Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/real/veritas/Core_database.hs
{- * Module for converting vts90 objects into strings and vica-versa -} module Core_database where import Dcore import Sub_Core1 import Sub_Core2 import Sub_Core3 import Sub_Core4 import Vtslib import Core_datatype data Constant_tag = BOOL_TAG | TRUE_TAG | FALSE_TAG | UNIV_TAG deriving (Eq) data Declaration_tag = SYMBOL_DEC_TAG | AXIOM_DEC_TAG | DEF_TAG | DATA_TAG | DECPAIR_TAG deriving (Eq) data Term_tag = SYM_TAG | APP_TAG | PAIR_TAG | BINDER_TAG | CONSTANT_TAG | UNARY_TAG | BINARY_TAG | COND_TAG | CONST_TAG | RECURSE_TAG deriving (Eq) data Signature_tag = EMPTY_TAG | EXTEND_TAG | COMBINE_TAG | SHARE_TAG deriving (Eq) trm_tag_list = [SYM_TAG, APP_TAG, PAIR_TAG, BINDER_TAG, CONSTANT_TAG, UNARY_TAG, BINARY_TAG, COND_TAG, CONST_TAG, RECURSE_TAG] dec_tag_list = [SYMBOL_DEC_TAG, AXIOM_DEC_TAG, DEF_TAG, DATA_TAG, DECPAIR_TAG] sgn_tag_list = [EMPTY_TAG,EXTEND_TAG,COMBINE_TAG,SHARE_TAG] con_tag_list = [BOOL_TAG, TRUE_TAG, FALSE_TAG, UNIV_TAG] unary_tag_list = [Not] binary_tag_list = [Eq',And,Or,Issubtype] binder_tag_list = [Forall,Exists,Imp,Lambda,Pi,Sigma,Subtype,Choose] {- (* Functions for encoding tags *) (* Each function is of type *) (* ???_tag -> string *) -} encode_trm_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag trm_tag_list) encode_dec_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag dec_tag_list) encode_sgn_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag sgn_tag_list) encode_unary_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag unary_tag_list) encode_binary_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag binary_tag_list) encode_binder_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag binder_tag_list) encode_con_tag tag = toEnum (encode tag con_tag_list) {- (* Functions for decoding strings *) (* Each function is of type *) (* string -> ???_tag *) -} decode_trm_tag i = trm_tag_list !! i decode_dec_tag i = dec_tag_list !! i decode_sgn_tag i = sgn_tag_list !! i decode_unary_tag i = unary_tag_list !! i decode_binary_tag i = binary_tag_list !! i decode_binder_tag i = binder_tag_list !! i decode_constant_tag i = con_tag_list !! i {- turn a term into a string -} trm_to_str tm = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 where s1 = trm_to_str' tm -- the term s2 = trmL_to_str (other_typ tm) -- its extra types s3 = attL_to_str (get_trm_att tm []) -- its attributes {- turn a declaration into a string -} dec_to_str dc = s1 ++ s2 where s1 = dec_to_str' dc -- the declaration s2 = attL_to_str (get_dec_att dc) -- its attributes {- turn a signature into a string -} sgn_to_str sg = s1 ++ s2 where s1 = sgn_to_str' sg -- the signature s2 = attL_to_str (get_sgn_att sg) -- its attributes {- turn a term into a string ignoring its extra types and its attributes -} trm_to_str' (Sym i j _ _) = encode_trm_tag SYM_TAG : int_to_str i ++ int_to_str j trm_to_str' (App tm1 tm2 _ _) = encode_trm_tag APP_TAG : trm_to_str tm1 ++ trm_to_str tm2 trm_to_str' (Pair tm1 tm2 tm3 _ _) = encode_trm_tag PAIR_TAG : trm_to_str tm1 ++ trm_to_str tm2 trm_to_str' (Binder b dc tm _ _) = encode_trm_tag BINDER_TAG : [ encode_binder_tag b ] ++ dec_to_str dc ++ trm_to_str tm trm_to_str' (Constant c _ _) = encode_trm_tag CONSTANT_TAG : constant_to_str c trm_to_str' (Unary c tm _ _) = encode_trm_tag UNARY_TAG : [encode_unary_tag c] ++ trm_to_str tm trm_to_str' (Binary' c tm1 tm2 _ _) = encode_trm_tag BINARY_TAG : [encode_binary_tag c] ++ trm_to_str tm1 ++ trm_to_str tm2 trm_to_str' (Cond dc tm1 tm2 _ _) = encode_trm_tag COND_TAG : dec_to_str dc ++ trm_to_str tm1 ++ trm_to_str tm2 trm_to_str' (Const i j k _ _) = encode_trm_tag CONST_TAG : int_to_str i ++ int_to_str j ++ int_to_str k trm_to_str' (Recurse tmL tm _ _) = encode_trm_tag RECURSE_TAG : trmL_to_str tmL ++ trm_to_str tm {- turn a declaration into a string ignoring its attributes -} dec_to_str' (Symbol_dec tm _) = encode_dec_tag SYMBOL_DEC_TAG : trm_to_str tm dec_to_str' (Axiom_dec tm _) = encode_dec_tag AXIOM_DEC_TAG : trm_to_str tm dec_to_str' (Def tm1 tm2 _) = encode_dec_tag DEF_TAG : trm_to_str tm1 ++ trm_to_str tm2 dec_to_str' (Data dcL tmLL _) = encode_dec_tag DATA_TAG : decL_to_str dcL ++ trmLL_to_str tmLL dec_to_str' (Decpair dc1 dc2 _) = encode_dec_tag DECPAIR_TAG : dec_to_str dc1 ++ dec_to_str dc2 {- turn a signature into a string ignoring its attributes -} sgn_to_str' (Empty _) = [ encode_sgn_tag EMPTY_TAG ] sgn_to_str' (Extend dc sg _) = encode_sgn_tag EXTEND_TAG : dec_to_str dc ++ sgn_to_str sg sgn_to_str' (Combine sg1 sg2 i _ _) = encode_sgn_tag COMBINE_TAG : sgn_to_str sg1 ++ sgn_to_str sg2 ++ int_to_str i sgn_to_str' (Share sg i j k _ _) = encode_sgn_tag SHARE_TAG : sgn_to_str sg ++ int_to_str i ++ int_to_str j ++ int_to_str k trmL_to_str tmL = int_to_str (length tmL) ++ concat (map trm_to_str tmL) trmLL_to_str tmLL = int_to_str (length tmLL) ++ concat (map trmL_to_str tmLL) trmLLL_to_str tmLLL = int_to_str (length tmLLL) ++ concat (map trmLL_to_str tmLLL) decL_to_str dcL = int_to_str (length dcL) ++ concat (map dec_to_str dcL) attL_to_str attL = int_to_str (length attL) ++ concat (map att_to_str attL) {- TEMP FUNCTION -} att_to_str _ = "*** att_to_str NOT IMPLEMENTED -- core_database ***" constant_to_str T = [ encode_con_tag TRUE_TAG ] constant_to_str F = [ encode_con_tag FALSE_TAG ] constant_to_str Bool' = [ encode_con_tag BOOL_TAG ] constant_to_str (Univ i) = encode_con_tag UNIV_TAG : int_to_str i str_to_trm s = (foldr add_type (set_trm_att tm [] attL) tmL , s3) where (tm,s1) = s_to_trm' s (tmL,s2) = s_to_trmL s1 (attL,s3) = str_to_attL s2 str_to_dec s = (set_dec_att dc attL,s2) where (dc,s1) = s_to_dec' s (attL,s2) = str_to_attL s1 str_to_sgn s = (set_sgn_att sg attL,s2) where (sg,s1) = s_to_sgn' s (attL,s2) = str_to_attL s1 s_to_trm' (ch:s1) = case decode_trm_tag ch of SYM_TAG -> (Sym i j [] [] ,s3) where (i,s2) = str_to_int s1 (j,s3) = str_to_int s2 APP_TAG -> (App tm1 tm2 [] [] ,s3) where (tm1,s2) = str_to_trm s1 (tm2,s3) = str_to_trm s2 PAIR_TAG -> (Pair tm1 tm2 tm3 [] [] ,s4) where (tm1,s2) = str_to_trm s1 (tm2,s3) = str_to_trm s2 (tm3,s4) = str_to_trm s3 BINDER_TAG -> (Binder b dc tm [] [] ,s4) where (b,s2) = str_to_binder s1 (dc,s3) = str_to_dec s2 (tm,s4) = str_to_trm s3 CONSTANT_TAG -> (Constant c [] [] ,s2) where (c,s2) = str_to_constant s1 UNARY_TAG -> (Unary c tm [] [] ,s3) where (c,s2) = str_to_unary s1 (tm,s3) = str_to_trm s2 BINARY_TAG -> (Binary' c tm1 tm2 [] [] ,s4) where (c,s2) = str_to_binary s1 (tm1,s3) = str_to_trm s2 (tm2,s4) = str_to_trm s3 COND_TAG -> (Cond dc tm1 tm2 [] [] ,s4) where (dc,s2) = str_to_dec s1 (tm1,s3) = str_to_trm s2 (tm2,s4) = str_to_trm s3 CONST_TAG -> (Const i j k [] [] ,s4) where (i,s2) = str_to_int s1 (j,s3) = str_to_int s2 (k,s4) = str_to_int s3 RECURSE_TAG -> (Recurse tmL tm [] [] ,s3) where (tmL,s2) = s_to_trmL s1 (tm,s3) = str_to_trm s2 s_to_dec' (ch:s1) = case decode_dec_tag ch of SYMBOL_DEC_TAG -> (Symbol_dec tm [] ,s2) where (tm,s2) = str_to_trm s1 AXIOM_DEC_TAG -> (Axiom_dec tm [] ,s2) where (tm,s2) = str_to_trm s1 DEF_TAG -> (Def tm1 tm2 [] ,s3) where (tm1,s2) = str_to_trm s1 (tm2,s3) = str_to_trm s2 DATA_TAG -> (Data dcL tmLL [] ,s3) where (dcL,s2) = s_to_decL s1 (tmLL,s3) = s_to_trmLL s2 DECPAIR_TAG -> (Decpair dc1 dc2 [] ,s3) where (dc1,s2) = str_to_dec s1 (dc2,s3) = str_to_dec s2 s_to_sgn' (ch:s1) = case decode_sgn_tag ch of EMPTY_TAG -> (Empty [], s1) EXTEND_TAG -> (Extend dc sg [] ,s3) where (dc,s2) = str_to_dec s1 (sg,s3) = str_to_sgn s2 COMBINE_TAG -> (Combine sg1 sg2 i (sm2 ++ map (\ j -> j + i) sm1) [] ,s4) where (sg1,s2) = str_to_sgn s1 (sg2,s3) = str_to_sgn s2 (i,s4) = str_to_int s3 sm1 = get_share_map sg1 sm2 = get_share_map sg2 SHARE_TAG -> (Share sg i j k (addequivL i j k sm) [] ,s5) where (sg,s2) = str_to_sgn s1 (i,s3) = str_to_int s2 (j,s4) = str_to_int s3 (k,s5) = str_to_int s4 sm = get_share_map sg s_to_trmL s = str_to_list str_to_trm s s_to_trmLL s = str_to_list s_to_trmL s s_to_trmLLL s = str_to_list s_to_trmLL s s_to_decL s = str_to_list str_to_dec s str_to_attL s = str_to_list str_to_att s str_to_binder (ch:s1) = (decode_binder_tag ch,s1) str_to_unary (ch:s1) = (decode_unary_tag ch,s1) str_to_binary :: [Int] -> (Binary_conn, [Int]) str_to_binary (ch:s1) = (decode_binary_tag ch,s1) str_to_constant (ch:s1) = case decode_constant_tag ch of BOOL_TAG -> (Bool',s1) TRUE_TAG -> (T,s1) FALSE_TAG -> (F,s1) UNIV_TAG -> (Univ i,s2) where (i,s2) = str_to_int s1 {- temp function -} str_to_att ( a : x) = ( ( Name_Style , Symbol_Name ( Name [ toEnum a ]) ) , x )