Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/octopus/port/mux/muxdat.b

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implement Muxdat;
include "sys.m";
	sys: Sys;
	Qid, print, pctl, create, mount, QTDIR, pread, open, sprint,
	pwrite, remove, nulldir, fwstat, wstat, fstat, stat, Dir, write, sleep, millisec: import sys;
include "draw.m";
include "error.m";
	err: Error;
	checkload, stderr, panic, kill, error: import err;
include "query.m";
	query: Query;
include "hash.m";
	hash: Hash;
	HashVal, HashNode, HashTable: import hash;
include "names.m";
	names: Names;
	dirname, cleanname, relative, isprefix, rooted: import names;
include "muxdat.m";

include "tbl.m";
	tbl: Tbl;
	Table: import tbl;

attrs: list of string;
qids: ref HashTable;		# qid.path table, indexed by file name
fids:	ref Table[ref Fid];	# fid table, indexed by qid.
metaattrs := 0;			# uses $user in attrs
last := 0;

member(l: list of string, s: string): int
	for(; l != nil; l = tl l)
		if (hd l == s)
			return 1;
	return 0;

init(s: Sys, e: Error, n: Names, args: list of string)
	sys = s; err = e; names = n;
	query = checkload(load Query Query->PATH, Query->PATH); 
	hash = checkload(load Hash Hash->PATH, Hash->PATH);
	tbl = checkload(load Tbl Tbl->PATH, Tbl->PATH);
	rootdir = Empty;
	nullfid: ref Fid;
	fids = Table[ref Fid].new(103, nullfid);
	qids = hash->new(103);	# use a prime number
	attrs = args;
	if (member(attrs, "$user"))
		metaattrs = 1;
	last = millisec();

	(fspaths, e) := query->lookup(attrs);
	if (debug && e != nil)
		fprint(stderr, "mux: query: %s\n", e);
	while(fspaths != nil){
		rootdir = hd fspaths;
		(se, nil) := stat(rootdir);
		if (se >= 0)
		if (debug)
			fprint(stderr, "mux: binding %s: %r\n", rootdir);
		fspaths = tl fspaths;
	if (fspaths == nil)
		rootdir = Empty;
	if (debug)
		fprint(stderr, "mux: rootdir bound to %s\n", rootdir);

rebindfids(old, new: string, brk: int)
	for (i := 0; i < len fids.items; i++){
		for (l := fids.items[i]; l != nil; l = tl l){
			(nil, fid) := hd l;
			wasbroken := fid.broken;
			if (fid.fd != nil)			# could maintain for OREAD fids, perhaps.
				fid.broken |= brk;
			if (fid.broken){
				if (debug && !wasbroken)
					fprint(stderr, "rebindfids: broken fid %s\n", fid.path);
			if (isprefix(old, fid.path) || fid.path == old){
				opath := fid.path;
				rel := relative(fid.path, old);
				fid.path = rooted(new, rel);
				if (brk)
					fid.qid.vers++;	# force a change; least thing we could do.
				if (debug)
					fprint(stderr, "rebindfid: %s\t->\t%s\n", opath, fid.path);

rebindqids(old, new: string)
	for(paths := qids.all(); paths != nil; paths = tl paths){
		nd := hd paths;
		p := nd.key;
		v := nd.val;
		if (isprefix(old, p) || old == p){
			opath := p;
			rel := relative(p, old);
			npath := rooted(new, rel);
			qids.insert(npath, *v);
			if (debug)
				fprint(stderr, "rebindqid: %s\t->\t%s\n", opath, npath);

maybebroken(nil: string)
	if (brokenfs != 0)
#	if (estr contains "i/o error")
#		brokenfs = 1;
#	else if (estr contains "clone failed")
#		brokenfs = 1;
#	else if (estr contains "hangup")
#		brokenfs = 1;
#	else {
		(e, nil) := stat(rootdir);
		if (e < 0)
			brokenfs = 1;
#	}

rootdirmatches(): int
	(fspaths, e) := query->lookup(attrs);
	if (debug && e != nil)
		fprint(stderr, "mux: query: %s\n", e);
	while(fspaths != nil){
		if (rootdir == hd fspaths)
			return 1;
		fspaths = tl fspaths;
	return 0;

	if (rootdir != Empty && !brokenfs && !metaattrs)
	old := rootdir;
	if (brokenfs || rootdir == Empty)
	else {
		now := millisec();
		if (now - last < 60 * 1000)
		last = now;
		if (!rootdirmatches())
	if (rootdir == Empty && old == rootdir)	# nothing can be done

	# update our pahts, and break fids already open
	rebindfids(old, rootdir, 1);
	rebindqids(old, rootdir);
	brokenfs = 0;

renametree(old: string, nname: string)
	odir := dirname(old);
	new := rooted(odir, nname);
	if (debug)
		fprint(stderr, "renametree: from %s to %s\n", old, new);
	rebindfids(old, new, 0);
	rebindqids(old, new);

addfid(fid: ref Fid): int
	return fids.add(fid.fid, fid);

delfid(fid: ref Fid)

getfid(f: int): ref Fid
	return fids.find(f);

addqid(path: string): big
	q := qgen++;
	qids.insert(path, HashVal(q, 0.0, nil));
	return big q;

getqid(path: string): big
	v := qids.find(path);
	if (v == nil)
		return NOQID; 
	return big v.i;

delqid(path: string)

# We must ensure that when a qid changes in the server,
# at least the version changes for the client. Otherwise,
# very bad things may hapen if, for example, the client
# is using the qids to build a cache of binary file images.
# This is taken straight from Plan B's bns.

fixqid(path: string, sq: Qid): Qid
	q := getqid(path);
	if (q == NOQID)
		q = addqid(path);
	sq.vers = ((int sq.path)^sq.vers);
	sq.path = q;
	return sq;

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