Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stallion/root/386/go/src/syscall/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go

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// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
// cgo -godefs types_openbsd.go

// +build amd64,openbsd

package syscall

const (
	sizeofPtr      = 0x8
	sizeofShort    = 0x2
	sizeofInt      = 0x4
	sizeofLong     = 0x8
	sizeofLongLong = 0x8

type (
	_C_short     int16
	_C_int       int32
	_C_long      int64
	_C_long_long int64

type Timespec struct {
	Sec  int64
	Nsec int64

type Timeval struct {
	Sec  int64
	Usec int64

type Rusage struct {
	Utime    Timeval
	Stime    Timeval
	Maxrss   int64
	Ixrss    int64
	Idrss    int64
	Isrss    int64
	Minflt   int64
	Majflt   int64
	Nswap    int64
	Inblock  int64
	Oublock  int64
	Msgsnd   int64
	Msgrcv   int64
	Nsignals int64
	Nvcsw    int64
	Nivcsw   int64

type Rlimit struct {
	Cur uint64
	Max uint64

type _Gid_t uint32

const (
	S_IFMT   = 0xf000
	S_IFIFO  = 0x1000
	S_IFCHR  = 0x2000
	S_IFDIR  = 0x4000
	S_IFBLK  = 0x6000
	S_IFREG  = 0x8000
	S_IFLNK  = 0xa000
	S_IFSOCK = 0xc000
	S_ISUID  = 0x800
	S_ISGID  = 0x400
	S_ISVTX  = 0x200
	S_IRUSR  = 0x100
	S_IWUSR  = 0x80
	S_IXUSR  = 0x40
	S_IRWXG  = 0x38
	S_IRWXO  = 0x7

type Stat_t struct {
	Mode           uint32
	Dev            int32
	Ino            uint64
	Nlink          uint32
	Uid            uint32
	Gid            uint32
	Rdev           int32
	Atim           Timespec
	Mtim           Timespec
	Ctim           Timespec
	Size           int64
	Blocks         int64
	Blksize        uint32
	Flags          uint32
	Gen            uint32
	Pad_cgo_0      [4]byte
	X__st_birthtim Timespec

type Statfs_t struct {
	F_flags       uint32
	F_bsize       uint32
	F_iosize      uint32
	Pad_cgo_0     [4]byte
	F_blocks      uint64
	F_bfree       uint64
	F_bavail      int64
	F_files       uint64
	F_ffree       uint64
	F_favail      int64
	F_syncwrites  uint64
	F_syncreads   uint64
	F_asyncwrites uint64
	F_asyncreads  uint64
	F_fsid        Fsid
	F_namemax     uint32
	F_owner       uint32
	F_ctime       uint64
	F_fstypename  [16]int8
	F_mntonname   [90]int8
	F_mntfromname [90]int8
	F_mntfromspec [90]int8
	Pad_cgo_1     [2]byte
	Mount_info    [160]byte

type Flock_t struct {
	Start  int64
	Len    int64
	Pid    int32
	Type   int16
	Whence int16

type Dirent struct {
	Fileno       uint64
	Off          int64
	Reclen       uint16
	Type         uint8
	Namlen       uint8
	X__d_padding [4]uint8
	Name         [256]int8

type Fsid struct {
	Val [2]int32

const (
	pathMax = 0x400

type RawSockaddrInet4 struct {
	Len    uint8
	Family uint8
	Port   uint16
	Addr   [4]byte /* in_addr */
	Zero   [8]int8

type RawSockaddrInet6 struct {
	Len      uint8
	Family   uint8
	Port     uint16
	Flowinfo uint32
	Addr     [16]byte /* in6_addr */
	Scope_id uint32

type RawSockaddrUnix struct {
	Len    uint8
	Family uint8
	Path   [104]int8

type RawSockaddrDatalink struct {
	Len    uint8
	Family uint8
	Index  uint16
	Type   uint8
	Nlen   uint8
	Alen   uint8
	Slen   uint8
	Data   [24]int8

type RawSockaddr struct {
	Len    uint8
	Family uint8
	Data   [14]int8

type RawSockaddrAny struct {
	Addr RawSockaddr
	Pad  [92]int8

type _Socklen uint32

type Linger struct {
	Onoff  int32
	Linger int32

type Iovec struct {
	Base *byte
	Len  uint64

type IPMreq struct {
	Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */
	Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */

type IPv6Mreq struct {
	Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */
	Interface uint32

type Msghdr struct {
	Name       *byte
	Namelen    uint32
	Pad_cgo_0  [4]byte
	Iov        *Iovec
	Iovlen     uint32
	Pad_cgo_1  [4]byte
	Control    *byte
	Controllen uint32
	Flags      int32

type Cmsghdr struct {
	Len   uint32
	Level int32
	Type  int32

type Inet6Pktinfo struct {
	Addr    [16]byte /* in6_addr */
	Ifindex uint32

type IPv6MTUInfo struct {
	Addr RawSockaddrInet6
	Mtu  uint32

type ICMPv6Filter struct {
	Filt [8]uint32

const (
	SizeofSockaddrInet4    = 0x10
	SizeofSockaddrInet6    = 0x1c
	SizeofSockaddrAny      = 0x6c
	SizeofSockaddrUnix     = 0x6a
	SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x20
	SizeofLinger           = 0x8
	SizeofIPMreq           = 0x8
	SizeofIPv6Mreq         = 0x14
	SizeofMsghdr           = 0x30
	SizeofCmsghdr          = 0xc
	SizeofInet6Pktinfo     = 0x14
	SizeofIPv6MTUInfo      = 0x20
	SizeofICMPv6Filter     = 0x20

const (
	PTRACE_CONT    = 0x7
	PTRACE_KILL    = 0x8

type Kevent_t struct {
	Ident  uint64
	Filter int16
	Flags  uint16
	Fflags uint32
	Data   int64
	Udata  *byte

type FdSet struct {
	Bits [32]uint32

const (
	SizeofIfMsghdr         = 0xf8
	SizeofIfData           = 0xe0
	SizeofIfaMsghdr        = 0x18
	SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = 0x1a
	SizeofRtMsghdr         = 0x60
	SizeofRtMetrics        = 0x38

type IfMsghdr struct {
	Msglen  uint16
	Version uint8
	Type    uint8
	Hdrlen  uint16
	Index   uint16
	Tableid uint16
	Pad1    uint8
	Pad2    uint8
	Addrs   int32
	Flags   int32
	Xflags  int32
	Data    IfData

type IfData struct {
	Type         uint8
	Addrlen      uint8
	Hdrlen       uint8
	Link_state   uint8
	Mtu          uint32
	Metric       uint32
	Pad          uint32
	Baudrate     uint64
	Ipackets     uint64
	Ierrors      uint64
	Opackets     uint64
	Oerrors      uint64
	Collisions   uint64
	Ibytes       uint64
	Obytes       uint64
	Imcasts      uint64
	Omcasts      uint64
	Iqdrops      uint64
	Noproto      uint64
	Capabilities uint32
	Pad_cgo_0    [4]byte
	Lastchange   Timeval
	Mclpool      [7]Mclpool
	Pad_cgo_1    [4]byte

type IfaMsghdr struct {
	Msglen  uint16
	Version uint8
	Type    uint8
	Hdrlen  uint16
	Index   uint16
	Tableid uint16
	Pad1    uint8
	Pad2    uint8
	Addrs   int32
	Flags   int32
	Metric  int32

type IfAnnounceMsghdr struct {
	Msglen  uint16
	Version uint8
	Type    uint8
	Hdrlen  uint16
	Index   uint16
	What    uint16
	Name    [16]int8

type RtMsghdr struct {
	Msglen   uint16
	Version  uint8
	Type     uint8
	Hdrlen   uint16
	Index    uint16
	Tableid  uint16
	Priority uint8
	Mpls     uint8
	Addrs    int32
	Flags    int32
	Fmask    int32
	Pid      int32
	Seq      int32
	Errno    int32
	Inits    uint32
	Rmx      RtMetrics

type RtMetrics struct {
	Pksent   uint64
	Expire   int64
	Locks    uint32
	Mtu      uint32
	Refcnt   uint32
	Hopcount uint32
	Recvpipe uint32
	Sendpipe uint32
	Ssthresh uint32
	Rtt      uint32
	Rttvar   uint32
	Pad      uint32

type Mclpool struct {
	Grown int32
	Alive uint16
	Hwm   uint16
	Cwm   uint16
	Lwm   uint16

const (
	SizeofBpfVersion = 0x4
	SizeofBpfStat    = 0x8
	SizeofBpfProgram = 0x10
	SizeofBpfInsn    = 0x8
	SizeofBpfHdr     = 0x14

type BpfVersion struct {
	Major uint16
	Minor uint16

type BpfStat struct {
	Recv uint32
	Drop uint32

type BpfProgram struct {
	Len       uint32
	Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte
	Insns     *BpfInsn

type BpfInsn struct {
	Code uint16
	Jt   uint8
	Jf   uint8
	K    uint32

type BpfHdr struct {
	Tstamp    BpfTimeval
	Caplen    uint32
	Datalen   uint32
	Hdrlen    uint16
	Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte

type BpfTimeval struct {
	Sec  uint32
	Usec uint32

const (
	_AT_FDCWD = -0x64

type Termios struct {
	Iflag  uint32
	Oflag  uint32
	Cflag  uint32
	Lflag  uint32
	Cc     [20]uint8
	Ispeed int32
	Ospeed int32

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