-- ==========================================================--
-- === Successors and predecessors of a point in a ===--
-- === finite lattice. SuccsAndPreds2.hs ===--
-- ==========================================================--
module SuccsAndPreds2 where
import BaseDefs
import Utils
import MyUtils
import AbstractVals2
-- ==========================================================--
-- === ===--
-- === "succs" and "preds" of a point, where: ===--
-- === ===--
-- === succs(x) = Min (complement (downclose (x))) ===--
-- === preds(x) = Max (complement (upclose (x))) ===--
-- === ===--
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spSuccs :: Point -> [Point]
spSuccs (d1, r1) = [(d1, r) | r <- spSuccsR d1 r1]
-- ==========================================================--
spSuccsR :: Domain -> Route -> [Route]
spSuccsR Two Zero = [One]
spSuccsR Two One = []
spSuccsR (Lift1 ds) Stop1
= [Up1 (map avBottomR ds)]
spSuccsR (Lift1 [d]) (Up1 [r])
= map (\rs -> Up1 [rs]) (spSuccsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spSuccsR (Lift1 ds) (Up1 rs)
= map Up1 (myListVariants (map avBottomR ds) (myZipWith2 spSuccsR ds rs))
spSuccsR (Lift2 ds) Stop2
= [Up2]
spSuccsR (Lift2 ds) Up2
= [UpUp2 (map avBottomR ds)]
spSuccsR (Lift2 [d]) (UpUp2 [r])
= map (\rs -> UpUp2 [rs]) (spSuccsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spSuccsR (Lift2 ds) (UpUp2 rs)
= map UpUp2 (myListVariants (map avBottomR ds) (myZipWith2 spSuccsR ds rs))
spSuccsR d@(Func _ _) (Rep r)
= map Rep (spSuccsRep d r)
-- ==========================================================--
spSuccsRep :: Domain -> Rep -> [Rep]
spSuccsRep (Func dss Two) (RepTwo (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0))
= [RepTwo (Min1Max0 ar [x] (sort (spPredsFrel dss x))) | x <- f0]
spSuccsRep (Func dss (Lift1 dts)) (Rep1 lf hfs)
= let hfDomains = map (avUncurry dss) dts
hfBottoms = map avBottomR_aux hfDomains
initTops = map avTopR dss
s1 = [spLEmb hfBottoms h
| RepTwo h <- spSuccsRep (Func dss Two) (RepTwo lf)]
s2 = [spLLift initTops dss hfDomains hfs2
| hfs2 <- myListVariants hfBottoms
(myZipWith2 spSuccsRep hfDomains hfs)]
avMinrep (s1 ++ s2)
spSuccsRep (Func dss (Lift2 dts)) (Rep2 lf mf hfs)
= let isoDomain = Func dss (Lift1 [Lift1 dts])
isoRoute = Rep1 lf [Rep1 mf hfs]
isoSuccs = spSuccsRep isoDomain isoRoute
isoRouteInv (Rep1 lfi [Rep1 mfi hfsi])
= Rep2 lfi mfi hfsi
map isoRouteInv isoSuccs
-- ==========================================================--
spSuccsFrel :: [Domain] -> FrontierElem -> [FrontierElem]
spSuccsFrel [d] (MkFrel [r])
= map (\rs -> MkFrel [rs]) (spSuccsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spSuccsFrel ds (MkFrel rs)
= map MkFrel (myListVariants (map avBottomR ds) (myZipWith2 spSuccsR ds rs))
-- ==========================================================--
spLEmb :: [Rep] -> Frontier -> Rep
spLEmb hfBottoms h
= Rep1 h hfBottoms
-- ==========================================================--
spLLift :: [Route] -> [Domain] -> [Domain] -> [Rep] -> Rep
spLLift initTops initDss hfDomains hfs_reps
= let lf_arity = length initTops
zapped_hfs = myZipWith2 (spLLift_aux lf_arity initTops initDss)
hfDomains hfs_reps
new_lf = case foldr1 avLUBrep zapped_hfs of
RepTwo fr -> fr
Rep1 new_lf hfs_reps
-- ==========================================================--
spLLift_aux :: Int -> [Route] -> [Domain] -> Domain -> Rep -> Rep
spLLift_aux des_arity initTops initDss (Func dss Two) fr
= spLLift_reduce_arity_as_top des_arity initTops initDss fr
spLLift_aux des_arity initTops initDss (Func dss (Lift1 dts)) (Rep1 lf hfs)
= spLLift_reduce_arity_as_top des_arity initTops initDss (RepTwo lf)
spLLift_aux des_arity initTops initDss (Func dss (Lift2 dts)) (Rep2 lf mf hfs)
= spLLift_reduce_arity_as_top des_arity initTops initDss (RepTwo lf)
-- ==========================================================--
spLLift_reduce_arity_as_top :: Int -> [Route] -> [Domain] -> Rep -> Rep
spLLift_reduce_arity_as_top des_arity initTops initDss
f@(RepTwo (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0))
| ar == des_arity
= f
| ar > des_arity
= let shorten (MkFrel rs) = MkFrel (take des_arity rs)
new_f1 = map shorten f1
new_f0 = spMax0FromMin1_aux initTops initDss new_f1
RepTwo (Min1Max0 des_arity new_f1 new_f0)
-- ==========================================================--
spPreds :: Point -> [Point]
spPreds (d1, r1) = [(d1, r) | r <- spPredsR d1 r1]
-- ==========================================================--
spPredsR :: Domain -> Route -> [Route]
spPredsR Two Zero = []
spPredsR Two One = [Zero]
spPredsR (Lift1 ds) Stop1
= []
spPredsR (Lift1 [d]) (Up1 [r])
= if avIsBottomR r
then [Stop1]
else map (\rp -> Up1 [rp]) (spPredsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spPredsR (Lift1 ds) (Up1 rs)
= if myAll avIsBottomR rs
then [Stop1]
else map Up1 (myListVariants (map avTopR ds) (myZipWith2 spPredsR ds rs))
spPredsR (Lift2 ds) Stop2
= []
spPredsR (Lift2 ds) Up2
= [Stop2]
spPredsR (Lift2 [d]) (UpUp2 [r])
= if avIsBottomR r
then [Up2]
else map (\rp -> UpUp2 [rp]) (spPredsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spPredsR (Lift2 ds) (UpUp2 rs)
= if myAll avIsBottomR rs
then [Up2]
else map UpUp2 (myListVariants (map avTopR ds) (myZipWith2 spPredsR ds rs))
spPredsR d@(Func _ _) (Rep r)
= map Rep (spPredsRep d r)
-- ==========================================================--
spPredsRep :: Domain -> Rep -> [Rep]
spPredsRep (Func dss Two) (RepTwo (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0))
= [RepTwo (Min1Max0 ar (sort (spSuccsFrel dss x)) [x]) | x <- f1]
spPredsRep (Func dss (Lift1 dts)) (Rep1 lf hfs)
= let hfDomains = map (avUncurry dss) dts
hfTops = map avTopR_aux hfDomains
lfDomain = Func dss Two
lfTop = avTopR_aux_2 dss
p1 = [spGEmb h dts
| RepTwo h <- spPredsRep lfDomain (RepTwo lf)]
p2 = [spGLift lfTop hfs2
| hfs2 <- myListVariants hfTops
(myZipWith2 spPredsRep hfDomains hfs)]
avMaxrep (p1 ++ p2)
spPredsRep (Func dss (Lift2 dts)) (Rep2 lf mf hfs)
= let isoDomain = Func dss (Lift1 [Lift1 dts])
isoRoute = Rep1 lf [Rep1 mf hfs]
isoPreds = spPredsRep isoDomain isoRoute
isoRouteInv (Rep1 lfi [Rep1 mfi hfsi])
= Rep2 lfi mfi hfsi
map isoRouteInv isoPreds
-- ==========================================================--
spPredsFrel :: [Domain] -> FrontierElem -> [FrontierElem]
spPredsFrel [d] (MkFrel [r])
= map (\rp -> MkFrel [rp]) (spPredsR d r) {-OPTIONAL-}
spPredsFrel ds (MkFrel rs)
= map MkFrel (myListVariants (map avTopR ds) (myZipWith2 spPredsR ds rs))
-- ==========================================================--
spGLift :: Frontier -> [Rep] -> Rep
spGLift lfTop hfs2 = Rep1 lfTop hfs2
-- ==========================================================--
spGEmb :: Frontier -> [Domain] -> Rep
spGEmb lf hfTargDs = Rep1 lf (map (spGEmb_aux lf) hfTargDs)
-- ==========================================================--
spGEmb_aux :: Frontier -> Domain -> Rep
spGEmb_aux lf Two
= RepTwo lf
spGEmb_aux lf (Lift1 dss)
= Rep1 lf (map (spGEmb_aux lf) dss)
spGEmb_aux lf (Lift2 dss)
= Rep2 lf lf (map (spGEmb_aux lf) dss)
spGEmb_aux lf (Func dss dt)
= spGEmb_aux
(case spGEmb_increase_arity_ignore lf dss of
RepTwo re -> re)
-- ==========================================================--
spGEmb_increase_arity_ignore :: Frontier -> [Domain] -> Rep
spGEmb_increase_arity_ignore f []
= RepTwo f {-OPTIONAL-}
spGEmb_increase_arity_ignore (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0) dss
= let tops = map avTopR dss
bottoms = map avBottomR dss
extend_top (MkFrel rs) = MkFrel (rs++tops)
extend_bottom (MkFrel rs) = MkFrel (rs++bottoms)
new_f1 = map extend_bottom f1
new_f0 = map extend_top f0
RepTwo (Min1Max0 (ar + length dss) new_f1 new_f0)
-- ==========================================================--
spMax0FromMin1 :: [Domain] -> [FrontierElem] -> [FrontierElem]
spMax0FromMin1 dss f1
= spMax0FromMin1_aux (map avTopR dss) dss f1
spMax0FromMin1_aux tops dss f1
= sort (foldr avLUBmax0frontier [MkFrel tops]
(map (spPredsFrel dss) f1))
-- ==========================================================--
spMin1FromMax0 :: [Domain] -> [FrontierElem] -> [FrontierElem]
spMin1FromMax0 dss f0
= spMin1FromMax0_aux (map avBottomR dss) dss f0
spMin1FromMax0_aux bottoms dss f0
= sort (foldr avGLBmin1frontier [MkFrel bottoms]
(map (spSuccsFrel dss) f0))
-- ==========================================================--
-- === end SuccsAndPreds2.hs ===--
-- ==========================================================--