Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/real/ebnf2ps/

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			-*- Mode: Haskell -*-

$Locker:  $
$Log:,v $
Revision 1.1  2004/08/05 11:11:58  malcolm
Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler.  It isn't very good,
but it is better than nothing.  I've been using it for about four years
on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository!  It
includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite.
Instructions are in the README.

Revision 1.5  1997/11/25 11:26:56  simonm
quick fix for new version of Happy.

Revision 1.4  1997/03/17 20:35:25  simonpj
More small changes towards 2.02

Revision 1.3  1997/03/14 08:08:08  simonpj
Major update to more-or-less 2.02

Revision 1.2  1996/07/25 21:23:57  partain
Bulk of final changes for 2.01

Revision 1.1  1996/01/08 20:02:36  partain
Initial revision

A happy specification for the happy input language.

> {
> module HappyParser (theHappyParser) where
> import AbstractSyntax
> import Lexer
> import PrelBase
> }

> %name localHappyParser
> %tokentype { Token' }
> %token
>	id_tok		{ Ident' _ }
>	":"		{ Colon }
>	";"		{ Semicolon }
>	"::"		{ DoubleColon }
>	"%%"		{ DoublePercent }
>	"%"		{ Percent }
>	"|"		{ Bar }
>	"{"		{ OpenBrace }
>	"}"		{ ClosingBrace }
>	any_symbol	{ Symbol' _ }
>	any_string	{ String' _ }

> %%

> parser :: { [Production] }
> parser
>	: optCode tokInfos "%%" rules optCode
>				{ reverse $4 }

> rules :: { [Production] }
> rules : rules rule	{ $2 : $1 }
>	| rule		{ [$1] }

> rule :: { Production }
> rule 	: id_tok "::" code id_tok ":" prods	{ ProdProduction (getIdent' $4) [] (ProdTerm $6) }
>  	| id_tok ":" prods			{ ProdProduction (getIdent' $1) [] (ProdTerm $3) }

> prods :: { [Production] }
> prods : prod "|" prods			{ $1 : $3 }
>	| prod					{ [$1] }

> prod :: { Production }
> prod	: prodItems code ";"			{ ProdFactor $1 }
>	| prodItems code			{ ProdFactor $1 }

> prodItems :: { [Production] }
> prodItems
>	: prodItem prodItems			{ $1 : $2 }
>	| 					{ [] }

> prodItem :: { Production }
> prodItem
>	: any_string				{ ProdTerminal (getString' $1) }
>	| id_tok				{ ProdNonterminal (getIdent' $1) }

> tokInfos :: { () } 
> tokInfos 
>	: tokInfo tokInfos		{ () }
>	| tokInfo			{ () }

> tokInfo :: { () }
> tokInfo
>	: "%" id_tok tokInfoRest	{ () }

> tokInfoRest :: { () }
> tokInfoRest
>	: code				{ () }
>	| id_tok			{ () }
>	| tokenList			{ () }

> tokenList :: { () }
> tokenList
>	: id_tok code tokenList		{ () }
>	| any_string code tokenList		{ () }
>	| 			{ () }

here goes optCode:

> optCode :: { () }
> optCode 
>	: code			{ () }
>	| 					{ () }

> code :: { () }
> code 	: "{" codeBody "}"	{ () }

> codeBody :: { () }
> codeBody
>	: codeItem codeBody	{ () }
>       | codeItem		{ () }

> codeItem :: { () }
> codeItem
>	: any_string		{ () }
>	| id_tok		{ () }
>	| code			{ () }
>	| any_symbol		{ () }
>	| ":"    { () }
>	| ";"	 { () }
>	| "::"   { () }
>	| "|"    { () }
>	| "%%"	 { () }
>	| "%"	 { () }

> {

> happyError :: [Token'] -> a
> happyError ts = error ("Parse error in line " ++ show 0 ++
>                          case ts of
>                          [] -> " (at EOF)\n"
>                          _  ->  "\n" ++ show (take 20 ts) ++ "\n")

A preprocessor for literal scripts (slow)

> unlit :: String -> String
> unlit = unlines . map (tail.tail) . filter p . lines
>     where p ('>':' ':_)  = True
>           p ('>':'\t':_) = True
>           p _            = False

A postprocessor to make happy happy.

> data Token' = Ident' String | Symbol' String | String' String
>             | Percent | DoublePercent | OpenBrace | ClosingBrace
>             | Colon | Semicolon | DoubleColon | Bar

> instance Show Token' where
>   showsPrec n (Ident' s) = showChar '[' . showString s . showString "] "
>   showsPrec n (Symbol' s) = showChar '<' . showString s . showString "> "
>   showsPrec n (String' s) = showChar '"' . showString s . showString "\" "
>   showsPrec n Percent = showString "% "
>   showsPrec n DoublePercent = showString "%% "
>   showsPrec n OpenBrace  = showString "{ "
>   showsPrec n ClosingBrace = showString "} "
>   showsPrec n Colon = showString ": "
>   showsPrec n Semicolon = showString "; "
>   showsPrec n DoubleColon = showString ":: "

> postlexer = map f
>   where f (Symbol "%%") = DoublePercent
>         f (Symbol "%")  = Percent
>         f (Symbol "{")  = OpenBrace
>         f (Symbol "}")  = ClosingBrace
>         f (Symbol "::") = DoubleColon
>         f (Symbol ":")  = Colon
>         f (Symbol ";")  = Semicolon
>         f (Symbol "|")  = Bar
>         f (Symbol s)    = Symbol' s
>         f (Ident  s)    = Ident' s
>         f (String s)    = String' s

> getIdent' (Ident' x) = x
> getString' (String' x) = x

> theHappyParser = localHappyParser . postlexer . lexer . unlit

> }

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