-- ==========================================================--
-- === Turn type expressions into domain expressions. ===--
-- === TExpr2DExpr.hs ===--
-- ==========================================================--
module TExpr2DExpr where
import BaseDefs
import Utils
import MyUtils
import DomainExpr
import MakeDomains
import TypeCheck5
import List(nub) -- 1.3
-- ==========================================================--
-- This may need fixing up if we start instantiating domain
-- variables to expressions which contain other domain
-- variables within them.
-- 4 Feb: solved the above problem by replacing the offending
-- domain variables with 2.
-- 5 Feb: fixed to curry domains properly, if necessary.
txGetInstantiations :: DExpr ->
DExpr ->
AList Naam Domain
txGetInstantiations simplest usage
= consistent [] (gi simplest usage)
gi (DXVar v) dexpr = [(v, dxApplyDSubst_2 dexpr)]
gi DXTwo DXTwo = []
gi (DXLift1 dxs1) (DXLift1 dxs2) = concat (myZipWith2 gi dxs1 dxs2)
gi (DXLift2 dxs1) (DXLift2 dxs2) = concat (myZipWith2 gi dxs1 dxs2)
gi (DXFunc dxss1 dxt1) (DXFunc dxss2 dxt2)
= let basis_arity = length dxss1
usage_arity = length dxss2
(new_dxss2, new_dxt2) =
if usage_arity > basis_arity
then (take basis_arity dxss2,
DXFunc (drop basis_arity dxss2) dxt2)
else (dxss2, dxt2)
in gi dxt1 new_dxt2 ++ concat (myZipWith2 gi dxss1 new_dxss2)
consistent acc [] = acc
consistent acc ((v,dx):rest)
= case utLookup acc v of
Nothing -> consistent ((v,dx):acc) rest
Just dy -> if dx == dy
then consistent acc rest
else panic "txGetInstantiations"
-- ==========================================================--
tx2dxAnnTree :: TypeDependancy ->
AnnExpr Naam TExpr ->
AnnExpr Naam DExpr
tx2dxAnnTree td tree = tcMapAnnExpr (tx2dx td) tree
-- ==========================================================--
tx2dx :: TypeDependancy -> TExpr -> DExpr
tx2dx td texpr
= let typeVars = sort (nub (tcTvars_in texpr))
dVarEnv = zip typeVars [[x] | x <- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
in if length typeVars > 26
then panic "tx2dx"
else dxNormaliseDExpr (tx2dx_aux td dVarEnv texpr)
tx2dx_aux td env (TVar v)
= DXVar (utSureLookup env "tx2dx_aux(1)" v)
tx2dx_aux td env (TCons "int" [])
= DXTwo
tx2dx_aux td env (TCons "char" [])
= DXTwo
tx2dx_aux td env (TArr t1 t2)
= DXFunc [tx2dx_aux td env t1] (tx2dx_aux td env t2)
tx2dx_aux td env (TCons tname targs)
= if mdIsRecursiveType td tname
then DXLift2 (map (tx2dx_aux td env) targs)
else DXLift1 (map (tx2dx_aux td env) targs)
-- ==========================================================--
-- === end TExpr2DExpr.hs ===--
-- ==========================================================--