-- Patricia Fasel
-- Los Alamos National Laboratory
-- 1990 August
module Consts (cylLen,cylLen2,cylRad,cylRad2,wgtCut,wgtCut2,ergCut,
ne,nt,ns,nek,nwk,nr,nsp,nc,nnc,nrk,wrl,wrg) where
cylLen,cylLen2,cylRad,cylRad2,wgtCut,wgtCut2,ergCut,big,small,nothing :: Double
cylLen = 20.0 -- cylinder length
cylLen2 = cylLen + 10.0 -- cylinder length squared
cylRad = 1.0 -- cylinder radius
cylRad2 = cylRad * cylRad -- cylinder radius squared
big = 100.0
small = 0.0000001
nothing = -30.0 -- bad value in xsect table
wgtCut = 0.5 -- weight cutoff of a particle
wgtCut2 = wgtCut * wgtCut -- weight cutoff squared
ergCut = 0.001 -- energy cutoff in pair
scatter,escape,transit,numExit,numLev,numStat :: Int
ne,nt,ns,nek,nwk,nr,nsp,nc,nnc,nrk,wrl,wrg :: Int
scatter = 1
escape = 2
transit = 3
numExit = 3
numLev = 35
numStat = 12 -- number of statistics
ne = 1 -- number of escapes
nt = 2 -- number of transits
ns = 3 -- number of scatters
nek = 4 -- number of energy kills
nwk = 5 -- number of weight kills
nr = 6 -- number of roulettes
nsp = 7 -- number of splits
nc = 8 -- number of collisions
nnc = 9 -- number of noncollisions
nrk = 10 -- number of roulette kills
wrl = 11 -- weight in roulette lost
wrg = 12 -- weight in roulette gained