module Auto where
import Core_datatype
import Edlib
import Lookup
import Tree
import X_interface
import Vtslib
import Tactics
import Parse
import Type_defs
import Goals
import Globals -- partain
import Tags -- partain
import Kernel
auto_tac = Tactic "Auto" null_arg_fn auto
--split_tac = OrdTactic ("Split",null_arg_fn,split)
auto _ sg lt _ (TrmSpec tm) = auto_tm sg lt tm
auto _ sg lt _ (ThmSpec _) = Bad "Not Applicable"
auto _ sg lt _ (DecSpec dc) = auto_dc sg lt dc
auto _ sg1 lt _ (SgnSpec sg2) = auto_sg sg1 lt sg2
auto_tm sg lt tm = Ok ([], tm_valid (trm_to_Trm sg tm))
auto_dc sg lt dc = Ok ([], dc_valid (dec_to_Dec sg dc))
auto_sg sg0 lt sg = Ok ([], sg_valid (sgn_to_Sgn sg))
tm_valid tm [] = SOME (TrmDone tm)
tm_valid _ _ = NONE
dc_valid dc [] = SOME (DecDone dc)
dc_valid _ _ = NONE
sg_valid sg [] = SOME (SgnDone sg)
sg_valid _ _ = NONE
split _ Sg lt _ (TrmSpec tm) = split_tm Sg lt tm
split _ Sg lt _ (DecSpec dc) = split_dc Sg lt dc
split _ Sg lt _ (SgnSpec sg) = split_sg Sg lt sg
split _ Sg lt _ (ThmSpec _) = Bad "Not Applicable"
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Sym _ _ _ _)
= ([], [], [], lift_null_update Sg lt (tm_valid (trm_to_Trm Sg tm)))
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Constant _ _ _) =
([], [], [], lift_null_update Sg lt (tm_valid (trm_to_Trm Sg tm)))
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Const _ _ _ _ _)
= ([], [], [], lift_null_update Sg lt (tm_valid (trm_to_Trm Sg tm)))
split_tm Sg lt tm@(App tm1 tm2 _ _)
= ([TrmSpec tm1,TrmSpec tm2],[lt,lt],[True,True],
lift_null_update Sg lt app_valid)
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Pair tm1 tm2 tm3 _ _)
= ([TrmSpec tm1,TrmSpec tm2,TrmSpec tm3],[lt,lt,lt],[True,True,True],
lift_null_update Sg lt pair_valid)
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Binder q dc tm1 _ _)
= ([DecSpec dc,TrmSpec tm1],[error "no lt"], [True,False],
binder_valid (binder_fn q) Sg)
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Cond dc tm1 tm2 _ _)
= ([DecSpec dc,TrmSpec tm1,TrmSpec tm2],[error "no lt"],
[True,False,False], cond_valid Sg)
split_tm Sg lt tm@(Unary u tm1 _ _)
([TrmSpec tm1],[lt],[true],
lift_null_update Sg lt (unary_valid (unary_fn u)))
| split_tm Sg lt (tm as Binary (b,tm1,tm2,_,_)) =
([TrmSpec tm1,TrmSpec tm2],[lt,lt],[true,true],
lift_null_update Sg lt (binary_valid (binary_fn b)))
| split_tm Sg lt (tm as Recurse (tmL,ty,_,_)) =
let val tmL1 = tmL @ [ty]
in (map TrmSpec tmL1,
map (fn x => lt) tmL1,
map (fn x => true) tmL1,
lift_null_update Sg lt recurse_valid)
and split_dc Sg lt (dc as Symbol_dec (tm,_)) =
([TrmSpec tm],[lt],[true],
lift_null_update Sg lt (symbol_dec_valid symbol_dec))
| split_dc Sg lt (dc as Axiom_dec (tm,_)) =
([TrmSpec tm],[lt],[true],
lift_null_update Sg lt (symbol_dec_valid axiom_dec))
| split_dc Sg lt (dc as Def (tm,_,_)) =
([TrmSpec tm],[lt],[true],
lift_null_update Sg lt (symbol_dec_valid def))
| split_dc Sg lt (dc as Decpair (dc1,dc2,_)) =
([DecSpec dc1, DecSpec dc2],[lt,extend_lookup_table true dc1 lt],
[true,false], decpair_valid Sg)
| split_dc Sg lt (dc as Data (dcL, tmLL,_)) =
fail "Can't split datatypes yet!"
and split_sg Sg lt (Empty _) = ( [], [],[],
lift_null_update Sg lt (empty_valid) )
| split_sg Sg lt (Extend (dc,sg,_)) =
([SgnSpec sg, DecSpec dc],[lt,extend_lookup_table true dc lt],
[true,false], extend_valid Sg)
| split_sg Sg lt (Combine _) =
fail "Can't split combine yet!"
| split_sg Sg lt (Share _) =
fail "Can't split combine yet!"
and empty_valid [] = SOME (SgnDone empty)
and extend_valid Sg dnL rwL =
case (dnL, rwL)
of ([SOME (SgnDone Sg), SOME (DecDone dc)],_) =>
(rwL,[Sg,Sg],SOME (SgnDone (extend dc Sg)))
| ([SOME (SgnDone Sg), NONE], [true,false]) =>
| _ => (rwL,[Sg,Sg],NONE)
and symbol_dec_valid f [SOME (TrmDone tm)] =
SOME (DecDone (f tm))
and decpair_valid Sg dnL rwL =
case (dnL, rwL)
of ([SOME (DecDone dc1), SOME (DecDone dc2)],_) =>
(rwL,[Sg,extend dc1 Sg],SOME (DecDone (decpair dc2)))
| ([SOME (DecDone dc1), NONE], [true,false]) =>
([true,true],[Sg,extend dc1 Sg],NONE)
| _ => (rwL,[Sg,Sg],NONE)
and app_valid [SOME (TrmDone tm1), SOME (TrmDone tm2)] =
SOME (TrmDone (appl tm1 tm2))
and pair_valid [SOME (TrmDone tm1),SOME (TrmDone tm2),SOME (TrmDone tm3)] =
SOME (TrmDone (pair tm1 tm2 tm3))
and binder_valid binder Sg dnL rwL =
case (dnL, rwL)
of ([SOME (DecDone dc), SOME (TrmDone tm)],_) =>
(rwL,[Sg,extend dc Sg],SOME (TrmDone (binder tm)))
| ([SOME (DecDone dc), NONE], [true,false]) =>
([true,true],[Sg,extend dc Sg],NONE)
| _ => (rwL,[Sg,Sg],NONE)
and cond_valid Sg dnL rwL =
case (dnL, rwL)
of ([SOME (DecDone dc),
SOME (TrmDone tm1),
SOME (TrmDone tm2)],_) =>
[Sg,extend dc Sg],
SOME (TrmDone (conditional tm1 tm2)))
| ([SOME (DecDone dc), NONE,NONE],[true,false,false]) =>
([true,true,true],[Sg,extend dc Sg,extend dc Sg],NONE)
| _ => (rwL,[Sg,Sg,Sg],NONE)
and unary_valid unary [SOME (TrmDone tm1)] =
SOME (TrmDone (unary tm1))
and binary_valid binary [SOME (TrmDone tm1), SOME (TrmDone tm2)] =
SOME (TrmDone (binary tm1 tm2))
and recurse_valid tmL =
if forall (fn SOME _ => true | NONE => false) tmL
then let val (rec_tmL, rec_ty) = split_list tmL
in SOME (TrmDone (recurse rec_tmL rec_ty)) end
else NONE
and split_list [SOME (TrmDone tm)] = ([],tm)
| split_list (SOME (TrmDone x)::l) =
let val (l1,l2) = split_list l in (x::l1,l2) end
and lift_null_update Sg lt vf dnL rwL =
let val dn = vf dnL
in (rwL,for (length rwL) (rep Sg) [], dn) end
and rep Sg l = Sg :: l
and binder_fn Forall = universal
| binder_fn Exists = existential
| binder_fn Lambda = lambda
| binder_fn Imp = implication
| binder_fn Subtype = subtype
| binder_fn Pi = pi
| binder_fn Sigma = sigma
and unary_fn Not = negation
and binary_fn And = conjunction
| binary_fn Or = disjunction
| binary_fn Issubtype = issubtype
| binary_fn Eq' = equal