-- DAVID HANLEY 11/03/1992
-- BUILDS A MAND-TREE, which contains, at its leaves, a colour.
-- Tree is then traversed and points along with their colour are output
module Main where
a `par` b = b
--1.3 a `seq` b = b
-- MandTree - either contains a NS node with two subtrees
-- contains a EW node with two subtrees
-- a leaf holding a colour
data MandTree = NS MandTree MandTree
|EW MandTree MandTree
|Leaf Colour
-- Colour - colour of a point or rectangle
type Colour = Int
-- Point - 2-Tuple of integers, (Int1,Int2),
-- where Int1 - x-coord of point,
-- Int2 - y-coord of point.
type Point = (Int,Int)
-- MandTuple
type MandTuple = (Int,Int,Int,Int,Colour)
-- size: Size of window - Square 400x400
size :: Int
size = 200
-- build_tree - Constructs mandtree
build_tree :: Point -> Point -> MandTree
build_tree p1@(x1,y1)
if rec_col /= -1 then -- All points in currnet rectangle are same colour
Leaf rec_col
if split == "NS" then
btns1 `par` (btns2 `seq` (NS btns1 btns2))
btew1 `par` (btew2 `seq` (EW btew1 btew2))
rec_col = check_perim p1 p2
split = if (x2-x1) >= (y2-y1) then -- x-axis longer, NS split
else -- y-axis longer, EW split
nsp1 = p1
nsp2 = (split_x, y2)
nsp3 = (split_x+1, y1)
nsp4 = p2
ewp1 = p1
ewp2 = (x2, split_y)
ewp3 = (x1, split_y+1)
ewp4 = p2
split_x = (x2+x1) `div` 2
split_y = (y2+y1) `div` 2
btns1 = build_tree nsp1 nsp2
btns2 = build_tree nsp3 nsp4
btew1 = build_tree ewp1 ewp2
btew2 = build_tree ewp3 ewp4
check_perim :: Point -> Point -> Colour
check_perim p1@(x1,y1)
= if (equalp p1 p2) then -- single point, just return its colour
point_colour p1
else if corners_diff then -- check corners of current rectangle aren't same
corners_diff = if col1 == col2 then
if col1 == col3 then
if col1 == col4 then
col1 = point_colour p1
col2 = point_colour (x2,y1)
col3 = point_colour (x2,y2)
col4 = point_colour (x1,y2)
check_sides = if (check_line (x1+1,y1) right) then
if (check_line (x2,y1+1) down) then
if (check_line (x2-1,y2) left) then
if (check_line (x1,y2-1) up) then
check_line pc@(xc,yc) pd@(xd,yd)
if finished then
else if (point_colour pc) /= col1 then
check_line (xc+xd, yc+yd) pd
finished = if (equalp pd right) then
(xc >= x2)
else if (equalp pd down) then
(yc <= y2)
else if (equalp pd left) then
(xc <= x1)
(yc >= y1)
-- Evaluate the color index of a point
-- This is the algoritm described on page 121 of "The Beauty of Fractals"
-- The code is commented with the step numbers from the algorithm.
-- point_colour - Calculates the dwell value of a point.
point_colour :: Point -> Colour
point_colour (x, y)
= check_radius (np x) (nq y) 0 0.0 0.0 -- step1
-- check_radius - Calculates the escape radius of a point
check_radius :: Float -> Float -> Int -> Float -> Float -> Colour
check_radius p q k x y = if kp == num_cols then
0 -- step 3.ii
if r > (fromIntegral m ) then
kp -- step 3.i
check_radius p q (kp) xn yn -- step 3.iii
where xn = new_x x y p -- step 2
yn = new_y x y q -- step 2
r = radius xn yn -- step 3
kp = k + 1 -- step 2
-- M Set Properties.
pmn :: Float -- Min p value.
pmn = -2.25
pmx :: Float -- Max p value.
pmx = 0.75
qmn :: Float -- Min q value.
qmn = -1.5
qmx :: Float -- Max q value
qmx = 1.5
m :: Int -- The escape radius, M.
m = 20
--- Misc functions.
equalp :: Point -> Point -> Bool
equalp (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2))
-- Set calculation functions.
num_cols :: Int -- The number of colors; num_cols+1 = length (the_colors).
num_cols = 26
delta_p :: Float -- The change in p per pixel.
delta_p = (pmx - pmn) / fromIntegral (size - 1)
delta_q :: Float -- The change in q per pixel.
delta_q = (qmx - qmn) / fromIntegral (size - 1)
np :: Int -> Float -- Calculate a new value of p.
np x = pmn + (fromIntegral x) * delta_p
nq :: Int -> Float -- Calculate a new value of q.
nq y = qmn + (fromIntegral y) * delta_q
radius :: Float -> Float -> Float -- Current radius of apoint (x,y).
radius x y = x*x + y*y
new_x :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -- iterate new x value.
new_x x y p = x*x - y*y + p
new_y :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -- iterate new y value.
new_y x y q = 2.0 * x * y + q
-- Misc. functions for traversing perimeter of rectangle.
up,down,left,right :: Point
up = ( 0,-1)
down = ( 0, 1)
left = (-1, 0)
right = ( 1, 0)
-- finite: forces evaluation of a tree
finite :: MandTree -> Bool
finite (Leaf c) = (c == c)
finite (NS t1 t2) = (finite t1 && finite t2)
finite (EW t1 t2) = (finite t1 && finite t2)
main = if finite(build_tree (0,0) (size,size `div` 2)) then
print "Success"
print "Fail"