Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/4/omero

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omero \- Plan B portable window system
.B omero
.B -A
.B -n
.I addr
.B -p
.B -V
.I initprog
.I  Omero
is the Plan B window system and the Graphical User Interface resource volume,
as described in
.IR omero (1).
It services a tree of files (i.e., a volume) to implement a Plan B GUI service. Upon
starting, it runs
.IR ox (1)
to permit the user to edit, execute commands and browse the system. Besides, the
.I initprog
is executed if given as a parameter. Most users use
.B /bin/owins
as the omero startup script.
By default,
.I omero
listens for clients (authenticating them) at
.BR tcp!*!11007 .
.BR -A ,
.BR -n ,
.BR -V
can change this behaviour and are like those of other Plan B volume servers. See
.IR planb (4)
for a description.
Uppercase options are used for debugging and may lead to very verbose executions.
.I Omero
provides GUI components known as
.IR panels ,
like rows, columns, buttons, sliders, and others described below.
Each panel is represented by a directory that contains a
.B ctl
and a
.B data
Panels can be created and deleted by making and removing such directories.
Besides the two files mentioned above,
rows and columns have one extra subdirectory for each one of
the panels they contain. The order of the files contained in a directory is representative
and corresponds
to the order used to show their panels in the screen, which is usually the order
of their creation. The order in the screen is left to right for rows and top to down for
The file system can be used to move, copy (i.e replicate), and delete graphical
items serviced by
.IR omero .
The applications affected are usually unaware of this if they are using
.IR omero (2).
The name of a directory determines the type of panel it represents. A name is of the form
.I type:name
.BR text:ox.3442 )
.I type
is any of
.BR row ,
.BR col ,
.BR image ,
.BR text ,
.BR label ,
.BR button ,
.BR tag ,
.BR gauge ,
.BR slider ,
.BR page ,
.BR draw .
.I name
is a string randomized by the application to permit any two names to
cohexist within the same directory (i.e., within the same container panel).
.I Omero
uses the file
.B /dev/snarf
as the clipboard, to put there the bytes when a cut operation snarfs them.
The file
.B /dev/sel
is updated by
.I omero
with the file system path for the last
.B text
panel where some text was selected.
This is a helper for executing commands that operate on selected text.
.SS Panels
Panel directories contain a
.I data
and a
.I ctl
file. The data file contains a portable representation of the graphical
panel, text for text elements and Plan 9 images for images. The ctl file
contains a textual representation of the panel attributes. Some attributes
are common to all panels and are described later. The textual
representation for an attribute may be issued as a control request by
writing it to the control file.
Both files are complete descriptions (i.e. they are not streams), which means that
tools like
.IR tar (1)
can be used to copy a hierarchy of panels from one place to another (maybe at
different machines), and the resulting GUI would be similar. If the application is using
.IR omero (2),
it would properly handle all the copies of its interface.
What follows documents
the list of panels along with the format of their data files and their specific
control requests. Attributes and control requests common to all panels are
described later.
.I Image
hold Plan 9 images as data. The size of the panel is that of the image. Its
.B ctl
file contains
	size nx ny
besides other attributes, to report the size of the image measured in pixels.
.I Page
is like
.I image
but grows depending on available space and allows mouse
interaction to see images bigger than the space available.
.I Text
is a text panel that permits edition. The contents of the
.B data
file is the text being edited. See
.IR omero (1),
.IR ox (1)
for a description of the user interface.
.B ctl
file contains
	size nx ny
	sel s0 s1
	mark n
besides other attributes. Size is like before, but measured (approximately)
in characters. The 
.B sel
attribute shows the current selection start and end
position. The
.B mark
attribute keps a relative position that is maintained by omero despite
text edition. This is used primarily by
.IR ox (1),
to keep track of the output insertion point for the panel.
Besides the requests that can be made for these attributes
text panels understand other control
.B "search text
to search for the given text. If it has more than one line, this
request must be the only one being sent to the control file. If the request
is made using
.B panelctl
as described in
.IR graph (2),
the search is performed on all replicas of the panel, which is not wise. Updating
the control file of just one replica is usually the right thing to do. The same happens
to the following requests.
.B "look \fIarg\fP
to look for
.I arg
like when the user uses the mouse to look for it on the panel.
.B "exec \fIarg\fP
is similar, but mimics a user request to execute the given string instead.
.B "undo
to undo the last editing. 
.B "redo
to redo the last undone operation.
.B "cut
to cut the selection.
.B "paste
to paste the contents of
.B /dev/snarf
replacing the current selection.
.B "ins \fIarg\fP
to insert text. The argument is a string with the insertion offset,
the number of runes, and the runes to insert. This operation and the
next are usually performed
on all the replicas by means of
.IR panelctl (2).
.B "del \fIarg\fP
to delete text. The argument is a string with the deletion offset and
the number of runes to delete.
.B scroll
to put the panel in scroll mode. The last position copied to the panel
is always shown.
.I Tag
is an editable single-line text panel.
.I Label
is a read-only fixed-size tag. By default, the text of the label matches
its name (without the type prefix). The data file can be used to change this.
.I Button
is a label that sends execution events for both
.I look
.I execute
requests (mouse buttons 2 and 3).
.I Gauge
shows a numeric value between 0 and 100 using a graphical representation
of a gauge.
.I Slider
is a gauge than can be adjusted by the user using the left button.
.I Draw
is a graphical panel for vector graphics. It draws the commands contained
in its data file. Currently,
.I draw
knows the following commands:
	ellipse cx cy rx ry [col]
	rect x0 y0 x1 y1 col
	line x0 y0 x1 y1 n col
They are similar to those in
.IR draw (2).
The control file reports the size as in images.
.SS Attributes and control requests
The following attributes are common among panels and can be found in their
.B ctl
files, or changed by a write to them:
.B "tag
activates a tag for the panel.
.B "notag
deactivates it.
.B "hide
hides the panel,
.B show
undoes this.
.B "dirty
flags the panel as dirty (unsaved changes).
.B clean
does the opposite.
.B "font \fIF\fP
changes the font to
.IR F .
The argument can be
.B T
for teletype font,
.B  R
for variable width (e.g. roman),
.B B
for bold-face,
.B S
for small,
.B L
for large. There is no way to select a particular font; this is not a bug,
but a feature.
.B hold
.I omero
to ignore changes within the panel with respect to screen layout. The panel
(and inner ones) are held until the control file is closed. This is useful to ask
for several requests while trying to avoid unnecessary resizes in the middle.
.B "addr \fInetaddr\fP
.I omero
that the application in charge of a panel can be reached at
.I netaddr
and asks for any further event to be sent to such address.
Events are textual and consist of the path for the affected
panel, the event name, an optional argument and the
ASCII 001 character. The
.IR omero (2)
library is usually in charge of handling events in the application
.B "min
Minimizes the panel (only for rows and columns). This sets the number
of non-hidden inner panels to one.
.B "nomin
undoes the effect of the previous request.
.SS Events
Panels can be programmed (via
.B ctl
files) with the network address of their application.
.I Omero
sends relevant interface events to the address of the application associated to
each panel. Events are separated by the ASCII 001, to permit multi-line events.
Each event has the path (in the file system) of the panel generating it, the name
of the event (a string), and a optional string argument.
.I Omero
can send any of the following events:
.B "look \fIarg\fP
the user is looking for
.IR arg .
For example, the user did  click the right mouse button in the panel.
The argument has a number printed with
.B %11d
with the length of the look string, and the string itself.
.B "click \fIarg\fP
There was a mouse event. The argument is the mouse event in the format of
.IR mouse (3).
.B "keys \fIarg\fP
The keys corresponding to the runes in
.I arg
were pressed.
.B "interrupt
The interrupt key (Delete)
was pressed.
.B "exec \fIarg\fP
The user is requesting to run
.IR arg .
The argument has the same format used for
.BR look .
.B "args \fIarg\fP
The user is requesting to run
.IR arg
using the contents of the current selection as
an argument. To locate the current selection,
.I omero
places in
.B /dev/sel
the path of the last panel where text was selected. Its
.B ctl
.B data
files can be used to retrieve the selected string.
The event argument has the same format used for
.BR look .
.B "data \fIarg\fP
The data associated with the panel (eg., the value of a slider) was changed.
For gauges and sliders, the value follows. 
.B "ins \fIarg\fP
Text (as shown in the argument) has been inserted in a text panel.
The argument contains the position, number of runes, and the text
.B "del \fIarg\fP
Text has been deleted from the text panel. The argument is like before.
.B "addr \fIarg\fP
The panel has been created within the given volume. The argument names
the volume. The application uses this event to track down which interfaces
it has and where are them. Usually, by means of
.IR omero (2).
.B "path \fIarg\fP
The panel has been moved to a new path. The argument is the new path name.
.B "dirty
The user edited the panel using the mouse/keyboard interface.
.B "exit
The panel is terminated (perhaps by using the
.B Del
command through the user interface).
When using
.IR omero (2),
the application is notified when the last replica of the panel exits.
.B /sys/src/cmd/omero
.IR omero (1),
.IR ox (1),
.IR omero (2).
There is no way to replicate a panel within the a single container,
there may be only one file with a given name. Besides,
this service is young, there may be some other bugs. All the comunication
is plain text and thus can be eavesdropped. Some support for encryption
should be added.

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