siHOpt_meet :: [HExpr Naam] -> HExpr Naam
siHOpt_meet es
= let presimplified = map siHOpt es
litsplit (lits, nonlits) (HPoint p) = (p:lits, nonlits)
litsplit (lits, nonlits) other = (lits, other:nonlits)
(lits, nonlits) = foldl litsplit ([],[]) presimplified
onelit = foldr1 (\/) lits
if null lits
then HMeet presimplified -- can't do anything
else if avIsTopR onelit
then HPoint onelit
else if avIsBottomR onelit
then aeMkMeet (HPoint onelit) nonlits
else aeMkMeet (HPoint onelit) ((HPoint onelit):nonlits)
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-- case-of-case simplification
-- literal-function-applied-to-literal simplification
siHOpt_app :: HExpr Naam -> HExpr Naam -> HExpr Naam
siHOpt_app (HTable t) (HPoint p)
= siHOpt (utSureLookup t "siHOpt_app" p)
siHOpt_app (HPoint p1) (HPoint p2)
= HPoint (apApply p1 [p2])
siHOpt_app h1_other h2_other = HApp h1_other h2_other
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-- === end Simplify.hs ===--
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