Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/changes/2006/0225

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tapefs: more 64-bit fixes
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 1752774 glenda sys 1702 Feb 25 08:53 sys/src/cmd/tapefs/tapefs.h
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/src/cmd/tapefs/tapefs.h:1,7 - 
	  #define	g2byte(x)	(((x)[1]<<8) + (x)[0])		/* little-endian */
	  #define	g3byte(x)	(((x)[2]<<16) + ((x)[1]<<8) + (x)[0])
	  #define	g4byte(x)	(((x)[3]<<24) + ((x)[2]<<16) + ((x)[1]<<8) + (x)[0])
	+ #define	g8byte(x)	(((vlong)g4byte(x)<<32) | (u32int)g4byte(x+4))
	  	OPERM	= 0x3,		/* mask of all permission types in open mode */
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/src/cmd/tapefs/tapefs.h:40,46 - 
	  	char	*group;
	  	vlong addr;
	  	void *data;
	- 	long	ndata;
	+ 	vlong	ndata;
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 1752774 glenda sys 1702 Feb 25 08:53 sys/src/cmd/tapefs/tapefs.h

graphics(2), mouse(2): remove cursorswitch, cursorset
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 1752774 glenda sys 12765 Feb 25 15:42 sys/man/2/graphics
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/man/2/graphics:1,6 - 
	- Display, Point, Rectangle, Cursor, initdraw, geninitdraw, drawerror, initdisplay, closedisplay, getdefont, getwindow, gengetwindow, flushimage, bufimage, lockdisplay, unlockdisplay, cursorswitch, cursorset, openfont, buildfont, freefont, Pfmt, Rfmt, strtochan, chantostr, chantodepth \- interactive graphics
	+ Display, Point, Rectangle, Cursor, initdraw, geninitdraw, drawerror, initdisplay, closedisplay, getdefont, getwindow, gengetwindow, flushimage, bufimage, lockdisplay, unlockdisplay, openfont, buildfont, freefont, Pfmt, Rfmt, strtochan, chantostr, chantodepth \- interactive graphics
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/man/2/graphics:62,73 - 
	  	   Image **ip, Screen **sp, int ref)
	- void	cursorswitch(Cursor *curs)
	- .PP
	- .B
	- void	cursorset(Point p)
	- .PP
	- .B
	  Font*	openfont(Display *d, char *name)
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/man/2/graphics:276,281 - 
	  is one, and then drawing black at the pixels where
	  .B set
	  is one.
	+ .I Setcursor
	+ and
	+ .I moveto
	+ (see
	+ .IR mouse (2))
	+ and
	+ .I esetcursor
	+ and
	+ .I emoveto
	+ (see
	+ .IR event (2))
	+ change the cursor image and its location on the screen.
	  The routine
	  .I initdraw
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/man/2/graphics:501,520 - 
	  .B Screen
	  variables for the new window.
	- .PP
	- The mouse cursor is always displayed.
	- The initial cursor is an arrow.
	- .I Cursorswitch
	- causes the argument cursor to be displayed instead.
	- A zero argument causes a switch back to the arrow cursor.
	- .I Cursorset
	- moves the mouse cursor to position
	- .IR p ,
	- provided (if in a window) that the requesting program is
	- executing in the current window and the mouse is within
	- the window boundaries; otherwise
	- .I cursorset
	- is a no-op.
	  The graphics functions described in
	  .IR draw (2),
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 1752774 glenda sys 4952 Feb 25 15:42 sys/man/2/mouse
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0225/plan9/sys/man/2/mouse:1,6 - 
	  .TH MOUSE 2
	- initmouse, readmouse, closemouse, moveto, cursorswitch, getrect, drawgetrect, menuhit, setcursor \- mouse control
	+ initmouse, readmouse, closemouse, moveto, getrect, drawgetrect, menuhit, setcursor \- mouse control

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