Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/changes/2006/0410

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ctime: avoid fd leak when /env/timezone is missing
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 4935 Apr 10 11:20 sys/src/libc/9sys/ctime.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/libc/9sys/ctime.c:219,226 - 
	  	i = open("/env/timezone", 0);
	  	if(i < 0)
	  		goto error;
	- 	if(read(i, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= sizeof(buf))
	+ 	if(read(i, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= sizeof(buf)){
	+ 		close(i);
	  		goto error;
	+ 	}
	  	p = buf;
	  	if(rd_name(&p, timezone.stname))

upas cron: clean up after greylist
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 222 Apr 10 11:41 cron/upas/cron
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/cron/upas/cron:2,5 - 
	  0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *	mailserver		/bin/upas/runq -a /mail/queue /mail/lib/remotemail
	  # clean up after grey list
	- 47 4 * * *	mailserver	cd /mail/grey && rm -f [0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*
	+ 47 4 * * *	mailserver	rm -rf /mail/grey/tmp/*/*

upas/smtp: move greylist files into /mail/grey/tmp, /mail/grey/whitelist
	change whitelist format to be more tool-friendly
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 presotto sys 6514 Apr 10 11:41 sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/greylist.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/greylist.c:23,39 - 
	  enum {
	  	Nonspammax = 14*60*60,  /* must call back within this time if real */
	- static char whitelist[] = "/mail/lib/whitelist";
	+ static char whitelist[] = "/mail/grey/whitelist";
	   * matches ip addresses or subnets in whitelist against nci->rsys.
	-  * ignores comments and blank lines in /mail/lib/whitelist.
	+  * ignores comments and blank lines in /mail/grey/whitelist.
	  static int
	  	int lnlen;
	- 	char *line, *parse;
	+ 	char *line, *parse, *p;
	  	char input[128];
	  	uchar ip[IPaddrlen], ipmasked[IPaddrlen];
	  	uchar mask4[IPaddrlen], addr4[IPaddrlen];
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/greylist.c:52,66 - 
	  	if (wl == nil)
	  		return 1;
	  	while ((line = Brdline(wl, '\n')) != nil) {
	- 		if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n')
	- 			continue;
	  		lnlen = Blinelen(wl);
	  		line[lnlen-1] = '\0';		/* clobber newline */
	+ 		p = strpbrk(line, " \t");
	+ 		if (p)
	+ 			*p = 0;
	+ 		if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == 0)
	+ 			continue;
	  		/* default mask is /32 (v4) or /128 (v6) for bare IP */
	  		parse = line;
	  		if (strchr(line, '/') == nil) {
	- 			strncpy(input, line, sizeof input - 5);
	+ 			strecpy(input, input+sizeof input-5, line);
	  			if (strchr(line, '.') != nil)
	  				strcat(input, "/32");
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/greylist.c:219,225 - 
	  	/* check & try to update the grey list entry */
	- 	snprint(file, sizeof file, "/mail/grey/%s/%s/%s",
	+ 	snprint(file, sizeof file, "/mail/grey/tmp/%s/%s/%s",
	  		nci->lsys, nci->rsys, user);
	  	memset(gsp, 0, sizeof *gsp);
	  	addgreylist(file, gsp);
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/greylist.c:259,267 - 
	  		if (fd >= 0) {
	  			seek(fd, 0, 2);			/* paranoia */
	  			if ((fqdn = csgetvalue(nil, "ip", nci->rsys, "dom", nil)) != nil)
	- 				fprint(fd, "# %s\n%s\n\n", fqdn, nci->rsys);
	+ 				fprint(fd, "%s %s\n", nci->rsys, fqdn);
	- 				fprint(fd, "# unknown\n%s\n\n", nci->rsys);
	+ 				fprint(fd, "%s\n", nci->rsys);
	  	} else {
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 rsc sys 2813 Apr 10 11:35 dist/replica/plan9.proto
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/dist/replica/plan9.proto:14,20 - 
	  	faxoutqueue	d777 upas upas
	  	faxqueue	d777 upas upas
	  		*	- upas upas
	- 	grey	d777 upas upas
	+ 	grey	d775 upas upas
	+ 		whitelist a666 upas upas
	+ 		tmp	d777 upas upas
	  	fs	- upas upas
	  	lib	- upas upas
	  		+	- upas upas

9fs: use srv to retry dial when necessary
 [rsc] --rwxrwxr-x M 628694 glenda sys 927 Apr 10 12:08 rc/bin/9fs
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/rc/bin/9fs:20,42 - 
	  case juke
	  	srv -q il!jukefs && mount /srv/il!jukefs /n/njuke && bind -c /n/njuke/juke /n/juke
	  case sources
	- 	srv -q tcp! sources
	- 	mount -n /srv/sources /n/sources
	+ 	srv -nq tcp! sources /n/sources
	  case sourcesdump
	  	9fs sources
	- 	mount /srv/sources /n/sourcesdump main/archive
	+ 	mount -n /srv/sources /n/sourcesdump main/archive
	  case sourcessnap
	  	9fs sources
	- 	mount /srv/sources /n/sourcessnap main/snapshot
	+ 	mount -n /srv/sources /n/sourcessnap main/snapshot
	  case wiki
	- 	srv 'net!!wiki' wiki	
	- 	mount /srv/wiki /mnt/wiki
	+ 	srv -m 'net!!wiki' wiki /mnt/wiki
	  case *
	  	case 1
	  		srv -m $1
	  	case *
	- 		srv $1
	- 		mount -c /srv/$1 $2
	+ 		srv -m $1 $1 $2

leak(1): add kmem to heading
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 3291 Apr 10 12:09 sys/man/1/leak
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/1/leak:1,6 - 
	  .TH LEAK 1
	- leak \- examine family of processes for memory leaks
	+ leak, kmem \- help find memory leaks
	  .B leak

rc(1): document -m
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 20019 Apr 10 12:11 sys/man/1/rc
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/1/rc:7,15 - 
	  .B -srdiIlxepvV
	- .B -c command
	+ .B -c
	+ .I command
	+ .B -m
	+ .I initial
	+ ]
	+ [
	  .I file
	  .I arg ...
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/1/rc:937,942 - 
	  reads commands from
	  .BR $home/lib/profile ,
	  if it exists, before reading its normal input.
	+ .TP
	+ .B -m
	+ Read commands to initialize
	+ .I rc
	+ from
	+ .I initial
	+ instead of from
	+ .BR /rc/lib/rcmain .
	  .B -p
	  A no-op.

webfs: use new content-type in redirects
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 9503 Apr 10 12:10 sys/src/cmd/webfs/http.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/webfs/http.c:37,44 - 
	  static void
	  contenttype(HttpState *hs, char *value)
	- 	if(hs->c->contenttype == nil)
	- 		hs->c->contenttype = estrdup(value);
	+ 	if(hs->c->contenttype != nil)
	+ 		free(hs->c->contenttype);
	+ 	hs->c->contenttype = estrdup(value);
	  static void

ps: add -r flag (sorry)
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 2783 Apr 10 12:31 sys/src/cmd/ps.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ps.c:9,14 - 
	  Biobuf	bout;
	  int	pflag;
	  int	aflag;
	+ int	rflag;
	  main(int argc, char *argv[])
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ps.c:24,29 - 
	  	case 'p':
	+ 	case 'r':
	+ 		rflag++;
	+ 		break;
	  	} ARGEND;
	  	Binit(&bout, 1, OWRITE);
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ps.c:54,62 - 
	  ps(char *s)
	- 	ulong utime, stime, size;
	+ 	ulong utime, stime, rtime, size;
	  	int argc, basepri, fd, i, n, pri;
	- 	char args[256], *argv[16], buf[64], pbuf[8], status[4096];
	+ 	char args[256], *argv[16], buf[64], pbuf[8], rbuf[20], rbuf1[20], status[4096];
	  	sprint(buf, "%s/status", s);
	  	fd = open(buf, OREAD);
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ps.c:83,88 - 
	  	utime = strtoul(argv[3], 0, 0)/1000;
	  	stime = strtoul(argv[4], 0, 0)/1000;
	+ 	rtime = strtoul(argv[5], 0, 0)/1000;
	  	size  = strtoul(argv[9], 0, 0);
	  		basepri = strtoul(argv[10], 0, 0);
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ps.c:90,98 - 
	  		sprint(pbuf, " %2d %2d", basepri, pri);
	  	} else
	  		pbuf[0] = 0;
	- 	Bprint(&bout, "%-10s %8s %4lud:%.2lud %3lud:%.2lud%s %7ludK %-8.8s ",
	+ 	if(rflag){
	+ 		if(rtime >= 86400)
	+ 			sprint(rbuf, " %lud:%02lud:%02lud:%02lud", rtime/86400, (rtime/3600)%24, (rtime/60)%60, rtime%60);
	+ 		else if(rtime >= 3600)
	+ 			sprint(rbuf, " %lud:%02lud:%02lud", rtime/3600, (rtime/60)%60, rtime%60);
	+ 		else
	+ 			sprint(rbuf, " %lud:%02lud", rtime/60, rtime%60);
	+ 		sprint(rbuf1, "%12s", rbuf);
	+ 	}else
	+ 		rbuf1[0] = 0;
	+ 	Bprint(&bout, "%-10s %8s%s %4lud:%.2lud %3lud:%.2lud %s %7ludK %-8.8s ",
	+ 			rbuf1,
	  			utime/60, utime%60,
	  			stime/60, stime%60,
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 1722 Apr 10 12:31 sys/man/1/ps
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/1/ps:4,15 - 
	  .B ps
	- .B -pa
	+ .B -apr
	  .B psu
	- .B -pa
	+ .B -apr
	  .I user
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/1/ps:82,92 - 
	  .IR resource .
	- With the
	+ The
	+ .B -r
	+ flag causes
	+ .I ps
	+ to print, before the user time, the elapsed real time for the process.
	+ .PP
	+ The
	  .B -p
	- flag,
	+ flag causes
	  .I ps
	- also prints, after the system time, the baseline and current priorities of each process.
	+ to print, after the system time, the baseline and current priorities of each process.
	  .B -a

srv: add -n flag like in mount
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 4003 Apr 10 12:07 sys/src/cmd/srv.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/srv.c:10,15 - 
	  void	rpc(int, int);
	  void	post(char*, int);
	  void	mountfs(char*, int);
	+ int	doauth = 1;
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/srv.c:105,110 - 
	  		domount = 1;
	  		reallymount = 1;
	+ 	case 'n':
	+ 		doauth = 0;
	+ 		break;
	  	case 'q':
	  		domount = 1;
	  		reallymount = 0;
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/srv.c:193,199 - 
	  	if(domount == 0 || reallymount == 0)
	- 	if(amount(fd, mtpt, mountflag, "") < 0){
	+ 	if((!doauth && mount(fd, -1, mtpt, mountflag, "") < 0)
	+ 	|| (doauth && amount(fd, mtpt, mountflag, "") < 0)){
	  		err[0] = 0;
	  		errstr(err, sizeof err);
	  		if(strstr(err, "Hangup") || strstr(err, "hungup") || strstr(err, "timed out")){
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 4672 Apr 10 13:32 sys/man/4/srv
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/4/srv:4,10 - 
	  .B srv
	- .B -abceCmq
	+ .B -abceCmnq
	  .B -s
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/man/4/srv:107,116 - 
	  .BR a ,
	  .BR b ,
	  .BR c ,
	+ .BR C ,
	- .B C 
	+ .B n
	  flags are used to control the mount flag as in
	- .IR bind (1).
	+ .I mount
	+ (see
	+ .IR bind (1)).
	  .B e
	  flag causes

cc: add C99 variadic macros
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 rsc sys 1302 Apr 10 13:27 sys/src/cmd/cc/c99
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cc/c99:14,19 - 
	  26. _Bool, float _Complex, double _Complex, long double _Complex
	+ 7. __VA_ARGS__
	  11, 30, 31, 32. restrict, inline
	  12. Allow declarations anywhere.
	  15. for loop declarations
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cc/c99:40,46 - 
	  4. __STDC_VERSION__
	  5. __STDC_IEC_559__, __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__,
	- 7. __VA_ARGS__
	  13. Digraph tokens
	  23. __func__ identifier
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 12205 Apr 10 13:26 sys/src/cmd/cc/macbody
	[diffs elided - too long]
	[diff -c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cc/macbody /n/sourcesdump/2006/0411/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cc/macbody]

cpp: add C99 variadic macros
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 4707 Apr 10 13:53 sys/src/cmd/cpp/cpp.h
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/cpp.h:27,32 - 
	  #define	ISKW		02	/* is PP keyword */
	  #define	ISUNCHANGE	04	/* can't be #defined in PP */
	  #define	ISMAC		010	/* builtin macro, e.g. __LINE__ */
	+ #define	ISVARMAC	020	/* variadic macro */
	  #define	EOB	0xFE		/* sentinel for end of input buffer */
	  #define	EOFC	0xFD		/* sentinel for end of input file */
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/cpp.h:110,116 - 
	  void	doif(Tokenrow *, enum kwtype);
	  void	expand(Tokenrow *, Nlist *);
	  void	builtin(Tokenrow *, int);
	- int	gatherargs(Tokenrow *, Tokenrow **, int *);
	+ int	gatherargs(Tokenrow *, Tokenrow **, int, int *);
	  void	substargs(Nlist *, Tokenrow *, Tokenrow **);
	  void	expandrow(Tokenrow *, char *);
	  void	maketokenrow(int, Tokenrow *);
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 628694 glenda sys 11287 Apr 10 13:53 sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:12,18 - 
	  	Token *tp;
	  	Nlist *np;
	  	Tokenrow *def, *args;
	+ 	int dots;
	+ 	dots = 0;
	  	tp = trp->tp+1;
	  	if (tp>=trp->lp || tp->type!=NAME) {
	  		error(ERROR, "#defined token is not a name");
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:36,42 - 
	  			int err = 0;
	  			for (;;) {
	  				Token *atp;
	- 				if (tp->type!=NAME) {
	+ 				if (tp->type == ELLIPS)
	+ 					dots++;
	+ 				else if (tp->type!=NAME) {
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:51,56 - 
	  				tp += 1;
	  				if (tp->type==RP)
	+ 				if (dots)
	+ 					error(ERROR, "arguments after '...' in macro");
	  				if (tp->type!=COMMA) {
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:83,88 - 
	  	np->ap = args;
	  	np->vp = def;
	  	np->flag |= ISDEFINED;
	+ 	if(dots)
	+ 		np->flag |= ISVARMAC;
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:188,194 - 
	  	if (np->ap==NULL)			/* parameterless */
	  		ntokc = 1;
	  	else {
	- 		ntokc = gatherargs(trp, atr, &narg);
	+ 		ntokc = gatherargs(trp, atr, (np->flag&ISVARMAC) ? rowlen(np->ap) : 0, &narg);
	  		if (narg<0) {			/* not actually a call (no '(') */
	  /* error(WARNING, "%d %r\n", narg, trp); */
	  			/* gatherargs has already pushed trp->tr to the next token */
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:229,235 - 
	   * trp->tp is not changed relative to the tokenrow.
	- gatherargs(Tokenrow *trp, Tokenrow **atr, int *narg)
	+ gatherargs(Tokenrow *trp, Tokenrow **atr, int dots, int *narg)
	  	int parens = 1;
	  	int ntok = 0;
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:304,310 - 
	  		if (lp->type==DSHARP)
	  			lp->type = DSHARP1;	/* ## not special in arg */
	- 		if (lp->type==COMMA && parens==0 || parens<0 && (lp-1)->type!=LP) {
	+ 		if ((lp->type==COMMA && parens==0) || (parens<0 && (lp-1)->type!=LP)) {
	+ 			if (lp->type == COMMA && dots && *narg == dots-1)
	+ 				continue;
	  			if (*narg>=NARG-1)
	  				error(FATAL, "Sorry, too many macro arguments");
	  			ttr.bp = = bp;
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0410/plan9/sys/src/cmd/cpp/macro.c:412,417 - 
	  	if (tp->type!=NAME || mac->ap==NULL)
	  		return -1;
	+ 	if((mac->flag & ISVARMAC) && strcmp((char*)tp->t, "__VA_ARGS__") == 0)
	+ 		return rowlen(mac->ap) - 1;
	  	for (ap=mac->ap->bp; ap<mac->ap->lp; ap++) {
	  		if (ap->len==tp->len && strncmp((char*)ap->t,(char*)tp->t,ap->len)==0)
	  			return ap - mac->ap->bp;

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