Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stallion/root/arm/go/src/encoding/gob/decgen.go

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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

// encgen writes the helper functions for encoding. Intended to be
// used with go generate; see the invocation in encode.go.

// TODO: We could do more by being unsafe. Add a -unsafe flag?

package main

import (

var output = flag.String("output", "dec_helpers.go", "file name to write")

type Type struct {
	lower   string
	upper   string
	decoder string

var types = []Type{
		`slice[i] = state.decodeUint() != 0`,
		`real := float32FromBits(state.decodeUint(), ovfl)
		imag := float32FromBits(state.decodeUint(), ovfl)
		slice[i] = complex(float32(real), float32(imag))`,
		`real := float64FromBits(state.decodeUint())
		imag := float64FromBits(state.decodeUint())
		slice[i] = complex(real, imag)`,
		`slice[i] = float32(float32FromBits(state.decodeUint(), ovfl))`,
		`slice[i] = float64FromBits(state.decodeUint())`,
		`x := state.decodeInt()
		// MinInt and MaxInt
		if x < ^int64(^uint(0)>>1) || int64(^uint(0)>>1) < x {
		slice[i] = int(x)`,
		`x := state.decodeInt()
		if x < math.MinInt16 || math.MaxInt16 < x {
		slice[i] = int16(x)`,
		`x := state.decodeInt()
		if x < math.MinInt32 || math.MaxInt32 < x {
		slice[i] = int32(x)`,
		`slice[i] = state.decodeInt()`,
		`x := state.decodeInt()
		if x < math.MinInt8 || math.MaxInt8 < x {
		slice[i] = int8(x)`,
		`u := state.decodeUint()
		n := int(u)
		if n < 0 || uint64(n) != u || n > state.b.Len() {
			errorf("length of string exceeds input size (%d bytes)", u)
		if n > state.b.Len() {
			errorf("string data too long for buffer: %d", n)
		// Read the data.
		data := state.b.Bytes()
		if len(data) < n {
			errorf("invalid string length %d: exceeds input size %d", n, len(data))
		slice[i] = string(data[:n])
		`x := state.decodeUint()
		/*TODO if math.MaxUint32 < x {
		slice[i] = uint(x)`,
		`x := state.decodeUint()
		if math.MaxUint16 < x {
		slice[i] = uint16(x)`,
		`x := state.decodeUint()
		if math.MaxUint32 < x {
		slice[i] = uint32(x)`,
		`slice[i] = state.decodeUint()`,
		`x := state.decodeUint()
		if uint64(^uintptr(0)) < x {
		slice[i] = uintptr(x)`,
	// uint8 Handled separately.

func main() {
	log.SetPrefix("decgen: ")
	if flag.NArg() != 0 {
		log.Fatal("usage: decgen [--output filename]")
	var b bytes.Buffer
	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "// Code generated by go run decgen.go -output %s; DO NOT EDIT.\n", *output)
	fmt.Fprint(&b, header)
	printMaps(&b, "Array")
	fmt.Fprint(&b, "\n")
	printMaps(&b, "Slice")
	for _, t := range types {
		fmt.Fprintf(&b, arrayHelper, t.lower, t.upper)
		fmt.Fprintf(&b, sliceHelper, t.lower, t.upper, t.decoder)
	source, err := format.Source(b.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("source format error:", err)
	fd, err := os.Create(*output)
	if err != nil {
	if _, err := fd.Write(source); err != nil {

func printMaps(b *bytes.Buffer, upperClass string) {
	fmt.Fprintf(b, "var dec%sHelper = map[reflect.Kind]decHelper{\n", upperClass)
	for _, t := range types {
		fmt.Fprintf(b, "reflect.%s: dec%s%s,\n", t.upper, t.upper, upperClass)
	fmt.Fprintf(b, "}\n")

const header = `
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gob

import (


const arrayHelper = `
func dec%[2]sArray(state *decoderState, v reflect.Value, length int, ovfl error) bool {
	// Can only slice if it is addressable.
	if !v.CanAddr() {
		return false
	return dec%[2]sSlice(state, v.Slice(0, v.Len()), length, ovfl)

const sliceHelper = `
func dec%[2]sSlice(state *decoderState, v reflect.Value, length int, ovfl error) bool {
	slice, ok := v.Interface().([]%[1]s)
	if !ok {
		// It is kind %[1]s but not type %[1]s. TODO: We can handle this unsafely.
		return false
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		if state.b.Len() == 0 {
			errorf("decoding %[1]s array or slice: length exceeds input size (%%d elements)", length)
	return true

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