Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/real/anna/higherOrder.cor

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list a ::= Nil | Cons a (list a);


backMap fl v = case fl of
                  Nil -> Nil;
                  Cons f fs -> Cons (f v) (backMap fs v)

g = backMap (Cons not (Cons not Nil)) False;

add1 x = 1 + x;

hof f y = 1 + f y;

id x = x;

useHOF = hof id (hof (id id add1) 43);

nasty x = letrec loop=loop in loop;

map f l = case l of
             Nil -> Nil;
             Cons x xs -> Cons (f x) (map f xs)

foldr op id ll = case ll of
                    Nil -> id;
                    Cons x xs -> op x (foldr op id xs)

append l1 l2 = case l1 of
                  Nil -> l2;
                  Cons x xs -> Cons x (append xs l2)

concat ll = case ll of
               Nil -> Nil;
               Cons xs xss -> append xs (concat xss)

concat2 = foldr append Nil;

sum l = case l of
           Nil -> 0;
           Cons x xs -> x + sum xs

sum2 = let add = \x y -> x + y in foldr add 0;

hd l = case l of
          Nil -> nasty 0;
          Cons x xs -> x

length l = case l of
             Nil -> 0;
             Cons x xs -> 1 + length xs

reverse l = case l of
              Nil -> Nil;
              Cons x xs -> append (reverse xs) (Cons x Nil)

reverse_into l = letrec 
                    rev = \acc lisp -> case lisp of
                                          Nil -> acc;
                                          Cons x xs -> rev (Cons x acc) xs
                 in rev Nil l;

f = length (reverse (Cons not (Cons not Nil)));

g1 = backMap funcList False;

funcList = Cons not (Cons not Nil);

areInverses f1 f2 equalPred testVal
   = let dot = \f g x -> f (g x) in
        equalPred testVal 
                  ((dot f2 f1) testVal) of
            True -> True;
            False -> False

testInverses =
   let sub = \a b -> b - a in
   let add = \a b -> a + b in
   let eq  = \a b -> a == b in
   areInverses (add 1) (sub 1) eq 5;

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