Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/tests/nofib/spectral/minimax/Board.hs

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module Board where

import Wins

type Board = [Row] 
type Row = [Piece]
data Piece = X | O | Empty deriving Eq

showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard [r1,r2,r3] =  showRow r1 ++ "\n------\n" ++
			showRow r2 ++ "\n------\n" ++
			showRow r3 ++ "\n\n" 

showRow [p1,p2,p3] = showPiece p1 ++ "|" ++ showPiece p2 ++ "|" ++ showPiece p3

showPiece :: Piece -> String
showPiece X = "X"
showPiece O = "O"
showPiece Empty = " "

placePiece :: Piece -> Board -> (Int,Int) -> [Board]
placePiece p board pos | not (empty pos board) = []
placePiece p [r1,r2,r3] (1,x) = [[insert p r1 x,r2,r3]]
placePiece p [r1,r2,r3] (2,x) = [[r1,insert p r2 x,r3]]
placePiece p [r1,r2,r3] (3,x) = [[r1,r2,insert p r3 x]]

insert :: Piece -> Row -> Int -> Row
insert p [p1,p2,p3] 1 = [p,p2,p3]
insert p [p1,p2,p3] 2 = [p1,p,p3]
insert p [p1,p2,p3] 3 = [p1,p2,p]

empty :: (Int,Int) -> Board -> Bool
empty (1,x) [r1,r2,r3] = empty' x r1
empty (2,x) [r1,r2,r3] = empty' x r2
empty (3,x) [r1,r2,r3] = empty' x r3

empty' :: Int -> Row -> Bool
empty' 1 [Empty,_,_] = True
empty' 2 [_,Empty,_] = True
empty' 3 [_,_,Empty] = True
empty' _ _ = False

fullBoard b = and (map notEmpty (concat b))
	notEmpty x = not (x==Empty)

--newPositions :: Piece -> Board -> [Board]
newPositions piece board = concat (map (placePiece piece board) 
					[(x,y) | x<-[1..3],y <-[1..3]])

initialBoard :: Board
initialBoard = [[Empty,Empty,Empty], 

data Evaluation = XWin | OWin | Score Int deriving (Show{-was:Text-},Eq)

eval 3 = XWin
eval (-3) = OWin
eval x = Score x

static :: Board -> Evaluation
static board = interpret 0 (map (score board) wins)

interpret :: Int -> [Evaluation] -> Evaluation
interpret x [] = (Score x)
interpret x (Score y:l) = interpret (x+y) l
interpret x (XWin:l) = XWin
interpret x (OWin:l) = OWin

score :: Board -> Win -> Evaluation
score board win  = eval (sum (map sum (map2 (map2 scorePiece) board win)))

scorePiece :: Piece -> Int -> Int
scorePiece X score = score
scorePiece Empty _ = 0
scorePiece O score = -score

map2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
map2 f [] x = []
map2 f x [] = []
map2 f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y:map2 f xs ys

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