module Print (printAst, printBasicExp, printEnv) where
import BasicNumber
import BasicNumberApprox
import Ast
import Op
import Parser
import Env
import Eval
import Ratio--1.3
-- print an abstract syntax tree
printAst :: Ast -> Env -> String
printAst (Set name bexp) env = "Set "++name++" to "++(printBasicExp bexp env)
printAst (EvalSet name bexp) env =
"Eval\t"++(printBasicExp bexp env)++"\n"++
"Set\t"++name++" to "
printAst (Eval bexp) env = "Eval "++(printBasicExp bexp env)
printAst SyntaxError _ = "Syntax error"
printAst NullCmd _ = ""
-- print a basic expression
printBasicExp :: BasicExp -> Env -> String
printBasicExp = printExp 10
-- print an expression with a precedence argument
printExp :: Int -> BasicExp -> Env -> String
printExp p (Func name args) env =
case opname of
"" -> name++"("++(printArgs args env)++")"
(x:xs) -> printOp p opname args env
opname = case args of
[arg1,arg2] -> toOp name
[arg] -> toOp1 name
_ -> ""
printExp _ (Numb n) env = mybasicNumber2str n (getPrec env)
printExp _ (Var s) _ = s
printExp _ (EVar s) _ = s
printExp _ BSError _ = "ERROR"
-- print the arguments
printArgs :: [BasicExp] -> Env -> String
printArgs [] _ = ""
printArgs [x] env = printBasicExp x env
printArgs (x:xs) env = (printBasicExp x env)++(printArglist xs env)
-- auxilury funtion for printing the arguments
printArglist :: [BasicExp] -> Env -> String
printArglist [] _ = ""
printArglist (x:xs) env = ","++(printBasicExp x env)++(printArglist xs env)
-- print expression with operators
printOp :: Int -> String -> [BasicExp] -> Env -> String
printOp p opname [arg] env =
if mp>p then "("++res++")" else res
res = opname ++ (printExp mp arg env)
mp = opPrec1 opname
printOp p opname [arg1,arg2] env =
if mp>=p then res2
else res1
lmp = if massoc == "left" then mp+1 else mp
rmp = if massoc == "right" then mp+1 else mp
res1 = str1++opname++str2
res2 = "("++res1++")"
mp = opPrec opname
massoc = opAssoc opname
str1 = printExp lmp arg1 env
str2 = printExp rmp arg2 env
printOp _ _ _ _ = ""
-- print an environment
printEnv :: Env -> Env -> String
printEnv [] _ = ""
printEnv (e:es) env = pEnv e env ++ (printEnv es env)
pEnv e@(str, bexp) env =
str++"\t"++(printBasicExp bexp env)++"\n"
mybasicNumber2str :: BasicNumber -> Integer -> String
mybasicNumber2str (BasRationalC x) p =
if numerator sx == 0 then "0"
else if denominator sx == 1 then show (numerator sx)
else "("++(basicNumber2str (BasRationalC sx) p)++")"
where sx = x/1
mybasicNumber2str x p = basicNumber2str x p