* Mon Nov 5 09:54:24 GMT 1990
* Implementation of untyped terms, signatures and declarations
* Each constructors last argument (of the tuple) is a list of
* information attributes that the parser, unparsers, tactics etc use.
* Each terms' next to last argument is a list of alternative types the the
* term can have to its natutal type.
module Sub_Core2 where
import Vtslib
import Core_datatype
import Sub_Core1
mk_smsl :: [IDec] -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [ITrm]
mk_sms :: IDec -> Int -> Int -> (ITrm, Int)
mk_fnspace :: ITrm -> ITrm -> ITrm
mk_pi :: IDec -> ITrm -> ITrm
typ_of_dec :: IDec -> ITrm
is_def_dec :: IDec -> Bool
is_axm_dec :: IDec -> Bool
is_sym_dec :: IDec -> Bool
remake_ty :: ITrm -> [a] -> ITrm -> ITrm
extract_dc :: Int -> IDec -> IDec
uncurry_trm :: IDec -> Int -> ITrm -> ITrm
uncurry_cn :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
uncurry_sm :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
subst_dec :: IDec -> IDec -> ITrm -> IDec
subst_trm :: IDec -> ITrm -> ITrm -> ITrm
subst_cn :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
--subst_sm :: [(Int, ITrm)] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
create_table :: Int -> IDec -> ITrm -> (Int, [(Int , ITrm)])
shift_dec :: [Int] -> Int -> IDec -> IDec
shift_trm :: [Int] -> Int -> ITrm -> ITrm
share_trm :: [Int] -> ITrm -> ITrm
shift_cn :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
shift_sm :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
share_cn :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
share_sm :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [ITrm] -> [Attribute] -> ITrm
--canonical_i :: (Integral a) => [a] -> a -> a
get_share_map :: ISgn -> [Int]
return the share_map of a signature
Note: share maps are memoised at every Share and Combine node
-- get_share_map :: ISgn -> Share_map
get_share_map sg
= shared sg 0
shared :: ISgn -> Int -> Share_map
shared (Share _ _ _ _ sm _) j
= (list 0 j) ++ (map negate sm) -- ++ (map (\ i -> i + j) sm)
shared (Combine _ _ _ sm _) j
= (list 0 j) ++ (map negate sm) -- ++ (map (\ i -> i + j) sm)
shared (Empty _) j
= list 0 j
shared (Extend _ sg _) j
= shared sg (j+1)
{- return the list [i,i+1,...,j-1] -}
list :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
list i j = init [ i..j ]
list i j = if i >= j then []
else i : list (i+1) j
{- take a share_map and and i-index and return the canonical i-index -}
canonical_i :: Share_map -> Int -> Int
canonical_i [] i = i
canonical_i shareL i = shareL !! i
share_sm shareL depth i j tyL att
= Sym (depth+canonical_i shareL (i-depth)) j tyL att
share_cn shareL depth i j k tyL att
= Const (depth+canonical_i shareL (i-depth)) j k tyL att
shift_sm shareL offset depth i j tmL att
= share_sm shareL depth (i+offset) j tmL att
shift_cn shareL offset depth i j k tyL att
= share_cn shareL depth (i+offset) j k tyL att
apply sharing to a term. ie replace all global symbols
that may be shared with the root symbol
-- share_trm :: Share_map -> ITrm -> ITrm
share_trm shareL tm
= f3 tm
f1 = share_sm shareL
f2 = share_cn shareL
(f3,_) = map_fn f1 f2
{- shift a term by an offset and then do any sharing that may be required -}
shift_trm shareL offset tm
= f3 tm
f1 = shift_sm shareL offset
f2 = shift_cn shareL offset
(f3,_) = map_fn f1 f2
{- shift a dec by an offset and then do any sharing that may be required -}
shift_dec shareL offset dc
= f3 dc
f1 = shift_sm shareL offset
f2 = shift_cn shareL offset
(_,f3) = map_fn f1 f2
create a assoc list of j indexes and terms from a declatation
and a term. The term should match the declaration pair for
create_table j (Decpair dc1 dc2 _) (Pair tm1 tm2 _ _ _)
= (j2,al1 ++ al2)
(j1,al1) = create_table (j+1) dc1 tm1
(j2,al2) = create_table (j1+1) dc2 tm2
create_table j (Symbol_dec _ _) tm
= (j,[(j,tm)])
--create_table _ _ _
-- = error "SubstError" -- ** exn
subst_sm table n i j tyL att
| i==n = case assoc j table of
SOME tm -> shift_trm [] n tm
-- NONE -> error "System_Error" -- ** exn
| i/=n = Sym (i-1) j tyL att
subst_cn n i j k tyL att
= Const (i-1) j k tyL att
* substitute a term for the symbols <0,j> in a term
* An empty share_map may given to the
* shift_trm function since the shift is
* upwards so no new sharing can be done
subst_trm dc tm1 tm2
= f3 tm1
(_,table) = create_table 0 dc tm2
f1 = subst_sm table
f2 = subst_cn
(f3,_) = map_fn f1 f2
subst_dec dc1 dc2 tm
= f3 dc2
(_,table) = create_table 0 dc1 tm
f1 = subst_sm table
f2 = subst_cn
(_,f3) = map_fn f1 f2
* build a list of all the indices down the spine of symbol dec
* with then in a declaration
ext_indices :: IDec -> Int -> [Int]
ext_indices dc j
= ext j dc 0 [] []
ext :: Int -> IDec -> Int -> [Int] -> [( IDec , [Int])] -> [Int]
ext 0 d j l _ = l
ext i (Decpair dc1 dc2 _) j l cl
= ext (i-1) dc1 (j+1) l ((dc2,j+1:l):cl)
ext i _ j _ ((dc,l):cl) = ext (i-1) dc (j+1) l cl
uncurry_sm iL dec_depth local_depth i j tmL attL
= if i - local_depth < dec_depth
then Sym local_depth (j + (iL !! i)) tmL attL
else Sym (i - dec_depth + 1) j tmL attL
uncurry_cn iL dec_depth local_depth i j k tmL attL
= if i - local_depth < dec_depth
then Const local_depth (j + (iL !! i)) k tmL attL
else Const (i - dec_depth + 1) j k tmL attL
(* move a term defined within a declaration to a term defined *)
(* on a signature extended by that declaration *)
uncurry_trm dc j tm
= f3 tm
iL = ext_indices dc j
f1 = uncurry_sm iL (length iL)
f2 = uncurry_cn iL (length iL)
(f3,_) = map_fn f1 f2
extract_dc i dc
= extract i dc []
extract :: Int -> IDec -> [IDec] -> IDec
extract 0 (dc @ (Symbol_dec _ _)) _ = dc
extract 0 (dc @ (Axiom_dec _ _)) _ = dc
extract 0 (dc @ (Def _ _ _)) _ = dc
extract 0 (dc @ (Data _ _ _)) _ = dc
-- extract 0 _ _ = error "BadIndex" -- ** exn
extract i (Symbol_dec _ _) (dc:dcL)
= extract (i-1) dc dcL
extract i (Axiom_dec _ _) (dc:dcL)
= extract (i-1) dc dcL
extract i (Def _ _ _) (dc:dcL)
= extract (i-1) dc dcL
extract i (Data _ _ _) (dc:dcL)
= extract (i-1) dc dcL
extract i (Decpair dc1 dc2 _) dcL
= extract (i-1) dc1 (dc2:dcL)
-- extract _ _ _ = error "BadIndex" -- ** exn
remake_ty (Binder q dc tm _ _) [] tm1
= subst_trm dc tm tm1
remake_ty (Binder q dc tm tmL att) (_:l) tm1
= Binder q dc (remake_ty tm l tm1) tmL att
--remake_ty _ _ _ =
-- error "VTS_ERROR" -- ** exn
(* return if a declaration defines just symbols *)
is_sym_dec (Symbol_dec _ _) = True
is_sym_dec (Decpair dc1 dc2 _)
= is_sym_dec dc1 && is_sym_dec dc2
is_sym_dec _ = False
{- return if a declaration defines just axioms -}
is_axm_dec (Axiom_dec _ _) = True
is_axm_dec (Decpair dc1 dc2 _)
= is_axm_dec dc1 && is_axm_dec dc2
is_axm_dec _ = False
{- return if a declaration defines definitions -}
is_def_dec (Def _ _ _) = True
is_def_dec (Decpair dc1 dc2 _)
= is_def_dec dc1 && is_def_dec dc2
is_def_dec _ = False
{- return the type introduced by a declaration -}
typ_of_dec (Symbol_dec tm _) = tm
typ_of_dec (Axiom_dec tm _) = tm
typ_of_dec (dc @ (Decpair dc1 dc2 _))
= if is_sym_dec dc
then Binder Sigma dc1 (typ_of_dec dc2) [] []
else if is_axm_dec dc
then Binary' And (typ_of_dec dc1)
(shift_trm [] (-1) (typ_of_dec dc2)) [] []
else Sym 0 0 [] []-- TEMPORARY DEBUG SYM 0 NOT CORRECTerror "System_Error" -- ** exn
--typ_of_dec _ = error "System_Error" -- ** exn
mk_pi dc tm
= Binder Pi dc tm [] []
mk_fnspace tm1 tm2
= Binder Pi (Symbol_dec tm1 []) (shift_trm [] 1 tm2) [] []
mk_sms (Symbol_dec _ _) i j
= (Sym i j [] [] , j+1)
mk_sms (dc @ (Decpair dc1 dc2 _)) i j
= (Pair sms1 sms2 (typ_of_dec dc) [] [] , j2)
(sms1, j1) = mk_sms dc1 i (j+1)
(sms2, j2) = mk_sms dc2 i j1
--mk_sms _ _ _ =
-- error "VTS_ERROR" -- ** exn
mk_smsl [] i tm1 = tm1
mk_smsl (dc:dcL) i tml
= mk_smsl dcL (i+1) (sms : tml)
(sms, _) = mk_sms dc i 0