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Designing Plan 9
Rob Pike
Dave Presotto
Ken Thompson
Howard Trickey
This paper was originally delivered at the UKUUG Conference in London in July
1990 and was reprinted in Dr. Dobb's Journal, Volume 16, Issue 1  (January 1991)
with permission from the UKUUG.
Plan 9 is a distributed computing environment assembled from separate
machines acting as CPU servers, file servers, and terminals. The
pieces are connected by a single file-oriented protocol and local name
space operations. Because the system was built from distinct,
specialized components rather than similar general-purpose components,
Plan 9 achieves levels of efficiency, security, simplicity, and
reliability seldom realized in other distributed systems. This
article discusses the building blocks, interconnections, and
conventions of Plan 9.
Unhappy with the trends in commercial systems, we began a few years
ago to design a system that could adapt well to changes in computing
hardware. In particular, we wanted to build a system that could
profit from the continuing improvements in personal machines with
bitmap graphics, in medium-and high-speed networks, and in
high-performance microprocessors. A common approach is to connect a
group of small personal timesharing systems \- workstations \- by a
medium-speed network, but this has a number of failings. Because each
workstation has private data, each must be administered separately;
maintenance is difficult to centralize. The machines are replaced
every couple of years to take advantage of technological improvements,
rendering the hardware obsolete, often before it has been paid for.
Most telling, a workstation is a largely self-contained system, not
specialized to any particular task; too slow and I/O-bound for fast
compilation; too expensive to be used just to run a window system.
For our purposes \- primarily software development \- it seemed that
an approach based on distributed specialization rather than compromise
would best address issues of cost-effectiveness, maintenance,
performance, reliability, and security. We decided to build a
completely new system, including compiler, operating system,
networking software, command interpreter, window system, and terminal.
This construction would also offer an occasion to rethink, revisit,
and perhaps even replace most of the utilities we had accumulated over
the years.
Plan 9 is divided along lines of service function. CPU servers
concentrate computing power into large (not overloaded)
multiprocessors; file servers provide repositories for storage;
terminals give each user a dedicated computer with bitmap screen and
mouse on which to run a window system. Sharing computing and file
storage services provides a sense of community for a group of
programmers, amortizes costs, and centralizes and simplifies
management and administration.
The pieces communicate by a single protocol, built above a reliable
data transport layer offered by an appropriate network, that defines
each service as a rooted tree of files. Even for services not usually
considered as files, the unified design permits some noteworthy and
profitable simplification. Each process has a local filename space
that contains attachments to all services the process is using and
thereby to the files in those services. One of the most important
jobs of a terminal is to support its user's customized view of the
entire system as represented by the services visible in the name
To be used effectively, the system requires a CPU server and a file
server (large machines best housed in an air conditioned machine room
with conditioned power) and a terminal. The system is intended to
provide service at the level of a departmental computer center or
larger, and its strengths stem in part from economies of scale.
Accordingly, one of our goals is to unite the computing environment
for all of AT&T Bell Laboratories (about 30,000 people) into a single
Plan 9 system comprising thousands of CPU and file servers spread
throughout, and clustered in, the company's various departments. That
is clearly beyond the administrative capacity of workstations on
The following sections describe the basic components of Plan 9,
explain the name space and how it is used, and offer examples of
unusual services that illustrate how the ideas of Plan 9 can be
applied to a variety of problems.
CPU Servers
Several computers provide CPU service for Plan 9. The production CPU
server is a Silicon Graphics Power Series machine with four 25-MHz
.CWPS processors, 128 Mbytes of memory, no disk, and a 20
Mbyte-per-second back-to-back DMA connection to the file server. It
also has Datakit and Ethernet controllers to connect to terminals and
non-Plan 9 systems. The operating system provides a conventional view
of processes, based on fork and exec system calls, and of files,
mostly determined by the remote file server. Once a connection to the
CPU server is established, the user may begin typing commands to a
command interpreter in a conventional-looking environment.
A multiprocessor CPU server has several advantages. The most
important is its ability to absorb load. If the machine is not
saturated (which can be economically feasible for a multiprocessor),
there is usually a free processor ready to run a new process. This is
similar to the notion of free disk blocks in which to store new files
on a file system. The comparison extends farther: Just as you might
buy a new disk when a file system gets full, you may add processors to
a multiprocessor when the system gets busy, without needing to replace
or duplicate the entire system. Of course, you may also add new CPU
servers and share the file servers.
The CPU server performs compilation, text processing, and other
applications. It has no local storage; all the permanent files it
accesses are provided by remote servers. Transient parts of the name
space, such as the collected images of active processes or services
provided by user processes, may reside locally but these disappear
when the CPU server is rebooted. Plan 9 CPU servers are as
inter-changeable for their task \- computation \- as are ordinary
terminals for theirs.
File Servers
The Plan 9 file servers hold all permanent files. The current server
is another Silicon Graphics computer with two processors, 64 Mbytes of
memory, 600 Mbytes of magnetic disk, and a 300 gigabyte jukebox of
write-once optical disk (WORM). (This machine is to be replaced by a
.CWPS 6280, a single processor with much greater I/O bandwidth.) It
connects to Plan 9 CPU servers through 20 Mbyte-per-second DMA links,
and to terminals and other machines though conventional networks.
The file server presents to its clients a file system rather than,
say, an array of disks or blocks or files. The files are named by
slash-separated components that label branches of a tree, and may be
addressed for I/O at the byte level. The location of a file in the
server is invisible to the client. The true file system resides on
the WORM, and is accessed through a two-level cache of magnetic disk
and RAM. The contents of recently-used files reside in RAM and are
sent to the CPU server rapidly by DMA over a high-speed link, which is
much faster than regular disk although not as fast as local memory.
The magnetic disk acts as a cache for the WORM and simultaneously as a
backup medium for the RAM. With the high-speed links, it is
unnecessary for clients to cache data; the file server centralizes the
caching for all its clients, avoiding the problems of distributed
The file server actually presents several file systems. One, the
"main" system, is used as the file system for most clients. Other
systems provide less generally-used data for private applications.
One service is unusual: the backup system. Once a day, the file
server freezes activity on the main file system and flushes the data
in that system to the WORM. Normal file service continues unaffected,
but changes to files are applied to a fresh hierarchy, fabricated on
demand, using a copy-on-write scheme. Thus, the file tree is split
into two parts: A read-only version representing the system at the
time of the dump, and an ordinary system that continues to provide
normal service. The roots of these old file trees are available as
directories in a file system that may be accessed exactly as any other
(read-only) system. For example, the file
.CW /usr/rob/doc/
as it existed on April 1, 1990, can be accessed through the backup file
system by the name
.CW /1990/0401/usr/rob/doc/ .
This scheme
permits recovery or comparison of lost files by traditional commands
such as file copy and comparison routines rather than by special
utilities in a backup subsystem. Moreover, the backup system is
provided by the same file server and the same mechanism as the
original files, so permissions in the backup system are identical to
those in the main system; you cannot use the backup data to subvert
The standard terminal for Plan 9 is a Gnot (with silent "G"), a
locally-designed machine of which several hundred have been
manufactured. The terminal's hardware is reminiscent of a diskless
workstation: with 4 or 8 Mbytes of memory, a 25-MHz 68020 processor, a
1024 x 1024 pixel display with 2 bits per pixel, a keyboard, and a
mouse. It has no external storage and no expansion bus; it is a
terminal, not a workstation. A 2 megabit per second packet-switched
distribution network connects the terminals to the CPU and file
servers. Although the bandwidth is low for applications such as
compilation, it is more than adequate for the terminal's intended
purpose: To provide a window system, that is, a multiplexed interface
to the rest of Plan 9.
Unlike a workstation, the Gnot does not handle compilation; that is
done by the CPU server. The terminal runs a version of the CPU
server's operating system, configured for a single, smaller processor
with support for bitmap graphics, and uses that to run programs such
as a window system and a text editor. Files are provided by the
standard file server over the terminal's network connection.
Just like old character terminals, all Gnots are equivalent, as they
have no private storage either locally or on the file server. They
are inexpensive enough that every member of our research center can
have two \- one at work and one at home \- and see exactly the same
system on both. All the files and computing resources remain at work
where they can be shared and maintained effectively.
Plan 9 has a variety of networks that connect the components. To
connect components on a small (computer center or departmental) scale,
CPU servers and file servers communicate over back-to-back DMA
controllers. More distant machines are connected by traditional
networks such as Ethernet or Datakit, which a terminal or CPU server
may use completely transparently except for performance
considerations. Because our Datakit network spans the country, Plan 9
systems could potentially be assembled on a large scale.
.BP 3.5i 4.5i c "" sw "Figure 1"
To keep their cost down, Gnots employ an inexpensive network that uses
standard telephone wire and a single-chip interface. (The throughput
is respectable, about 120 Kbytes per second.) Getting even that
bandwidth to home, however, is problematic. Some of us have DS-1
lines at 1.54 megabits per second; others are experimenting with more
modest communications equipment. Because the terminal only mediates
communication \- it instructs the CPU server to connect to the file
server but does not participate in the resulting communication \- the
relatively low bandwidth to the terminal does not affect the overall
performance of the system.
Name Spaces
There are two kinds of name space in Plan 9: The global space of the
names of the various servers on the network and the local space of
files and servers visible to a process. Names of machines and
services connected to Datakit are hierarchical: 
.CW nj/mh/astro/helix ,
for example, roughly defines the area, building, department, and machine.
Because the network provides naming for its machines, Plan 9 need not
directly handle global naming issues. It does, however, attach
network services to the local name space on a per-process basis. This
is used to address the issues of customizability, transparency, and
The protocol for communicating with Plan 9 services is file-oriented;
all services, local or remote, are arranged into a set of file-like
objects collected into a hierarchy called the name space of the
server. For a file server, this is a trivial requirement. Other
services must sometimes be more imaginative. For instance, a printing
service might be implemented as a directory in which processes create
files to be printed. Other examples are described in the following
sections. For the moment, consider just a set of ordinary file
servers distributed around the network.
When a program calls a Plan 9 service, (using mechanisms inherent in
the network and outside Plan 9 itself) the program is connected to the
root of the service's name space. Using the protocol, usually as
mediated by the local operating system into a set of file-oriented
system calls, the program accesses the service by opening, creating,
removing, reading, and writing files in the name space.
After the user selects desired services (file servers containing
personal files, data, or software for a group project, for example),
their name spaces are collected and joined to the user's own private
name space by a fundamental Plan 9 operator called attach. The user's
name space is formed by the union of the spaces of the services being
used. The local name space is assembled by the local operating system
for each user, typically, the terminal. The name space is modifiable
on a per-process level, although in practice the name space is
assembled at login time and shared by all that user's processes.
To login to the system, the user instructs the terminal which file
server to connect to. The terminal calls the server, authenticates
the user (described later), and loads the operating system from the
server. It then reads a file, called the "profile," in the user's
personal directory. The profile contains commands that define what
services to use by default, and where in the local name space to
attach them. For example, the main file server to be used is attached
to the root of the local name space,
.CW "/" ,
and the process file system
is attached to the directory
.CW /proc .
The profile then typically starts
the window system.
Within each window, a command interpreter may be used to execute
commands locally, using file names interpreted in the name space
assembled by the profile. For computation-intensive applications such
as compilation, the user runs a command
.B cpu
that selects
(automatically or by name) a CPU server to run commands. After typing
cpu, the user sees a regular prompt from the command interpreter. But
that command interpreter is running on the CPU server in the same name
space \- even the same current directory \- as the cpu command itself.
The terminal exports a description of the name space to the CPU
server, which then assembles an identical name space, so the
customized view of the system assembled by the terminal is the same as
that seen on the CPU server. (A description of the name space is used
rather than the name space itself so the CPU server may use high-speed
links when possible, rather than requiring terminal intervention.) The
cpu command affects only the performance of subsequent commands; it
has nothing to do with the services available or how they are
The following are a few examples of the usage and possibilities
afforded by Plan 9.
The Process File System
An example of a local service is the "process file system," which
permits examination and debugging of executing processes through a
file-oriented interface. It is related to Killian's process file
system but its differences exemplify the way that Plan 9 services are
The root of the process file system is conventionally attached to the
.CW /proc .
(Convention is important in Plan 9; many programs
have conventional names built in that require the name space to have a
certain form. For example, it doesn't matter which server the command
.CW /bin/rc
comes from, but it must have that name to be
accessible by the commands that call on it.) After attachment, the
.CW /proc
itself contains one subdirectory for each local process
in the system, with name equal to the numerical unique identifier of
that process. (Processes running on the remote CPU server may also be
made visible; this will be discussed shortly.) Each subdirectory
contains a set of files that implement the view of that process. For
.CW /proc/77/mem
contains an image of the virtual memory of
process number 77. That file is closely related to the files in
Killian's process file system, but unlike Killian's, Plan 9's
.CW /proc
implements other functions through other files, rather than through
peculiar operations applied to a single file. Table 1 shows a list of
the files provided for each process.
Table 1: Files provided for the "process file system"
center ;
l lw(5i)
- -
l lw(5i)
Filename	Description
mem	T{
The virtual memory of the process image. 
Offsets in the file correspond to virtual addresses in the process.
ctl	T{
Control behavior of the processes. 
Messages sent (by a write system call) to this file cause the process to stop,
terminate, resume execution, and so on.
text	T{
The file from which the program originated.
This is typically used by a debugger to examine the symbol table of the target
process, but is in all respects except name the original
file; thus one may type 
.CW '/proc/77/text'
to the command interpreter to instantiate the program afresh.
note	T{
Any process with suitable permissions may write the note file
of another process to send it an asynchronous message for
interprocess communication. The system also uses this file to
send (poisoned) messages when a process misbehaves, for
example, divides by zero.
status	T{
A fixed-format ASCII representation of the status of the
process. It includes the name of the file the process was
executed from, the CPU time it has consumed, its current
state, and so on.
The status file illustrates how heterogeneity and portability can be
handled by a file server model for system functions. The command
.CW cat/proc/*/status
presents the status of all processes in the system;
in fact, the process status command 
.B ps
is just a reformatting of the ASCII text so gathered.
The source for ps is a page long and is
completely portable across machines. Even when
.CW /proc
contains files
for processes on several heterogeneous machines, the same
implementation works.
The functions provided by the ctl file can be accessed through further
files (stop or terminate, for example). We, however, chose to fold
all the true control operations into the ctl file and provide the more
data-intensive functions through separate files.
Note that the services
.CW /proc
provides, although varied, do not strain
the notion of a process as a file. For example, it is not possible to
terminate a process by attempting to remove its process file, nor is
it possible to start a new process by creating a process file. The
files give an active view of the processes, but they do not literally
represent them. This distinction is important when designing services
as file systems.
The Window System
In Plan 9, user programs, as well as specialized stand-alone servers,
may provide file service. The window system is an example of such a
program; one of Plan 9's most unusual aspects is that the window
system is implemented as a user-level file server.
The window system is a server that presents a file
.CW /dev/cons ,
to the
.CW /dev/tty
of other systems, to the client processes
running in its windows. Because it controls all I/O activities on
that file, it can arrange for each window's group of processes to see
a private 
.CW /dev/cons .
When a new window is made, the window system
allocates a new
.CW /dev/cons/
file, puts it in a new name space
(otherwise the same as its own) for the new client, and begins a
client process in that window. That process connects the standard
input and output channels to
.CW /dev/cons
using the normal file opening
system call and executes a command interpreter. When the command
interpreter prints a prompt, it will therefore be written to
.CW /dev/cons
and appear in the appropriate window.
It is instructive to compare this structure to other operating
systems. Most operating systems provide a file-like
.CW /dev/cons
that is
an alias for the terminal connected to a process. A process that
opens the special file accesses the terminal it is running on without
knowing the terminal's precise name. Because the alias is usually
provided by special arrangement in the operating system, it can be
difficult for a window system to guarantee its client processes access
to their window through this file. Plan 9 handles this problem easily
by inverting it. A set of processes in a window shares a name space,
and in particular
.CW /dev/cons ,
so by multiplexing 
.CW /dev/cons/
and forcing
all textual input and output to go through that file, the window
system can simulate the expected properties of the file.
The window system serves several files, all conventionally attached to
the directory of I/O devices, 
.CW /dev .
These include cons, the port for
ASCII I/O; mouse, a file that reports the position of the mouse; and
bitblt, which may be written messages to execute bitmap graphics
primitives. Much as the different cons files keep separate clients'
output in separate windows, the mouse and bitblt files are implemented
by the window system in a way that keeps the various clients
independent. For example, when a client process in a window writes a
message (to the bitblt file) to clear the screen, the window system
clears only that window. All graphics sent to partially or totally
obscured windows are maintained as bitmap layers, in memory private to
the window system. The clients are oblivious of one another.
Because the window system is implemented entirely at user level with
file and name space operations, it can be run recursively: It may be a
client of itself. The window system functions by opening the files
.CW /dev/cons , 
.CW /dev/bitblt ,
and so forth, as provided by the operating
system, and reproduces \- multiplexes \- their functionality among its
clients. Therefore, if a fresh instantiation of the window system is
run in a window, it will behave normally, multiplexing its
.CW /dev/cons
and other files for its clients. This recursion can be used
profitably to debug a new window system in a window or to multiplex
the connection to a CPU server. Because the window system has no
bitmap graphics code \- all its graphics operations are executed by
writing standard messages to a file \- the window system may be run on
any machine that has
.CW /dev/bitblt
in its name space, including the CPU server.
The cpu Command
.B cpu
command connects from a terminal to a CPU server using a
full-duplex network connection and runs a setup process there. The
terminal and CPU processes exchange information about the user and
name space, and then the terminal-resident process becomes a
user-level file server that makes the terminal's private files visible
from the CPU server. (At the time of writing, the CPU server builds
the name space by reexecuting the user's profile; a version being
designed will export the name space using a special terminal-resident
server that can be queried to recover the terminal's name space.) The
CPU process makes a few adjustments to the name space, such as making
the file
.CW /dev/cons
on the CPU server be the same file as on the
terminal, and begins a command interpreter. The command interpreter
then reads commands from, and prints results on, its file 
.CW /dev/cons ,
which is connected through the terminal process to the appropriate
window (for example) on the terminal. Graphics programs such as
bitmap editors may also be executed on the CPU server because their
definition is entirely based on I/O to files "served" by the terminal
for the CPU server. The connection to the CPU server and back again
is utterly transparent.
This connection raises the issue of heterogeneity: The CPU server and
the terminal may be, and in the current system are, different types of
processors. There are two distinct problems: binary data and
executable code. Binary data can be handled two ways: By making it
not binary or by strictly defining the format of the data at the byte
level. The former is exemplified by the status file in 
.CW /proc ,
which enables programs to examine, transparently and portably, the status of
remote processes. Another example is the file, provided by the
terminal's operating system, 
.CW /dev/time .
This is a fixed-format ASCII
representation of the number of seconds since the epoch that serves as
a time base for make and other programs. Processes on the CPU server
get their time base from the terminal, thereby obviating problems of
distributed clocks.
For files that are I/O intensive, such as 
.CW /dev/bitblt ,
the overhead of
an ASCII interface can be prohibitive. In Plan 9, therefore, such
files accept a binary format in which the byte order is predefined,
and programs that access the files use portable libraries that make no
assumptions about the order. Thus 
.CW /dev/bitblt
is usable from any
machine, not just the terminal. This principle is used throughout
Plan 9. For instance, the format of the compilers' object files and
libraries is similarly defined, which means that object files are
independent of the type of the CPU that compiled them.
Having different formats of executable binaries is a thornier problem,
and Plan 9 solves it adequately if not gracefully. Directories of
executable binaries are named appropriately: 
.CW /mips/bin , 
.CW /68020/bin ,
and so on, and a program may ascertain, through a special server, what
CPU type it is running on. A program, in particular the cpu command,
may therefore attach the appropriate directory to the conventional
name /bin so that when a program runs, say, 
.CW /bin/rc ,
the appropriate
file is found. The various object files and compilers use distinct
formats and naming conventions, which makes cross-compilation
painless, at least once automated by make or a similar program.
Plan 9 does not address security issues directly, but some of its
aspects are relevant to the topic. Breaking the file server away from
the CPU server enhances security possibilities. Because the file
server is a separate machine that can only be accessed over the
network by the standard protocol, and therefore can only serve files,
it cannot run programs. Many security issues are resolved by the
simple observation that the CPU server and file server communicate
using a rigorously controlled interface through which it is impossible
to gain special privileges.
Of course, certain administrative functions must be performed on the
file server, but these are available only through a special command
interface accessible only on the console and hence subject to physical
security. Moreover, that interface is for administration only. For
example, it permits making backups and creating and removing files,
but not reading files or changing their permissions. The contents of
a file with read permission for only its owner will not be divulged by
the file server to any other user, even the administrator.
This begs the question of how a user proves who he or she is. At the
moment, we use a simple authentication manager on the Datakit network
itself, so that when a user logs in from a terminal, the network
assures the authenticity of the maker of calls from the associated
terminal. In order to remove the need for trust in our local network,
we plan to replace the authentication manager by a Kerberos-like
A fairly complete version of Plan 9 was built in 1987 and 1988, but
development was abandoned. In May of 1989 work was begun on a
completely new system, based on the SGI MIPS-based multiprocessors,
using the first version as a bootstrap environment. By October, the
CPU server could compile all its own software, using the first-draft
file server. The SGI file server came on line in February 1990; the
true operating system kernel at its core was taken from the CPU
server's system, but the file server is otherwise a completely
separate program (and computer). The CPU server's system was ported
to the 68020 in 13 hours elapsed time in November, 1989. One
portability bug was found; the fix affected two lines of code. At the
time this article was originally written, work had just begun on a new
window system, which has since been implemented. An electronic mail
system has also been added, clearing the way for use of Plan 9 on a
daily basis by all the authors and 50 to 60 other users. Plan 9 is
now up, running, and comfortable to use, although it is certainly too
early to pass final judgment.
The multiprocessor operating system for the MIPS-based CPU server has
454 lines of assembly language, more than half of which save and
restore registers on interrupts. The kernel proper contains 3647
lines of C plus 774 lines of header files, which includes all process
control, virtual memory support, trap handling, and so on. There are
1020 lines of code to interface to the 29 system calls. Much of the
functionality of the system is contained in the "drivers" that
implement built-in servers such as 
.CW /proc ;
these and the network
software add another 9511 lines of code. Most of this code is
identical on the 68020 version; for instance, all the code to
implement processes, including the process switcher and the fork and
exec system calls, is identical in the two versions; the peculiar
properties of each processor are encapsulated in two five-line
assembler routines. (The code for the respective MMUs is quite
different, although the page fault handler is substantially the same.)
It is only fair to admit, however, that the compilers for the two
machines are closely related, and the operating system may depend on
properties of the compiler in unknown ways.
The system is efficient. On the four-processor machine connected to
the MIPS file server, the 45 source files of the operating system
compile in about ten seconds of real time and load in another ten.
(The loader runs single-threaded.) Partly due to the register-saving
convention of the compiler, the null system call takes only seven
microseconds on the MIPS, about half of which is attributed to
relatively slow memory on the multiprocessor. A process fork takes
700 microseconds irrespective of the process's size.
Plan 9 does not implement lightweight processes explicitly. We are
uneasy about deciding where on the continuum from fine-grained
hardware-supported parallelism to the usual timesharing notion of a
process we should provide support for user multiprocessing. Existing
definitions of threads and lightweight processes seem arbitrary and
raise more questions than they resolve. We prefer to have a single
kind of process and to permit multiple processes to share their
address space. With the ability to share local memory and with
efficient process creation and switching, both of which are in Plan 9,
we can match the functionality of threads without taking a stand on
how users should multiprocess.
Process migration is also deliberately absent from Plan 9. Although
Plan 9 makes it easy to instantiate processes where they can most
effectively run, it does nothing explicit to make this happen. The
compiler, for instance, does not arrange that it run on the CPU
server. We prefer to do coarse-grained allocation of computing
resources simply by running each new command interpreter on a
lightly-loaded CPU server. Reasonable management of computing
resources renders process migration unnecessary.
Other aspects of the system lead to other efficiencies. A large
single-threaded chess database problem runs about four times as fast
on Plan 9 as on the same machine running commercial software because
the remote cache on the file server is so large. In general, most
file I/O is done by direct DMA from the file server's cache; the file
server rarely needs to read from disk at all.
Much of Plan 9 is straightforward. The individual pieces that make
Plan 9 up are relatively ordinary; its unusual aspects lie in their
combination. As a case in point, the recent interest in using X
terminals connected to timeshared hosts might seem to be similar in
spirit to how Plan 9 terminals are used, but that is a mistaken
impression. The Gnot, although similar in hardware power to a typical
X terminal, serves a much higher-level function in the computing
environment. It is a fully programmable computer running a virtual
memory operating system that maintains its user's view of the entire
Plan 9 system. It off loads from the CPU server all the bookkeeping
and I/O intensive chores that a window system must perform. It is not
a workstation either; one would rarely bother to compile on the Gnot,
although one would certainly run a text editor there. Like the other
pieces of Plan 9, the Gnot's strength derives from careful
specialization in concert with other specialized components.
Special thanks go to Bart Locanthi, who built the Gnot and encouraged
us to program it; Tom Duff, who wrote the command interpreter
.BR rc ,
Tom Killian and Ted Kowalski, who cheerfully endured early versions of the
software; Dennis Ritchie, who frequently provided us with much-needed
wisdom; and all those who helped build the system.
Accetta, M.J., Robert Baron, William Bolosky, David Golub, Richard Rashid, Avadis Tevanian, and Michael Young. "Mach: A New Kernel Foundation for UNIX Development." In USENIX Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, Georgia, 1986. 
Duff, T. "Rc \- A Shell for Plan 9 and UNIX." In UNIX Programmer's Manual. 10th ed. Murray Hill, N.J.: AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1990. 
Fraser, A.G. "Datakit \- A Modular Network for Synchronous and Asynchronous Traffic." In Proc. Int. Conf. on Commun. Boston, Mass., 1980. 
Kernighan, Brian W. and Rob Pike. The UNIX Programming Environment. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984. 
Killian, T.J. "Processes as Files." In USENIX Summer Conference Proceedings. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1984. 
Metcalfe, R.M. and D.R. Boggs. The Ethernet Local Network: Three Reports. Palo Alto, Calif.: Xerox Research Center, 1980. 
Miller, S.P., C. Neumann, J.I. Schiller, and J.H. Saltzer. Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987. 
Pike, R. "Graphics in Overlapping Bitmap Layers." In Transactions on Graphics. Vol. 2, No.2, 135-160. 
Pike, R. "A Concurrent Window System," In Computing Systems. Vol. 2, No. 2, 133-153. 
Quinlan, S. "A Cached WORM File System." In Software \- Practice and Experience. To appear. 

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