Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/real/anna/standardTest.cor

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  Standard speed test.

  0.202 new domains, old parser
  ||reductions = 12104147, cells claimed = 16617664, no of gc's = 115, cpu = 645.58

  0.203 polymorphism, new domains, old parser
  ||reductions = 21233515, cells claimed = 28216776, no of gc's = 317, cpu = 1290.43

  0.2031 polymorphism, new domains, new parser
  ||reductions = 23331864, cells claimed = 31379551, no of gc's = 313, cpu = 1912.27

  0.204 as 0.2031 and proper handling of HOFs, and new name management scheme
  ||reductions = 22821816, cells claimed = 30431703, no of gc's = 230, cpu = 1543.68

  0.204 as of end Sunday
  ||reductions = 21935678, cells claimed = 29447796, no of gc's = 208, cpu = 1536.43

  0.2041 as previous with constructor-recycling
  ||reductions = 15819053, cells claimed = 21934376, no of gc's = 74, cpu = 648.53

day ::= Monday     |
        Tuesday    | 
        Wednesday  |
        Thursday   |
        Friday     |
        Saturday   |
        Sunday ;

domain ::= Unit  |
           Lift (domain);

pair a b ::= Pair a b;

list a ::= Nil | Cons a (list a);

tree a ::= Leaf | Branch (tree a) a (tree a);

assoc a b ::= NilAssoc |
              Assoc a b (assoc a b) ;


bottomAny = bottomAny;

qsort l = letrec
             bigs = \d l2 -> case l2 of
                                Nil -> Nil;
                                Cons l2x l2xs ->
                                   case l2x>d of
                                      True -> Cons l2x (bigs d l2xs);
                                      False -> bigs d l2xs
             smalls = \d l2 -> case l2 of
                                Nil -> Nil;
                                Cons l2x l2xs ->
                                   case l2x<=d of
                                      True -> Cons l2x (smalls d l2xs);
                                      False -> smalls d l2xs
          case l of
              Nil -> Nil;
              Cons h t -> append (qsort (smalls h t)) 
                                 (Cons h (qsort (bigs h t)))

{topInt = 42;}

domainHeight d
   = case d of
        Unit -> 1;
        Lift d1 -> 1 + domainHeight d1

workingHours d
   = case d of
        Saturday -> 0;
        Sunday -> 0;
        Monday -> 2;
        Tuesday -> 4;
        Wednesday -> 5;
        Thursday -> 3;
        Friday -> 1

incHead l = case l of
              Nil -> Nil;
              Cons a as -> Cons (a+1) as

tricky a b = case a==0 of
                True -> b;
                False -> tricky (a-1) b

length x = case x of
              Nil -> 0;
              Cons a as -> 1 + length as

sum x = case x of
           Nil -> 0;
           Cons a as -> a + sum as

append x y = case x of
                Nil -> y;
                Cons a as -> Cons a (append as y)

rev x = case x of
           Nil -> Nil;
           Cons a as -> append (rev as) (Cons a Nil)

take n l = case l of 
              Nil -> Nil;
              Cons x xs -> case (n==0) of
                              True -> Nil;
                              False ->  Cons x (take (n-1) xs)

drop n l = case l of
              Nil -> Nil;
              Cons x xs -> case (n==0) of
                              True -> Cons x xs;
                              False -> drop (n-1) xs

first p = case p of Pair a b -> a end;

second p = case p of Pair a b -> b end;

mirror t = case t of
             Leaf -> Leaf;
             Branch l x r -> Branch (mirror r) x (mirror l)

sumt t = case t of
            Leaf -> 0;
            Branch l x r -> sumt l + x + sumt r

aLookupDef al key default
   = case al of
        NilAssoc -> default;
        Assoc a b abs -> case a==key of
                            True -> b;
                            False -> aLookupDef abs key default

aDomain al 
   = case al of
       NilAssoc -> Nil;
       Assoc a b abs -> Cons a (aDomain abs)

aInverse al
   = case al of
       NilAssoc -> NilAssoc;
       Assoc a b abs -> Assoc b a (aInverse abs)

flatten t = case t of
               Leaf -> Nil;
               Branch l x r -> append (flatten l) (Cons x (flatten r))

insert x t = case t of
                Leaf -> Branch Leaf x Leaf;
                Branch l x1 r ->
                 case x==x1 of
                    True -> Branch l x1 r;
                    False -> case x<x1 of
                                True -> Branch (insert x l) x1 r;
                                False -> Branch l x1 (insert x r)

listToTree l =
   letrec ltt = \tr li -> case li of
                             Nil -> tr;
                             Cons x xs -> ltt (insert x tr) xs
   in ltt Leaf l;

nodups l = flatten (listToTree l);

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