\section{Random Numbers}
%$Log: Random.lhs,v $
%Revision 1.1 2004/08/05 11:13:39 malcolm
%Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler. It isn't very good,
%but it is better than nothing. I've been using it for about four years
%on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository! It
%includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite.
%Instructions are in the README.
%Revision 1.1 1996/01/08 20:04:20 partain
%Initial revision
%Revision 1.1 92/06/30 15:54:46 dlester
%Initial revision
A call to @randomInts@ with two @Int@ arguments generates a
pseudo-random sequence of @Int@'s.
> module Random (randomInts) where
Use seeds s1 in 1..2147483562 and s2 in 1..2147483398 to generate an
infinite list of random Ints. (Algorithm due to Lennart Augustsson)
> randomInts :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
> randomInts s1 s2 = if 1 <= s1 && s1 <= 2147483562 then
> if 1 <= s2 && s2 <= 2147483398 then rands s1 s2
> else error "randomInts: Bad second seed."
> else error "randomInts: Bad first seed."
> rands :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
> rands s1 s2 =
> let
> k = s1 `div` 53668
> s1' = 40014 * (s1 - k * 53668) - k * 12211
> s1'' = if s1' < 0 then s1' + 2147483563 else s1'
> k' = s2 `div` 52774
> s2' = 40692 * (s2 - k' * 52774) - k' * 3791
> s2'' = if s2' < 0 then s2' + 2147483399 else s2'
> z = s1'' - s2''
> in if z < 1 then z + 2147483562 : rands s1'' s2''
> else z : rands s1'' s2''