Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/jas/root/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/testid.pyc

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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This plugin adds a test id (like #1) to each test name output. After
you've run once to generate test ids, you can re-run individual
tests by activating the plugin and passing the ids (with or
without the # prefix) instead of test names.

For example, if your normal test run looks like::

  % nosetests -v
  tests.test_a ... ok
  tests.test_b ... ok
  tests.test_c ... ok

When adding ``--with-id`` you'll see::

  % nosetests -v --with-id
  #1 tests.test_a ... ok
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok
  #2 tests.test_c ... ok

Then you can re-run individual tests by supplying just an id number::

  % nosetests -v --with-id 2
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok

You can also pass multiple id numbers::

  % nosetests -v --with-id 2 3
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok
  #3 tests.test_c ... ok
Since most shells consider '#' a special character, you can leave it out when
specifying a test id.

Note that when run without the -v switch, no special output is displayed, but
the ids file is still written.

Looping over failed tests

This plugin also adds a mode that will direct the test runner to record
failed tests. Subsequent test runs will then run only the tests that failed
last time. Activate this mode with the ``--failed`` switch::

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #1 test.test_a ... ok
 #2 test.test_b ... ERROR
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED
 #4 test.test_d ... ok
On the second run, only tests #2 and #3 will run::

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #2 test.test_b ... ERROR
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED

As you correct errors and tests pass, they'll drop out of subsequent runs.


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #2 test.test_b ... ok
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED

When all tests pass, the full set will run on the next invocation.


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #3 test.test_c ... ok

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #1 test.test_a ... ok
 #2 test.test_b ... ok
 #3 test.test_c ... ok
 #4 test.test_d ... ok

.. note ::

  If you expect to use ``--failed`` regularly, it's a good idea to always run
  run using the ``--with-id`` option. This will ensure that an id file is
  always created, allowing you to add ``--failed`` to the command line as soon
  as you have failing tests. Otherwise, your first run using ``--failed`` will
  (perhaps surprisingly) run *all* tests, because there won't be an id file
  containing the record of failed tests from your previous run.
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    Activate to add a test id (like #1) to each test name output. Activate
    with --failed to rerun failing tests only.
    tidcCsgtj|||�|jddddddddd	d
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d�dS(s&Register commandline options.
        s	--id-filetactiontstoretdestt
testIdFiletdefaults.noseidstmetavartFILEthelpsfStore test ids found in test runs in this file. Default is the file .noseids in the working directory.s--failedt
store_truetfaileds/Run the tests that failed in the last test run.N(Rtoptionst
add_optiontFalse(tselftparsertenv((s7/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/testid.pyRxscCs�tj|||�|jr>t|_t|_tjd�ntj	j
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        sLooping on failed testsiiN(Rt	configureRtTruetenabledtloopOnFailedtlogtdebugtostpatht
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        twbR$RR&s#Saved test ids: %s, failed %s to %sN(t
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|||�d||p�|fS(sTranslate ids in the list of requested names into their
        test addresses, if they are found in my dict of tests.
ltfn %s %strbR$RR&is8Loaded test ids %s tests %s failed %s sources %s from %ssIO error reading %ssold: %s new: %ss&translated: %s new sources %s names %sN(RRR3R RR$RR&tmaxRR.R/R0R1R2R%R4tIOErrorRRR-ttrtappendRtextendtNone(


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||_dS(sBGet handle on output stream so the plugin can print id #s
        N(tstream(RRP((s7/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/testid.pytsetOutputStream�scCs�|j�}tjd|||jk�||jkr||jkrV|jd�n%|jd|j|�d|j|<dS|j|j|<|jd|j�|jd7_dS(s�Maybe output an id # before the test name.

        Example output::

          #1 test.test ... ok
          #2 test.test_two ... ok

        sstart test %s (%s)s   s#%s iN(taddressRRR%R'twriteR(Rttesttadr((s7/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/testid.pyt	startTests	
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