This is a substitute for module PreludeArray oriented
to sparse arrays. Arrays are constructed using binary
radix tries. Signatures of functions are kept as close as
possible to their standard counterparts (index type is
restricted to Int).
This module also includes some extra functions
specifically for sparse array operations.
XZ, 19/2/92
module S_Array (
S_array, -- counterpart of Array
s_array, -- counterparts of array
s_def_array, -- new
s_listArray, -- counterparts of listArray
s_def_listArray, -- new
(!^), -- counterpart of (!)
s_bounds, -- counterpart of bounds
s_indices, -- counterpart of indices
s_elems, -- counterpart of elems
s_assocs, -- counterpart of assocs
s_accumArray, -- counterpart of accumArray
(//^), -- counterpart of (//)
s_accum, -- counterpart of accum
s_amap, -- counterpart of amap
s_ixmap, -- counterpart of ixmap
sparse_assocs {-, -- new
Norm.. partain: NOT YET ************** -}
import Norm
import Array--1.3
import Ix--1.3
import List -- 1.3
infixl 9 !^
infixl 9 //^
infix 4 :^:
type Assoc a b = (a,b)
definitions of data types
-- data type of index
type Ix_type = Int
-- data type of default value
--1.3:data Maybe a =
-- Nothing | Just a
-- deriving (Eq)
-- data type of radix trie
data Bin_Trie a =
Null | Leaf a | (Bin_Trie a) :^: (Bin_Trie a)
--deriving ()
-- data type of sparse array
data S_array a =
Mk_t_Array (Ix_type,Ix_type) Ix_type (Maybe a) (Bin_Trie a)
--deriving ()
function signatures
s_array :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
s_def_array :: (Eq a) =>
(Ix_type,Ix_type) -> a -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
s_listArray :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [a] -> S_array a
s_def_listArray :: (Eq a) =>
(Ix_type,Ix_type) -> a -> [a] -> S_array a
(!^) :: S_array a -> Ix_type -> a
s_bounds :: S_array a -> (Ix_type,Ix_type)
s_indices :: S_array a -> [Ix_type]
s_elems :: S_array a -> [a]
s_assocs :: S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
sparse_assocs :: S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
s_accumArray :: (Eq a) =>
(a->b->a) -> a -> (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type b] -> S_array a
(//^) :: (Eq a) =>
S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
s_accum :: (Eq a) =>
(a->b->a) -> S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type b] -> S_array a
--hbc doesn't like: s_amap :: (b->a) -> S_array b -> S_array a
s_ixmap ::
(Ix_type,Ix_type) -> (Ix_type->Ix_type) -> S_array a -> S_array a
declarations of exported functions
s_array b@(b1,_) asocs =
if check_as b asocs -- check if indices are within bounds
then -- ok
-- do construction
-- radix trie is generated from [Assoc Ix_type a] by gen_trie
-- default value is set to Nothing
Mk_t_Array b sz Nothing
(gen_trie sz (convt_as b1 asocs))
else err_out
sz = size b
-- new function, refer s_array for comments
s_def_array b@(b1,_) def_v asocs =
if check_as b asocs
-- default value is set to (Just dev_v)
Mk_t_Array b sz (Just def_v)
(gen_trie sz (convt_as b1 new_as))
else err_out
sz = size b
-- remove trivial associations
new_as =
filter (\(i,v)->v/=def_v) asocs
s_listArray b vs =
-- default value is set to Nothing
Mk_t_Array b (size b) Nothing
-- radix trie is generated from [a] by gen_trie_from_list
(gen_trie_from_list (height b)
(map Leaf (take (b_size b) vs)))
-- new function
s_def_listArray b def_v vs =
-- default value is set to (Just dev_v)
Mk_t_Array b (size b) (Just def_v)
-- radix trie is generated from [a] by gen_trie_from_list
(gen_trie_from_list (height b) (map convt (take (b_size b) vs)))
-- remove trivial values
convt = \x ->
if (x == def_v)
then Null
else Leaf x
(!^) a@(Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) i =
if inRange b i -- check index
then get_v_from_trie (find_leaf b_trie sz (i-b1)) default_v
else err_out
s_bounds (Mk_t_Array b _ _ _) = b
s_indices = range.s_bounds
s_elems (Mk_t_Array b sz default_v b_trie) =
-- flatten a radix trie
flatten (b_size b) sz b_trie
def_v = get_just_v default_v
flatten n s (t1 :^: t2) = l1 ++ l2
l1 = flatten (min s' n) s' t1
l2 = flatten (max 0 (n-s')) s' t2
s' = s `div` 2
flatten n _ Null = [ def_v | i <- range (1,n) ]
flatten _ _ (Leaf v) = [v]
s_assocs a =
zipWith (\x y->(x,y)) (s_indices a) (s_elems a)
-- new function for obtaining non-trivial associations
sparse_assocs (Mk_t_Array (b1,_) sz _ b_trie) =
flatten_sparse b1 sz b_trie
flatten_sparse n s (br1:^:br2) =
(flatten_sparse n s' br1) ++ (flatten_sparse (n+s') s' br2)
where s' = s `div` 2
flatten_sparse _ _ Null = []
flatten_sparse n _ (Leaf v) = [(n,v)]
(//^) (Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) asocs =
if check_as b asocs
if undefinedd default_v -- check if default is defined
-- not defined, directly update
Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
(do_update b_trie sz (convt_as b1 asocs))
-- defined, convert trivials (to Null) than update
Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
(do_update b_trie sz (map_as b1 (map convt asocs)))
else err_out
def_v = get_just_v default_v
-- conversion function
convt = \(i,v) ->
if ( v==def_v )
then (i,Null)
else (i,Leaf v)
-- trie update function
do_update br _ [] = br
do_update br s as =
case br of
(br1 :^: br2) ->
fork (do_update br1 s' as1) (do_update br2 s' (map_as s' as2))
s' = s `div` 2
(as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
Null -> gen_trie s as
(Leaf _) ->
case as of
[(_,v)] -> v
_ -> err_multi
s_accum f (Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) asocs =
if check_as b asocs
Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
(do_accum b_trie sz (map_as b1 asocs))
else err_out
defed = not (undefinedd default_v)
def_v = get_just_v default_v
-- generate a radix trie, slightly different from gen_trie
gen_a_trie _ [] = Null
gen_a_trie 1 as = gen_leaf def_v as
gen_a_trie s as =
fork (gen_a_trie s' as1) (gen_a_trie s' (map_as s' as2))
s' = s `div` 2
(as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
-- generate a leaf with accumulated value
gen_leaf v as =
if defed && (x == def_v)
then Null
else Leaf x
where x = foldl f v (map (\(_,v')->v') as)
-- update radix trie with accumulated values
do_accum br _ [] = br
do_accum br s as =
case br of
(br1 :^: br2) ->
fork (do_accum br1 s' as1) (do_accum br2 s' (map_as s' as2))
s' = s `div` 2
(as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
Null -> gen_a_trie s as
(Leaf v) -> gen_leaf v as
s_accumArray f z b =
s_accum f (Mk_t_Array b (size b) (Just z) Null)
s_amap f (Mk_t_Array b sz default_v b_trie) =
Mk_t_Array b sz new_def_v (do_replace b_trie)
-- modify default value if necessary
new_def_v =
if undefinedd default_v
then default_v
else Just ((f.get_just_v) default_v)
-- function for replacing leaves with new values
do_replace br =
case br of
(br1 :^: br2) ->
fork (do_replace br1) (do_replace br2)
Null -> br
(Leaf v) -> Leaf (f v)
s_ixmap b f (Mk_t_Array (b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) =
Mk_t_Array b (size b) default_v
(gen_trie_from_list (height b)
(map (find_leaf b_trie sz)
(map (\i->(f i)-b1) (range b))))
declarations of internal functions
-- error functions
err_out = error "s_array: index out of range!"
err_undefed = error "s_array: value not defined!"
err_multi = error "s_array: multiple value definitions!"
-- functions operating on [Assoc Ix_type a]
convt_as ::
Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)]
convt_as = \s -> map (\ (i,v) -> ((i-s),Leaf v))
map_as :: Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
map_as = \s -> map (\ (i,v)->((i-s),v))
check_as :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> Bool
check_as = \b asocs -> and (map (\(i , _) -> inRange b i) asocs)
-- functions for generating radix tries
-- generate a trie from [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)]
gen_trie :: Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)] -> Bin_Trie a
gen_trie _ [] = Null
gen_trie 1 [(_,v)] = v
gen_trie 1 _ = err_multi
gen_trie s as =
fork (gen_trie s' as1) (gen_trie s' (map_as s' as2))
s' = s `div` 2
(as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
-- generate a trie from [(Bin_Trie a)]
gen_trie_from_list :: Ix_type -> [Bin_Trie a] -> Bin_Trie a
gen_trie_from_list _ [] = Null
gen_trie_from_list 0 [t] = t
gen_trie_from_list n sub_ts =
gen_trie_from_list (n-1) (groop sub_ts )
-- group subtries
groop :: [Bin_Trie a] -> [Bin_Trie a]
groop (t1:t2:rest) = (fork t1 t2) : (groop rest)
groop [t] = [fork t Null]
groop _ = []
-- generate a fork
fork :: Bin_Trie a -> Bin_Trie a -> Bin_Trie a
fork Null Null = Null
fork br1 br2 = br1 :^: br2
-- testing functions
-- test if a trie is empty
empty_trie :: Bin_Trie a -> Bool
empty_trie Null = True
empty_trie _ = False
-- test if a default value is defined
undefinedd :: Maybe a -> Bool
undefinedd Nothing = True
undefinedd _ = False
-- value retrieve functions
-- locate a leaf ( or a Null node )
find_leaf :: Bin_Trie a -> Ix_type -> Ix_type -> Bin_Trie a
find_leaf = \t s k ->
case t of
(t1 :^: t2) ->
find_leaf t' s' (if k<s' then k else (k-s'))
s' = s `div` 2
t' = if k<s' then t1 else t2
_ -> t
get_just_v :: (Maybe a) -> a
get_just_v (Just v) = v
get_just_v _ = err_undefed
get_leaf_v :: (Bin_Trie a) -> a
get_leaf_v (Leaf v) = v
get_leaf_v _ = err_undefed
get_v_from_trie :: (Bin_Trie a) -> (Maybe a) -> a
get_v_from_trie (Leaf v) _ = v
get_v_from_trie _ (Just v) = v
get_v_from_trie _ _ = err_undefed
-- functions for calculating sizes
height :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
height = \b@(b1,b2) ->
if b1<=b2
then ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (b_size b)))
--partain: could use: then ceiling ((logBase (2::Float) ((fromIntegral (b_size b))::Float)) ::Float)
else 0
size :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
size = \b@(b1,b2) ->
if b1<=b2
then (2::Ix_type)^(height b)
else 0
b_size :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
b_size = \(b1,b2) ->
if b1<=b2
then b2-b1+1
else 0
definitions of (==) on S_array
instance (Eq a) => Eq (S_array a) where
(Mk_t_Array b1 sz d1 b_trie1) == (Mk_t_Array b2 _ d2 b_trie2) =
b1 == b2 && eq_trie leaf_no sz b_trie1 b_trie2
leaf_no = b_size b1
eq_def = d1 == d2
-- partain: added sig
eq_trie :: (Eq b) => Ix_type -> Ix_type -> Bin_Trie b -> Bin_Trie b -> Bool
eq_trie 0 _ _ _ = True
eq_trie l s (lb1:^:rb1) (lb2:^:rb2) =
eq_trie (min s' l) s' lb1 lb2 &&
eq_trie (max 0 (l-s')) s' rb1 rb2
s' = s `div` 2
eq_trie _ _ Null Null = eq_def
eq_trie _ _ (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = x == y
eq_trie _ _ _ _ = False
definitions for class Text
instance (Show a) =>
Show (S_array a) where
showsPrec p a =
showParen (p>9) (
showString "array " .
shows (s_bounds a) . showChar ' ' .
shows (s_assocs a))
instance (Read a) =>
Read (S_array a) where
readsPrec p =
readParen (p>9)
(\r ->
[ (s_array b as, u) |
("array", s) <- lex r,
(b,t)<- reads s,
(as,u) <- reads t
[ (s_listArray b xs, u) |
("listArray",s) <- lex r,
(b,t) <- reads s,
(xs,u) <- reads t
instance (Show a) =>
Show (Bin_Trie a) where
showsPrec p t =
case t of
Null -> showString "Null"
(Leaf m) ->
showParen (p>9)
(showString "Leaf " . showsPrec 10 m)
(u:^:v) ->
showParen (p>4)
(showsPrec 5 u . showString " :^: " . showsPrec 5 v)
instance (Normal a) => Normal (Bin_Trie a) where
normal (b1 :^: b2) = normal b1 `andAnd` normal b2
normal (Leaf v) = normal v
normal Null = True
instance (Normal a) => Normal (Maybe a) where
normal (Just v) = normal v
normal Nothing = True
instance (Normal a) => Normal (S_array a) where
normal a@(Mk_t_Array b s def_v b_trie)
| normal b `andAnd` normal s `andAnd` normal def_v `andAnd` normal b_trie = True