module Comparing (above,cmp) where
import Numbers
import Vectors
import EdgePlate
import Preds
import Solve
import Geometric
import Cross
import List(nub)--1.3
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-- section 8: Comparing
cmp :: Plate -> [Edge] -> [Edge]
cmp p ls = concat [comp l p| l<-ls]
comp :: Edge -> Plate -> [Edge]
comp l p@(Plt _ ks) =
if inS && inT then []
else if crosses==[] then [l]
else if inS && not inT then [edgeT w (t l)]
else if not inS && inT then [edgeT (s l) v]
else [edgeT (s l) v, edgeT w (t l)]
inS = s(l) `into` p
inT = t(l) `into` p
crosses = nub [p| k<-ks, (p,q)<-cross l k]
cr1 = head crosses
cr2 = last crosses
(v,w) = if len(s(l)-cr1) <= len(s(l)-cr2)
then (cr1,cr2)
else (cr2,cr1)
-- ls `above` ks means that the edges of ks have to be inspected
-- individually, and hidden where lying inside ls.
-- Be careful not to call 'alt ls' when ls is vertical
above :: Plate -> Plate -> Bool
ls `above` ks =
if vertical ls
then if vertical ks
then or [z(p) > z(q)| p<-olk, q<-okl]
else or [ z(p) > alt ks p| p<-olk]
else if vertical ks
then or [alt ls q > z(q) | q<-okl]
else or [alt ls p > alt ks p| p<-ovl]
where olk = overlap ls ks
okl = overlap ks ls
ovl = nub ([proj p|p<-olk]++[proj p|p<-okl])