Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/real/anna/fourier.cor

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list a ::= Nil | Cons a (list a);
pair a b ::= Pair a b;
complex a b ::= Cpx a b;


plusC c1 c2
  = case c1 of Cpx r1 i1 -> case c2 of Cpx r2 i2 -> Cpx (r1+r2) (i1+i2)
    end end;

minC c1 c2
  = case c1 of Cpx r1 i1 -> case c2 of Cpx r2 i2 -> Cpx (r1-r2) (i1-i2)
    end end;

mulC c1 c2
  = case c1 of Cpx r1 i1 -> case c2 of Cpx r2 i2 
     -> Cpx (r1 * r2 - i1 * i2) (r1 * i2 + i1 * r2)
    end end;

if c t f = case c of True -> t; False -> f end;

length l = case l of Nil -> 0; Cons x xs -> 1 + length xs end;

append xl yl = case xl of Nil -> yl; Cons x xs -> Cons x (append xs yl) end;

sin x = x + 1;
cos x = x - 1;
pi = 3;

root j n = let z = (2 * j * pi) / n
           in  Cpx (cos z) (sin z);

error = error;

split l
  = case l of
       Nil -> Pair Nil Nil;
       Cons a as -> case as of 
                      Nil -> error;
                      Cons b rest -> 
                        case split rest of Pair even odd
                           -> Pair (Cons a even) (Cons b odd) end end end;

merge even odd n
= letrec merge2 = \ere oro i ->
               case ere of Cons e re ->
               case oro of Cons o ro ->
             ( letrec urest_umrest = merge2 re ro (i+1);
                   ri = root i n;
                   prod = mulC ri o;
                   ui = plusC e prod;
                   umi = minC e prod;
                   urest = case urest_umrest of Pair urest umrest -> urest end;
                   umrest = case urest_umrest of Pair urest umrest -> umrest end
               in  Pair (Cons ui urest) (Cons umi umrest)   );
                           Nil -> Pair Nil Nil end;
                           Nil -> Pair Nil Nil end
   in case merge2 even odd 0 of
         Pair low high -> append low high end;

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