Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stallion/root/386/go/src/cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_doc.txt

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# go doc should find module documentation

env GO111MODULE=on
[short] skip

# Check when module x is inside GOPATH/src.
go doc y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
stdout 'import "x/y"'
go doc x/y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
! go doc quote.Hello
stderr 'doc: symbol quote is not a type' # because quote is not in local cache
go list # now it is
go doc quote.Hello
stdout 'Hello returns a greeting'
go doc quote
stdout 'Package quote collects pithy sayings.'

# Double-check when module x is outside GOPATH/src.
env GOPATH=$WORK/emptygopath
go doc x/y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
go doc y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'

# Triple-check when module x is outside GOPATH/src,
# but other packages with same import paths are in GOPATH/src.
# Since go doc is running in module mode here, packages in active module
# should be preferred over packages in GOPATH. See
env GOPATH=$WORK/gopath2
go doc x/y
! stdout 'Package y is.*GOPATH'
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
go doc
! stdout 'Package quote is located in a GOPATH workspace.'
stdout 'Package quote collects pithy sayings.'

-- go.mod --
module x
require v1.5.2

-- y/y.go --
// Package y is the next to last package of the alphabet.
package y

-- x.go --
package x

-- $WORK/gopath2/src/x/y/y.go --
// Package y is located in a GOPATH workspace.
package y
-- $WORK/gopath2/src/ --
// Package quote is located in a GOPATH workspace.
package quote

// Hello is located in a GOPATH workspace.
func Hello() string { return "" }

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