Test function: Runs the Linear System Solver (Bi-CGSTAB).
Provides a variety of data sets and evaluation modes to excercise
the Bi-CGSTAB iterative algorithm employing the Full Factorization
preconditioning strategy.
Written by Brian D. Moe (Summer 1990)
Modified by Kamini Shenoi (Summer 1991)
Converted to Haskell by Ian R McLelland and Cordelia V Hall (Nov 1992)
Test may be executed by typing in a value of the form:
test <eval_type> <data_type> <data_set> <convergence_criterion>
<eval_type> is one of: none, bilu
none : no preconditioning.
bilu : use preconditioner.
<data_type> is one of: test_data, gcomp_data
test_data : Artificial and contrived test data.
gcomp_data : Linear system generated from actual
reservoir simulations.
<data_set> an integer.
If test_data is used, it indicates the size of the
linear system. If gcomp_data is used, it indicates
which data set to use.
<convergence_criterion> is one of: conv1, conv2
conv1 : (r,r) < 0.000001
conv2 : sqrt(r,r) < 0.0000004
Evaluation Strategy
none : no preconditioning.
bilu : use the preconditioner.
Data Type
test_data : a diagonally dominant simple system
gcomp_data : a "real life" GCOMP linear system
The data set means different things to different data types.
test_data : Data set determines the size of the system.
There will be n^2 rows & columns of blocks.
gcomp_data : The data set indicates which set of files
to read for data.
Convergence Criterion
conv1 : (r,r) < 0.000001
conv2 : sqrt(r,r) < 0.0000004
import Matrix -- matrix implementation
import Input -- read gcomp data files
import Misc -- for timing function and takeuntil
AbsCg imports the actual linear system solver which uses a
simple conjugate gradient method.
Absmatlib imports the preconditioner.
import AbsCg (solve_iters, Cg_state (..), show_state)
import Absmatlib
conv1 (Cg_stateC x r p q c) =
(norm r) < 0.000001
conv2 (Cg_stateC x r p q c) =
sqrt (norm r) < 0.0000004
main resps
= [ReadChan stdin, -- to get input parameters
ReadFile ... , -- all of the data files
AppendChan stdout result] -- the final result
= case (resps !! 0) of
(Str str) -> let (process, data, set, conv) = parseInp str
file1 = getFile1 set (tail resps)
file2a = getFile2a set (tail resps)
file6 = getFile6 set (tail resps)
test process data set file1 ... file6a conv
_ -> error "bad read on input"
1) write parseInp (give read a signature which does the parse)
2) write getFile functions
3) alter test, test' so that instead of propagating set,
the files are passed to the appropriate function. For
example, pass file5 to soln_vect, but just pass set to
4) change soln_vect, gmat, etc. so that they get the file, not
5) change readmtx, etc. so that x becomes "file"; no call
to doread, etc. needed.
main = putStr result
result = test bilu test_data 4 conv2
test_data = hard_data
noscale a b = (a,b)
noprecond a b = b
test process data' set conv =
run (test' process data' set conv,
process ++ "/" ++ data' ++ "/" ++ (show set))
test' process data' set conv
= header ++ output ++ "\n"
output =
concat (map (show_state soln) iterations)
iterations =
takeuntil conv (take maxiters all_iterations)
all_iterations =
solve_iters scale precond a b
= case process of
"bilu" -> (doscale,doprecond numwells)
"none" -> (noscale,noprecond)
_ -> error usage
= case data' of
"easy_data" -> (a_easy set, x1 set, mvmult a soln, 0)
"hard_data" -> (a_hard set, x1 set, mvmult a soln, 0)
"gcomp_data" -> (gmat set, soln_vect set, rhside set, wells set)
_ -> error usage
maxiters = 50
usage =
"Usage: test (bilu|none) (test_data|gcomp_data)" ++
" num (conv1|conv2)"
header :: [Char]
header =
"\nIteration norm (x-soln) norm r \n" ++
"========= ============= ======= \n"
easy_data = "easy_data"
hard_data = "hard_data"
gcomp_data = "gcomp_data"
bilu = "bilu"
none = "none"