Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/spectral/compreals/Main.lhs

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\chapter{Command Interpreter}

$Log: Main.lhs,v $
Revision 1.1  2004/08/05 11:12:53  malcolm
Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler.  It isn't very good,
but it is better than nothing.  I've been using it for about four years
on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository!  It
includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite.
Instructions are in the README.

Revision 1.3  1999/11/02 16:10:42  simonpj
Haskell 98 changes

Revision 1.2  1996/07/25 21:30:47  partain
Bulk of final changes for 2.01

Revision 1.1  1996/01/08 20:05:20  partain
Initial revision


Eventually we will build a command interpreter here, for a desk
calculator type language.

> module Main where
> import RealReals
> import Char

For the moment on the other hand it just prints a given number.

> main = getContents >>= (foldr output (return ()) . map doLine . lines)

Printing out @String@'s is easy:

> output :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
> output string dialogue = putStr (string++"\n") >> dialogue

The @doLine@ function parses the line, if it is syntactically correct
it then evaluates the expression returning the answer string.

> doLine :: String -> String
> doLine = eval [] . tokenize

> tokenize ""                 = []
> tokenize (c:cs) | isSpace c = tokenize (dropWhile isSpace cs)
> tokenize (c:cs) | isSymb  c = [c]: tokenize cs
> tokenize (c:cs) | isAlpha c = case (span isAlphaNum cs) of
>                                (nam,t) -> (c:nam): tokenize t
> tokenize (c:cs) | isDigit c = case (span isDigit cs)  of
>                                (num,t) -> (c:num): tokenize t
> tokenize _                  = ["Error"]

> isSymb c = c `elem` "*+-/"

> eval :: [RealReal] -> [String] -> String
> eval [n] []     = show n
> eval ns (t:ts) | isSymb  (head t)
>  = case head t of
>     '+' -> check2 (+) ns ts
>     '-' -> check2 (-) ns ts
>     '*' -> check2 (*) ns ts
>     '/' -> check2 (/) ns ts
>     _   -> "Error"
> eval ns (t:ts) | isDigit (head t)
>  = eval (fromInteger (parseInteger t): ns) ts
> eval ns (t:ts) | isAlpha (head t)
>  = case t of
>      "abs"    -> check1 abs    ns ts
>      "signum" -> check1 signum ns ts
>      "pi"     -> eval  (pi:ns)    ts
>      "exp"    -> check1 exp    ns ts
>      "log"    -> check1 log    ns ts
>      "sqrt"   -> check1 sqrt   ns ts
>      "sin"    -> check1 sin    ns ts
>      "cos"    -> check1 cos    ns ts
>      "tan"    -> check1 tan    ns ts
>      "asin"   -> check1 asin   ns ts
>      "acos"   -> check1 acos   ns ts
>      "atan"   -> check1 atan   ns ts
>      "sinh"   -> check1 sinh   ns ts
>      "cosh"   -> check1 cosh   ns ts
>      "tanh"   -> check1 tanh   ns ts
>      "asinh"  -> check1 asinh  ns ts
>      "acosh"  -> check1 acosh  ns ts
>      "atanh"  -> check1 atanh  ns ts
>      _        -> "Error"
> eval _  _ = "Error"

> check1 :: (RealReal -> RealReal) -> [RealReal] -> [String] -> String
> check1 f (n:ns) ts = eval (f n: ns) ts
> check1 f _      ts = "Error"

> check2 :: (RealReal -> RealReal -> RealReal) ->
>           [RealReal] -> [String] -> String
> check2 f (n0:n1:ns) ts = eval (f n1 n0 : ns) ts
> check2 f _          ts = "Error"

> parseInteger :: String -> Integer
> parseInteger = makeNumber 10 . map number
>                where number :: Char -> Integer
>                      number c = toInteger (fromEnum c - fromEnum '0')

> makeNumber :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
> makeNumber m = foldl f 0
>                where f a x = a * m + x

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