-- -*- Mode: Haskell -*-
-- Copyright 1994 by Peter Thiemann
-- EbnfGrammar.hs --- a simple combinator parser for a grammar in EBNF
-- Author : Peter Thiemann
-- Created On : Tue Aug 3 10:30:03 1993
-- Last Modified By: Peter Thiemann
-- Last Modified On: Mon Dec 27 17:41:17 1993
-- Update Count : 13
-- Status : Unknown, Use with caution!
-- $Log: EbnfGrammar.hs,v $
-- Revision 1.1 2004/08/05 11:11:57 malcolm
-- Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler. It isn't very good,
-- but it is better than nothing. I've been using it for about four years
-- on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository! It
-- includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite.
-- Instructions are in the README.
-- Revision 1.1 1996/01/08 20:02:34 partain
-- Initial revision
-- Revision 1.3 1994/03/15 15:34:53 thiemann
-- added full color support, XColorDB based
--Revision 1.2 1993/08/31 12:31:32 thiemann
--reflect changes in type FONT
--Revision 1.1 1993/08/17 12:34:29 thiemann
--Initial revision
-- $Locker: $
module EbnfGrammar (parseAll) where
import Parsers
import Lexer
import AbstractSyntax
parseAll s = [ prod | (prod, []) <- parseFile (lexer (uncomment s)) ]
-- This is the grammar for EBNF
-- File = {Production}.
-- Production = Nonterminal [ String ] "=" Term "." .
-- Term = Factor / "|" . # alternative
-- Factor = ExtAtom + . # sequence
-- ExtAtom = Atom
-- | Atom "/" Atom # repetion through Atom
-- | Atom "+". # at least one repetion
-- Atom = Nonterminal
-- | String # terminal string
-- | "(" Term ")"
-- | "[" Term "]" # an optional Term
-- | "{" Term "}" # zero or more repetions
-- .
-- String = "\"" { character } "\"" .
-- Nonterminal = letter { letter | digit | "_" } .
-- character = "\\" charesc.
parseFile = rpt parseProduction -- no longer `using` ProdFile
parseProduction = (satisfy isIdent `thn`
opt (satisfy isString) `thn`
expectSymbol "=" `xthn`
parseTerm `thnx`
expectSymbol ".") `using`
\(nt, (ntNames, term)) -> ProdProduction (getIdent nt) (map getString ntNames) term
parseTerm = (parseFactor `thn`
rpt (expectSymbol "|" `xthn` parseFactor))
`using2` (:) `using` ProdTerm
parseFactor = (parseExtendedAtom `thn` rpt parseExtendedAtom)
`using2` (:) `using` ProdFactor
parseExtendedAtom = parseAtom `thn`
opt ((expectSymbol "+" `using` \ _ -> ProdPlus)
(expectSymbol "/" `xthn` parseAtom `using` ProdSlash))
`using2` helper
helper term [] = term
helper term [ProdPlus] = ProdRepeat1 term
helper term [ProdSlash atom] = ProdRepeatWithAtom term atom
parseAtom = (expectSymbol "(" `xthn`
parseTerm `thnx`
expectSymbol ")")
((expectSymbol "[" `xthn` parseTerm `thnx` expectSymbol "]")
`using` ProdOption)
((expectSymbol "{" `xthn` parseTerm `thnx` expectSymbol "}")
`using` ProdRepeat)
(satisfy isIdent `using` (ProdNonterminal . getIdent))
(satisfy isString `using` (ProdTerminal . getString))
expectSymbol c = satisfy test
where test (Symbol x) = c == x
test _ = False