-- Copyright 1994 by Peter Thiemann
-- $Log: PsOutput.hs,v $
-- Revision 1.1 2004/08/05 11:11:58 malcolm
-- Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler. It isn't very good,
-- but it is better than nothing. I've been using it for about four years
-- on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository! It
-- includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite.
-- Instructions are in the README.
-- Revision 1.2 1999/01/18 19:38:47 sof
-- Misc (backward compatible) changes to make srcs acceptable
-- to a Haskell 98 compiler.
-- Revision 1.1 1996/01/08 20:02:34 partain
-- Initial revision
-- Revision 1.4 1994/03/15 15:34:53 thiemann
-- added full color support, XColorDB based
--Revision 1.3 1993/08/31 12:31:32 thiemann
--Reflect changes in type FONT
--Revision 1.2 1993/08/25 15:11:11 thiemann
--added PostScript prolog to use shorter command names
--fixed backslash bug in psString
--Revision 1.1 1993/08/17 12:34:29 thiemann
--Initial revision
-- $Locker: $
module PsOutput (psShowsWrapper) where
-- import EbnfLayout
import Fonts (FONT, fontName, fontScale, noFont)
import Color (Color (..), showsPsColor, noColor)
import Info (Container (..), GObject (..), TDirection (..), WrapperType (..), INFO(..), ColorInfo(..))
-- psState = (currentColor, currentFont, currentLinewidth)
type PsState = (Color, FONT, Int, ShowS)
type PsTrafo = PsState -> PsState
initialState :: PsState
initialState = (noColor, noFont, -1, id)
setColor :: Color -> PsTrafo
setColor clr st@(clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower)
| clr == clr0 = st
| otherwise = (clr, fnt0, lw0, shower . showsPsColor clr)
setFont :: FONT -> PsTrafo
setFont font st@(clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower)
| font == fnt0 = st
| otherwise = (clr0, font, lw0,
shower .
showString ('/':fontName font) . showString " findfont " .
shows (fontScale font) . showString " scalefont" .
showString " setfont\n")
setLineWidth :: Int -> PsTrafo
setLineWidth lw st@(clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower)
| lw == lw0 = st
| otherwise = (clr0, fnt0, lw, shower . showsPsNum lw . showString " slw\n")
drawBox :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> PsTrafo
drawBox rounded ax ay width height lw (clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower) =
(clr0, fnt0, lw,
shower . showsPsNum ax . showsPsNum ay .
showsPsNum width . showsPsNum height . showsPsNum lw .
showString (if rounded then " RBox\n" else " Box\n"))
drawString :: Int -> Int -> String -> PsTrafo
drawString ax ay str (clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower) =
(clr0, fnt0, lw0,
shower .
showsMoveto ax ay .
showChar '(' . showString (psString str) . showChar ')' .
showString " show\n")
drawRLine :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> PsTrafo
drawRLine ax ay rels (clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower) =
(clr0, fnt0, lw0,
shower .
showString "n" .
showsMoveto ax ay .
foldr (.) (showString " s\n") [ showsRLineto rx ry | (rx, ry) <- rels ])
insertShowS :: ShowS -> PsTrafo
insertShowS shower1 (clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower) = (clr0, fnt0, lw0, shower . shower1)
runTrafo :: PsTrafo -> ShowS
runTrafo f = shower where
(_, _, _, shower) = f initialState
psShowsWrapper :: WrapperType
psShowsWrapper title
(borderDistX, borderDistY, lineWidth, fatLineWidth, arrowSize, ntFont, tFont,
(ntColor, tColor, lineColor, fatLineColor))
container@(rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, gobj) =
showString "%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n" .
showString "%%DocumentFonts: " .
showString ntFontName .
(if ntFontName == tFontName then id else (showChar ' ' . showString tFontName)) .
showString "\n%%Title: " . showString title .
showString "\n%%Creator: ebnf2ps (Copyright 1994 by Peter Thiemann)\n" .
showString "%%Pages: 0\n" .
showString "%%BoundingBox:" .
showsPsNum (psFloor rx) . showsPsNum (psFloor ry) .
showsPsNum (psCeil (rx+width)) . showsPsNum (psCeil (ry+height)) .
showString "\n%%EndComments\n" .
showString psProlog .
showString "%%EndProlog\n" .
showString "\n$Ebnf2psBegin\n" .
runTrafo (psShowsContainer rx ry container) .
showString "\n$Ebnf2psEnd\n"
ntFontName = fontName ntFont
tFontName = fontName tFont
psShowsContainer :: Int -> Int -> Container -> PsTrafo
psShowsContainer ax ay (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, gobj) =
case gobj of
AString color font theString ->
drawString ax1 ay1 theString .
setColor color .
setFont font
ABox color rounded content ->
psShowsContainer ax1 ay1 content .
drawBox rounded ax1 ay1 width height fatLineWidth .
setColor color
Arrow color size ->
drawRLine (ax1-size) (ay1+abs size) [(size, -abs size), (-size, -abs size)] .
setLineWidth lineWidth .
setColor color
Aline color ->
drawRLine ax1 ay1 [(width, height)] .
setLineWidth lineWidth .
setColor color
ATurn color dir ->
showString "n" .
showsIt dir .
showString " s\n") .
setLineWidth lineWidth .
setColor color
showsIt SE = showsMoveto ax1 ay1 .
showsArcto ax1 (ay1+height) (ax1+width) (ay1+height) radius .
showsLineto (ax1+width) (ay1+height)
showsIt WN = showsMoveto ax1 ay1 .
showsArcto (ax1+width) ay1 (ax1+width) (ay1+height) radius .
showsLineto (ax1+width) (ay1+height)
showsIt SW = showsMoveto (ax1+width) ay1 .
showsArcto (ax1+width) (ay1+height) ax1 (ay1+height) radius .
showsLineto ax1 (ay1+height)
showsIt NE = showsMoveto (ax1+width) ay1 .
showsArcto ax1 ay1 ax1 (ay1+height) radius .
showsLineto ax1 (ay1+height)
radius = min height width
AComposite contents ->
foldr (.) id (map (psShowsContainer ax1 ay1) contents)
ax1 = ax + rx
ay1 = ay + ry
-- showsPsColor color = showString " col" . showsColor color
showsSetlinewidth lineWidth = showsPsNum lineWidth . showString " slw"
showsMoveto x y = showsPsXY x y . showString " m"
showsLineto x y = showsPsXY x y . showString " l"
showsArcto x1 y1 x2 y2 r = showsPsXY x1 y1 . showsPsXY x2 y2 . showsPsNum r .
showString " apr\n"
showsRMoveto x y = showsPsXY x y . showString " rm"
showsRLineto x y = showsPsXY x y . showString " rl"
showsPsXY x y = showsPsNum x . showsPsNum y
showsPsNum :: Int -> ShowS
showsPsNum x = showChar ' ' . shows x100 .
if x99 == 0 then id
else showChar '.' . shows x1 . shows x2
where (x100,x99) = x `divMod` 100
(x1,x2) = x99 `divMod` 10
psFloor, psCeil :: Int -> Int
psFloor x = 100 * (x `div` 100)
psCeil x = 100 * ((x + 99) `div` 100)
-- showsPsInt :: Int -> showS
-- showsPsInt x = showChar ' ' . showInt (x `div` 100)
psString "" = ""
psString ('(':cs) = "\\(" ++ psString cs
psString (')':cs) = "\\)" ++ psString cs
psString ('\\':cs)= "\\\\" ++ psString cs
psString ('-':cs) = "\\261" ++ psString cs -- endash looks much nicer
psString (c:cs) = c:psString cs
-- Box: width height linewidth Box -> -
-- draw box at current point
psProlog :: String
psProlog = "\
\/$Ebnf2psDict 100 dict def\n\
\$Ebnf2psDict begin\n\
\/l {lineto} bind def\n\
\/m {moveto} bind def\n\
\/rl {rlineto} bind def\n\
\/rm {rmoveto} bind def\n\
\/s {stroke} bind def\n\
\/n {newpath} bind def\n\
\/gs {gsave} bind def\n\
\/gr {grestore} bind def\n\
\/clp {closepath} bind def\n\
\/slw {setlinewidth} bind def\n\
\/graycol {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul\n\
\4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor} bind def\n\
\/scol {3 {255 div 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor} bind def\n\
\ \
\/apr {arcto 4 {pop} repeat} def\n\
\/Box {\n\
\ /linewidth exch def\n\
\ linewidth sub /height exch def\n\
\ linewidth sub /width exch def\n\
\ \
\ n m\n\
\ width 0 rl\n\
\ 0 height rl\n\
\ width neg 0 rl\n\
\ 0 height neg rl\n\
\ clp linewidth slw s\n\
\} def\n\
\ \
\/RBox {\n\
\ /linewidth exch def\n\
\ /height exch def\n\
\ /width exch def\n\
\ /lly exch def\n\
\ /llx exch def\n\
\ linewidth 2 div dup llx add /llx exch def lly add /lly exch def\n\
\ /height height linewidth sub def\n\
\ /width width linewidth sub def\n\
\ /height2 height 2 div def\n\
\ /width2 width 2 div def\n\
\ /urx llx width add def\n\
\ /ury lly height add def\n\
\ /mmx llx width2 add def\n\
\ /mmy lly height2 add def\n\
\ /radius width2 height2 ge {height2} {width2} ifelse def\n\
\ \
\ n mmx lly m\n\
\ urx lly urx mmy radius apr\n\
\ urx ury mmx ury radius apr\n\
\ llx ury llx mmy radius apr\n\
\ llx lly mmx lly radius apr\n\
\ mmx lly l\n\
\ clp linewidth slw s\n\
\} def\n\
\/$Ebnf2psBegin {$Ebnf2psDict begin /$Ebnf2psEnteredState save def} def\n\
\/$Ebnf2psEnd {$Ebnf2psEnteredState restore end} def\n\