convection term
XZ, 24/10/91
Modified to employ S_array.
The way in which the c_mat is constructed is also changed.
The new implementation is more efficient.
XZ, 7/2/92
Removed a bug
XZ, 25/2/92
module C_matrix ( c_mat ) where
import Defs
import S_Array -- not needed w/ proper module handling
import Norm -- ditto
import Asb_routs
-- Element convection matrix. --
-- Used in "c_mat". --
cc_list ::
cc_list =
select [a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16],
select [a12,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26],
select [a13,a23,a33,a34,a35,a36],
select [a14,a24,a34,a44,a45,a46],
select [a15,a25,a35,a45,a55,a56],
select [a16,a26,a36,a46,a56,a66]
select = \tup_list ->
map select1 tup_list,
map select2 tup_list,
map select3 tup_list,
map select4 tup_list,
map select5 tup_list,
map select6 tup_list
select1 = \(x,_,_,_,_,_) -> x
select2 = \(_,x,_,_,_,_) -> x
select3 = \(_,_,x,_,_,_) -> x
select4 = \(_,_,_,x,_,_) -> x
select5 = \(_,_,_,_,x,_) -> x
select6 = \(_,_,_,_,_,x) -> x
c4 = 4 :: Frac_type
c9 = (-9) :: Frac_type
c11 = 11 :: Frac_type
c12 = 12 :: Frac_type
c16 = (-16) :: Frac_type
c18 = (-18) :: Frac_type
c20 = (-20) :: Frac_type
c24 = 24 :: Frac_type
c32 = (-32) :: Frac_type
c48 = (-48) :: Frac_type
c78 = 78 :: Frac_type
c80 = 80 :: Frac_type
c96 = (-96) :: Frac_type
c120 = 120 :: Frac_type
c128 = 128 :: Frac_type
c160 = 160 :: Frac_type
c192 = 192 :: Frac_type
c384 = 384 :: Frac_type
a11 = (c78,c18,c18,(c24,c24),(c24,c120),(c24,c120))
a12 = (c9,c9,c11,(c4,c16),(c4,c16),(c16,c16))
a13 = (c9,c11,c9,(c16,c4),(c16,c16),(c4,c16))
a14 = (c12,c20,c20,(c48,c48),(c48,c16),(c48,c16))
a15 = ((-c48),c16,c32,(c32,c16),(c32,(-c48)),(c16,(-c48)))
a16 = ((-c48),c32,c16,(c16,c32),(c16,(-c48)),(c32,(-c48)))
a22 = (c18,c78,c18,(c24,c120),(c24,c24),(c120,c24))
a23 = (c11,c9,c9,(c16,c16),(c16,c4),(c16,c4))
a24 = (c16,(-c48),c32,(c32,(-c48)),(c32,c16),((-c48),c16))
a25 = (c20,c12,c20,(c48,c16),(c48,c48),(c16,c48))
a26 = (c32,(-c48),c16,(c16,(-c48)),(c16,c32),((-c48),c32))
a33 = (c18,c18,c78,(c120,c24),(c120,c24),(c24,c24))
a34 = (c16,c32,(-c48),((-c48),c32),((-c48),c16),(c32,c16))
a35 = (c32,c16,(-c48),((-c48),c16),((-c48),c32),(c16,c32))
a36 = (c20,c20,c12,(c16,c48),(c16,c48),(c48,c48))
a44 = (c96,c160,c160,(c384,c384),(c384,c128),(c384,c128))
a45 = ((-c16),(-c16),c80,(c192,c128),(c192,c128),(c128,c128))
a46 = ((-c16),c80,(-c16),(c128,c192),(c128,c128),(c192,c128))
a55 = (c160,c96,c160,(c384,c128),(c384,c384),(c128,c384))
a56 = (c80,(-c16),(-c16),(c128,c128),(c128,c192),(c128,c192))
a66 = (c160,c160,c96,(c128,c384),(c128,c384),(c384,c384))
-- Converction term. --
-- Used in "get_rh1". --
-- Calls "cc_mat". --
:: My_Array Int (((Frac_type,Frac_type,Frac_type),
-> ([Frac_type],[Frac_type]) -> [Frac_type])
c_mat = -- parameter: element_factors velocities
s_listArray bnds
( map
\ (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6) ->
( \ (gd1,gd2,gd3) u ->
map (\ col->list_match_prod col u)
map ((*) gd1) col1,
map ((*) gd2) col2,
map ((*) gd3) col3,
map (f' gd2 gd3) col4,
map (f' gd1 gd3) col5,
map (f' gd1 gd2) col6
] ) `bindTo` ( \ f ->
(\ (y1,y2) (u1,u2) -> zipWith (+) (f y1 u1) (f y2 u2)) )
) cc_list
f' = \g1 g2 x -> (fst x) * g1 + (snd x) * g2
bnds = (1,v_nodel)
bindTo x k = k x -- essentially Haskell 1.0 "let"