Constant definition module. Used every where.
XZ, 24/10/91
Modified to define My_Array
XZ, 19/2/92
module Defs (
Frac_type, My_Array, v_nodel, p_nodel,
large_scalor, small, large
) where
import S_Array
import Norm -- not needed w/ proper module handling
type Frac_type = Float
type My_Array a b = S_array b
-- number of velocity nodes in an element --
v_nodel = 6 :: Int
-- number of pressure nodes in an element --
p_nodel = 3 :: Int
large_scalor = 1.0e20 :: Frac_type
large = 1.0e20 :: Frac_type
small = 1.0e-40 :: Frac_type