typedef struct Enpkt Enpkt;
typedef struct Arppkt Arppkt;
typedef struct Ippkt Ippkt;
typedef struct Ilpkt Ilpkt;
typedef struct Udppkt Udppkt;
typedef struct Icmppkt Icmppkt;
typedef struct Ifc Ifc;
Easize = 6, /* Ether address size */
Pasize = 4, /* IP protocol address size */
Nqt= 8,
struct Ilp
Queue* reply; /* ethernet output */
uchar iphis[Pasize]; /* his ip address (index) */
uchar ipgate[Pasize]; /* his ip/gateway address */
Chan* chan; /* list of il channels */
int alloc; /* 1 means allocated */
int srcp; /* source port (index) */
int dstp; /* dest port (index) */
int state; /* connection state */
Msgbuf* unacked;
Msgbuf* unackedtail;
Msgbuf* outoforder;
ulong next; /* id of next to send */
ulong recvd; /* last packet received */
ulong start; /* local start id */
ulong rstart; /* remote start id */
ulong acksent; /* Last packet acked */
Timet lastxmit; /* time of last xmit */
Timet lastrecv; /* time of last recv */
Timet timeout; /* time out counter */
Timet acktime; /* acknowledge timer */
Timet querytime; /* Query timer */
ulong delay; /* Average of the fixed rtt delay */
ulong rate; /* Average byte rate */
ulong mdev; /* Mean deviation of predicted to real rtt */
ulong maxrtt; /* largest rtt seen */
ulong rttack; /* The ack we are waiting for */
int rttlen; /* Length of rttack packet */
ulong rttstart; /* Time we issued rttack packet */
ulong unackedbytes;
int rexmit; /* number of rexmits of *unacked */
ulong qt[Nqt+1]; /* state table for query messages */
int qtx; /* ... index into qt */
int window; /* maximum receive window */
Rendez syn; /* connect hang out */
} Ilp;
* Ethernet header
ETHERMINTU = 60, /* minimum transmit size */
ETHERMAXTU = 1514, /* maximum transmit size */
Arptype = 0x0806,
Iptype = 0x0800,
Icmpproto = 1,
Igmpproto = 2,
Tcpproto = 6,
Udpproto = 17,
Ilproto = 40,
Nqueue = 20,
Nfrag = 6, /* max number of non-contig ip fragments */
Nrock = 20, /* number of partial ip assembly stations */
Nb = 211, /* number of arp hash buckets */
Ne = 10, /* number of entries in each arp hash bucket */
Ensize = 14, /* ether header size */
Ipsize = 20, /* ip header size -- doesnt include Ensize */
Arpsize = 28, /* arp header size -- doesnt include Ensize */
Ilsize = 18, /* il header size -- doesnt include Ipsize/Ensize */
Udpsize = 8, /* il header size -- doesnt include Ipsize/Ensize */
Udpphsize = 12, /* udp pseudo ip header size */
IP_VER = 0x40, /* Using IP version 4 */
IP_HLEN = Ipsize/4, /* Header length in longs */
IP_DF = 0x4000, /* Don't fragment */
IP_MF = 0x2000, /* More fragments */
Arprequest = 1,
Ilfsport = 17008,
Ilauthport = 17020,
Ilfsout = 5000,
SNTP = 123,
SNTP_LOCAL = 6001,
struct Enpkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* destination address */
uchar s[Easize]; /* source address */
uchar type[2]; /* packet type */
uchar data[ETHERMAXTU-(6+6+2)];
uchar crc[4];
struct Arppkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* ether header */
uchar s[Easize];
uchar type[2];
uchar hrd[2]; /* hardware type, must be ether==1 */
uchar pro[2]; /* protocol, must be ip */
uchar hln; /* hardware address len, must be Easize */
uchar pln; /* protocol address len, must be Pasize */
uchar op[2];
uchar sha[Easize];
uchar spa[Pasize];
uchar tha[Easize];
uchar tpa[Pasize];
struct Ippkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* ether header */
uchar s[Easize];
uchar type[2];
uchar vihl; /* Version and header length */
uchar tos; /* Type of service */
uchar length[2]; /* packet length */
uchar id[2]; /* Identification */
uchar frag[2]; /* Fragment information */
uchar ttl; /* Time to live */
uchar proto; /* Protocol */
uchar cksum[2]; /* Header checksum */
uchar src[Pasize]; /* Ip source */
uchar dst[Pasize]; /* Ip destination */
struct Ilpkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* ether header */
uchar s[Easize];
uchar type[2];
uchar vihl; /* ip header */
uchar tos;
uchar length[2];
uchar id[2];
uchar frag[2];
uchar ttl;
uchar proto;
uchar cksum[2];
uchar src[Pasize];
uchar dst[Pasize];
uchar ilsum[2]; /* Checksum including header */
uchar illen[2]; /* Packet length */
uchar iltype; /* Packet type */
uchar ilspec; /* Special */
uchar ilsrc[2]; /* Src port */
uchar ildst[2]; /* Dst port */
uchar ilid[4]; /* Sequence id */
uchar ilack[4]; /* Acked sequence */
struct Udppkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* ether header */
uchar s[Easize];
uchar type[2];
uchar vihl; /* ip header */
uchar tos;
uchar length[2];
uchar id[2];
uchar frag[2];
uchar ttl;
uchar proto;
uchar cksum[2];
uchar src[Pasize];
uchar dst[Pasize];
uchar udpsrc[2]; /* Src port */
uchar udpdst[2]; /* Dst port */
uchar udplen[2]; /* Packet length */
uchar udpsum[2]; /* Checksum including header */
struct Icmppkt
uchar d[Easize]; /* ether header */
uchar s[Easize];
uchar type[2];
uchar vihl; /* ip header */
uchar tos;
uchar length[2];
uchar id[2];
uchar frag[2];
uchar ttl;
uchar proto;
uchar cksum[2];
uchar src[Pasize];
uchar dst[Pasize];
uchar icmptype; /* Src port */
uchar icmpcode; /* Dst port */
uchar icmpsum[2]; /* Checksum including header */
uchar icmpbody[10]; /* Depends on type */
struct Ifc
Queue* reply;
Filter work[3];
Filter rate[3];
ulong rcverr;
ulong txerr;
ulong sumerr;
ulong rxpkt;
ulong txpkt;
uchar ea[Easize]; /* my ether address */
uchar ipa[Pasize]; /* my ip address, pulled from netdb */
uchar netgate[Pasize]; /* my ip gateway, pulled from netdb */
ulong ipaddr;
ulong mask;
ulong cmask;
Ifc *next; /* List of configured interfaces */
Ifc* enets; /* List of configured interfaces */
void riprecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void sntprecv(Msgbuf *mb, Ifc *ifc);
void arpreceive(Enpkt*, int, Ifc*);
void ipreceive(Enpkt*, int, Ifc*);
void ilrecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void udprecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void ilrecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void icmprecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void igmprecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void tcprecv(Msgbuf*, Ifc*);
void iprouteinit(void);
long ipclassmask(uchar*);
void iproute(uchar*, uchar*, uchar*);
void getipa(Ifc*, int);
int ipforme(uchar*, Ifc*);
int ipcsum(uchar*);
int ptclcsum(uchar*, int);
void ipsend(Msgbuf*);
void ipsend1(Msgbuf*, Ifc*, uchar*);
uchar authip[Pasize]; /* ip address of server - from config block */
uchar sntpip[Pasize]; /* ip address of sntp server */
uchar sysip[Pasize]; /* my ip - from config block */
uchar defmask[Pasize];/* ip mask - from config block */
uchar defgwip[Pasize];/* gateway ip - from config block */
} ipaddr[10];