Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/mpm/mpm.bundle

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From!9fans-admin Thu Feb 14 12:53:21 EST 2002
# To unbundle, run this file
sed 's/.//' >README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD README'
-An experiment in page makeup for troff output...
--mpm is a version of standard -ms that causes extra
-information for vertical justification and figure
-placement to be included in troff output.  Commands that
-have been augmented to provide paddable space are
-	.SH and .NH
-	.PP and .LP	no space if \n(PD is 0; normally .nr PD 0.3v; leave at least 1u
-	.IP and .QP	also
-	.EQ and .EN
-	.TS and .TE	no space if \n(TS is 0; normally .nr TS 0.5v
-	.PS and .PE
-	.P1 and .P2	display programs in CW font
-	.DS and .DE
-	.QS and .QE
-Other commands, registers, strings, etc.:
-	.SP n		explicit paddable space, just like .sp n.
-			generally you should ALWAYS use .SP instead of .sp.
-			if you need exactly a given vertical space, you can say
-				.SP 3i exactly
-			this space won't be padded.
-	.Tm words	prints "words" and the output page number on stderr
-			sorry about the spelling; -ms pre-empted .TM
-	.NE n		like .ne.  note: does not cause a break
-			Others may be added as the need arises.
-	.nr FO n	Set the page length.  This value is the bottom of
-			the text on the page; a bottom title may lie below.
-			default is 10i (== 10 inches).
-	%o, %e		are strings containing odd and even page titles
-	%#		is the current page number (often useless)
-	.PT		is a macro invoked at the top of each "page";
-			it will normally use %e, %o and %#.  There is also
-			a .BT for page bottoms if desired.
-	.BP		force a page break
-	.FL		force all waiting figures out before any more running text
-	.1C, .2C	multiple columns;  number registers CW and GW set
-			the column and gutter width if you don't like the default.
-			absent a .FC command, all two-column contents collect
-			together on the page
-	.FC		freeze current two-column contents and start afresh.
-			necessary if you want to switch between 1 and 2 column
-			text and keep the relative order among them.
-Usage is some variant of
-	... | troff -mpm
-/usr/lib/tmac/pm is the page-justifier itself;  it is called automatically
-by the -mpm macro package.  If you are installing this yourself, you will
-have to edit the 2nd line of to arrange that pm is called directly
-from troff.
-There are several lines in that say
-	.so /n/coma/usr/bwk/...
-You should delete these;  they are placeholders for some experiments.
-If you use -mm, you are more or less out of luck, although we will be
-happy to provide a crude and incomplete program that purports to convert
--mm to -ms.  It may suggest what you need but it won't do the job.
-To compile pm, you need a C++ compiler, preferably release 2.0 or later.
-Put the .c and .h files in a directory, and type
-	make
-This process may well fail.  The usual cause is that different systems
-put function declarations in different header files, and C++ insists that
-all functions be properly declared.  You can almost always get through this
-part by adding function declarations.  The most likely offender is malloc;
-a line like
-	extern char *malloc(int);
-near the top of slug.c will solve this one.
-Bugs, etc.:
-	not all -ms commands have been decorated;  in particular,
-	the rich variety of document types (TM, CSTR, etc.,) is not
-	really supported.
-	there are problems with funny first pages and troff input
-	that moves back up the page.
-	multiple columns:  only .2C is available.  The program does not check
-	whether something is wide or narrow:  user has responsibility to mark
-	which with .1C or .2C.
-	headings are a bit tricky if you want things like
-	running titles that include the current section title.
-	normally a two-pass procedure using .Tm is needed.
-	It's a pain to force a blank vertical space of specified height.
-	Try this:
-		.de x
-		\v'\\$1'\0\h'-\w'\0'u'\c
-		..
-		.x 2.5i
-If you want to roll your own, the following components are
-included in pm's "command language".  They are inserted in
-the troff output in the form of "x X ..." commands, which
-are created either by \X'...' or by the .X macro in -mpm.
-Look at how they are used in /usr/lib/tmac/ for examples.
-BS n	breakable stream	n = min # lines that must appear on page
-				use:  PP, LP, IP, ...
-US	unbreakable stream	use:  KS/KE, DS/DE, TS/TE, EQ/EN, PS/PE, etc.
-BF v	breakable float		v = preferred vertical location of box center
-				use:  FS/FE
-				use two successive BF's to give two preferences
-UF v	unbreakable float	v = preferred vertical location of box center
-				use:  KF/KE
-				use two successive UF's to give two preferences
-PT	page title		use:  user has absolute control between PT and END
-				no SP's or other pm commands inside are processed
-BT	bottom title		use:  user has absolute control between BT and END
-END	end			end a US, BF, UF, PT, or BT
-				all constructs nest, but a float within another float
-				or a US block will not float within or outside the block
-NE n	need			break page if a VBOX of height n would not fit on page
-				use:  .NE n
-SP n	space			paddable space of n
-				use:  .SP n
-PARM NP v			top of pm text at v
-	new page
-PARM FO v			bottom of pm text at v
-	footer			length of text on page = FO-NP
-PARM PL v			physical page ends at v
-	page length		default = FO + NP
-PARM MF x			tolerance to prevent padding
-	minimum fullness	default = 0.9
-PARM CT x			tolerance for two-column operation
-	column tolerance	default = 0.5
-PARM DBG x			debugging flag
-TM str	message			.Tm words prints <pageno> <tab> <words> on stderr
-MC n o	multiple column		n columns, offset o.
-				Only 1 and 2 columns will work.
-CMD BP	break page		force page break
-CMD FL	flush			force all queued figures out before any more
-				stream material is output
-CMD FC	freeze columns		force out current two-column contents;
-				start a fresh one
-Something like this will probably have to be added:
-NC	new column		HARD!
-Known botches in the existing implementation of pm:
-If a footnote is split across two pages, any associated separator line
-will not be copied.  If there are multiple footnotes on one page, there
-will be multiple separators too.  -mpm's .FS macro does not provide a
-separator.  If you want a separator line, put it in explicitly with
-a call to the .FA macro.
-There are not enough settable parameters;  in particular, the
-way to control the height is a botch.
-Historical note:  There is a simpler version of pm and -mpm
-called pj and -mpj that only does vertical justification of
-pages that have already been laid out by conventional means.
-This simpler version may be adequate, but it is no longer
-supported and memory of how it works is growing dim.
echo misc.c
sed 's/.//' >misc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c'
-#include	"misc.h"
-char	errbuf[200];
-char	*progname;
-int	wantwarn = 0;
-int	dbg	= 0;
-// dbg = 1 : dump slugs
-// dbg = 2 : dump ranges
-// dbg = 4 : report function entry
-// dbg = 8 : follow queue progress
-// dbg = 16: follow page fill progress
//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c
echo misc.h
sed 's/.//' >misc.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD misc.h'
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<stdlib.h>
-#include	<math.h>
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	<string.h>
-extern char	errbuf[];
-extern char	*progname;
-extern int	linenum;
-extern int	wantwarn;
-// #define	ERROR	fflush(stdout), fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname), fprintf(stderr,
-// #define	FATAL	), exit(1)
-// #define	WARNING	)
-#define	ERROR	fprintf(stdout, "\n#MESSAGE TO USER:  "), sprintf(errbuf,
-#define	FATAL	), fputs(errbuf, stdout), \
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname), \
-		fputs(errbuf, stderr), \
-		fflush(stdout), \
-		exit(1)
-#define	WARNING	), fputs(errbuf, stdout), \
-		wantwarn ? \
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname), \
-			fputs(errbuf, stderr) : 0, \
-		fflush(stdout)
-#define	eq(s,t)	(strcmp(s,t) == 0)
-inline	max(int x, int y)	{ return x > y ? x : y; }
-inline	min(int x, int y)	{ return x > y ? y : x; }
-inline	abs(int x)		{ return (x >= 0) ? x : -x; }
-extern int	dbg;
-extern int	pn, userpn;		// actual and user-defined page numbers
-extern int	pagetop, pagebot;	// printing margins
-extern int	physbot;		// physical bottom of the page
//GO.SYSIN DD misc.h
echo mkfile
sed 's/.//' >mkfile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile'
-	slug.$O\
-	range.$O\
-	queue.$O\
-	page.$O\
-slug.$O:	slug.h
-range.$O:	range.h slug.h
-queue.$O:	page.h range.h slug.h
-page.$O:	page.h range.h slug.h
-test:V:	$O.out
-	tryout $O.out
//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile
echo page.c
sed 's/.//' >page.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD page.c'
-#include	"misc.h"
-#include	"slug.h"
-#include	"range.h"
-#include	"page.h"
-const	MAXRANGES	= 1000;
-static range *ptemp[MAXRANGES];		// for movefloats()
-static void swapright(int n)		// used by movefloats()
-	range *t = ptemp[n];
-	ptemp[n] = ptemp[n+1];
-	ptemp[n+1] = t;
-	ptemp[n]->setaccum( ptemp[n+1]->accum() -
-			    ptemp[n+1]->rawht() + ptemp[n]->rawht() );
-	ptemp[n+1]->setaccum( ptemp[n]->accum() + ptemp[n+1]->rawht() );
-// Figure out the goal position for each floating range on scratch,
-// and move it past stream ranges until it's as close to its goal as possible.
-static void movefloats(stream *scratch, double scale)
-	const int Huge = 100000;
-	for (int nranges = 0; scratch->more(); scratch->advance())
-		ptemp[nranges++] = scratch->current();
-	scratch->freeall();
-	ufrange rtemp;
-	ptemp[nranges] = &rtemp;
-	rtemp.setgoal(Huge);
-	int accumV = 0;				// compute accum values and
-	for (int i = 0; i < nranges; i++) {	// pick closest goal for floats
-		ptemp[i]->pickgoal(accumV, scale);
-		ptemp[i]->setaccum(accumV += ptemp[i]->rawht());
-	}
-	int j;					// index for inner loop below:
-	for (i = nranges; --i >= 0; )		// stably sort floats to bottom
-		for (j = i; j < nranges; j++)
-			if (ptemp[j]->goal() > ptemp[j+1]->goal())
-				swapright(j);
-			else
-				break;
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		printf("#movefloats:  before floating, from bottom:\n");
-	for (i = nranges; --i >= 0; ) {		// find topmost float
-		if (ptemp[i]->goal() == NOGOAL)
-			break;
-		if (dbg & 16)
-			printf("# serialno %d goal %d height %d\n",
-				ptemp[i]->serialno(), ptemp[i]->goal(),
-				ptemp[i]->rawht());
-	}					// i+1 is topmost float
-	for (i++ ; i < nranges; i++)		// move each float up the page
-		for (j = i; j > 0; j--)		// as long as closer to its goal
-			if (ptemp[j]->goal()
-			  <= ptemp[j-1]->accum() + ptemp[j]->rawht()/2
-			  && ptemp[j-1]->goal() == NOGOAL)
-				swapright(j-1);
-			else
-				break;
-	if (ptemp[nranges] != &rtemp)
-		ERROR "goal sentinel has disappeared from movefloats" FATAL;
-	for (i = 0; i < nranges; i++)		// copy sorted list back
-		scratch->append(ptemp[i]);
-// Traverse the leaves of a tree of ranges, filtering out only SP and VBOX.
-static range *filter(generator *g)
-	range *r;
-	while (r = g->next())
-		if (r->isvbox() || r->issp())
-			break;
-	return r;
-// Zero out leading and trailing spaces; coalesce adjacent SP's.
-static void trimspace(stream *scratch)
-	range *r, *prevr = 0;
-	for (generator g = scratch; (r = filter(&g)) != 0 && r->issp(); prevr = r)
-		r->setheight(0);		// zap leading SP
-	for ( ; (r = filter(&g)) != 0; prevr = r)
-		if (r->issp())
-			if (prevr && prevr->issp()) {
-						// coalesce adjacent SPs
-				r->setheight(max(r->rawht(), prevr->height()));
-				prevr->setheight(0);
-			} else			// a VBOX intervened
-				r->setheight(r->rawht());
-	if (prevr && prevr->issp())		// zap *all* trailing space
-		prevr->setheight(0);		// (since it all coalesced
-						// into the last one)
-// Pad the non-zero SP's in scratch so the total height is wantht.
-// Note that the SP values in scratch are not the raw values, and
-// indeed may already have been padded.
-static void justify(stream *scratch, int wantht)
-	range *r;
-	int nsp = 0, hsp = 0;
-	int adjht = scratch->height();
-					// Find all the spaces.
-	for (generator g = scratch; r =; )
-		if (r->issp() && r->height() > 0) {
-			nsp++;
-			hsp += r->height();
-		}
-	int excess = wantht - adjht;
-	if (excess < 0)
-		ERROR "something on page %d is oversize by %d\n",
-			userpn, -excess WARNING;
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		printf("# justify %d: excess %d nsp %d hsp %d adjht %d\n",
-			userpn, excess, nsp, hsp, adjht);
-	if (excess <= 0 || nsp == 0)
-		return;
-					// Redistribute the excess space.
-	for (g = scratch; r =; )
-		if (r->issp() && r->height() > 0) {
-			int delta = (int) ((float)(r->height()*excess)/hsp + 0.5);
-			if (dbg & 16)
-				printf("# pad space %d by %d: hsp %d excess %d\n",
-					r->height(), delta, hsp, excess);
-			r->setheight(r->height() + delta);
-		}
-// If r were added to s, would the height of the composed result be at most maxht?
-int wouldfit(range *r, stream *s, int maxht)
-	if (r->rawht() + s->rawht() <= maxht)
-		return 1;		// the conservative test succeeded
-	stream scratch;			// local playground for costly test
-	for (stream cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		scratch.append(cd.current());
-	scratch.append(r);
-	movefloats(&scratch, ((double) scratch.rawht())/maxht);
-	trimspace(&scratch);
-	int retval = scratch.height() <= maxht;
-	scratch.freeall();
-	return retval;
-// If s1 were added to s, would the height of the composed result be at most maxht?
-// The computational structure is similar to that above.
-int wouldfit(stream *s1, stream *s, int maxht)
-	if (s1->rawht() + s->rawht() <= maxht)
-		return 1;
-	stream scratch;
-	for (stream cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		scratch.append(cd.current());
-	for (cd = *s1; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		scratch.append(cd.current());
-	movefloats(&scratch, ((double) scratch.rawht())/maxht);
-	trimspace(&scratch);
-	int retval = scratch.height() <= maxht;
-	scratch.freeall();
-	return retval;
-// All of stream *s is destined for one column or the other; which is it to be?
-void multicol::choosecol(stream *s, int goalht)
-	stream *dest;
-	if (!leftblocked && wouldfit(s, &(column[0]), goalht))
-		dest = &(column[0]);
-	else {
-		dest = &(column[1]);
-		if (!s->current()->floatable())
-					// a stream item is going into the right
-					// column, so no more can go into the left.
-			leftblocked = 1;
-	}
-	for (stream cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		dest->append(cd.current());
-double coltol = 0.5;
-// Try, very hard, to put everything in the multicol into two columns
-// so that the total height is at most htavail.
-void multicol::compose(int defonly)
-	if (!nonempty()) {
-		setheight(0);
-		return;
-	}
-	scratch.freeall();		// fill scratch with everything destined
-					// for either column
-	for (stream cd = definite; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		scratch.append(cd.current());
-	if (!defonly)
-		for (cd = *(currpage->stage); cd.more(); cd.advance())
-			if (cd.current()->numcol() == 2)
-				scratch.append(cd.current());
-	scratch.restoreall();		// in particular, floatables' goals
-	int rawht = scratch.rawht();
-	int halfheight = (int)(coltol*rawht);
-					// choose a goal height
-	int maxht = defonly ? halfheight : htavail;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-		column[i].freeall();
-	leftblocked = 0;
-	cd = scratch;
-	while (cd.more()) {
-		queue ministage;	// for the minimally acceptable chunks
-		ministage.freeall();	// that are to be added to either column
-		while (cd.more() && !cd.current()->issentinel()) {
-			ministage.enqueue(cd.current());
-			cd.advance();
-		}
-		choosecol(&ministage, maxht);
-		if (cd.more() && cd.current()->issentinel())
-			cd.advance();	// past sentinel
-	}
-	if (height() > htavail && maxht != htavail) {
-					// We tried to balance the columns, but
-					// the result was too tall.  Go back
-					// and try again with the less ambitious
-					// goal of fitting the space available.
-		maxht = htavail;
-		goto secondtry;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		movefloats(&(column[i]), ((double) column[i].rawht())/currpage->pagesize);
-		trimspace(&(column[i]));
-	}
-	if (dbg & 32) {
-		printf("#multicol::compose: htavail %d maxht %d dv %d\n",
-			htavail, maxht, height());
-		dump();
-	}
-	if (defonly)
-		stretch(height());
-// A sequence of two-column ranges waits on the stage.
-// So long as the page's skeleton hasn't changed--that is, the maximum height
-// available to the two-column chunk is the same--we just use the columns that
-// have been built up so far, and choose a column into which to put the stage.
-// If the skeleton has changed, however, then we may need to make entirely
-// new decisions about which column gets what, so we recompose the whole page.
-void multicol::tryout()
-	if (htavail == prevhtavail)
-		choosecol(currpage->stage, htavail);
-	else
-		currpage->compose(DRAFT);
-	prevhtavail = htavail;
-// Make both columns the same height.
-// (Maybe this should also be governed by minfull,
-// to prevent padding very underfull columns.)
-void multicol::stretch(int wantht)
-	if (wantht < height())
-		ERROR "page %d: two-column chunk cannot shrink\n", userpn FATAL;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-		justify(&(column[i]), wantht);
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		printf("#col hts: left %d right %d\n",
-			column[0].height(), column[1].height());
-// Report an upper bound on how tall the current two-column object is.
-// The (possibly composed) heights of the two columns give a crude upper
-// bound on the total height.  If the result is more than the height
-// available for the two-column object, then the columns are each
-// composed to give a better estimate of their heights.
-int multicol::height()
-	int retval = max(column[0].height(), column[1].height());
-	if (retval < htavail)
-		return retval;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		movefloats(&(column[i]), ((double) column[i].height())/currpage->pagesize);
-		trimspace(&(column[i]));
-	}
-	return max(column[0].height(), column[1].height());
-void multicol::dump()
-	printf("####2COL dv %d\n", height());
-	printf("# left column:\n");
-	column[0].dump();
-	printf("# right column:\n");
-	column[1].dump();
-// From the head of queue qp, peel off a piece whose raw height is at most space.
-int peeloff(stream *qp, int space)
-	stream *s1 = qp->current()->children();
-	if (!(s1 && s1->more() && s1->current()->height() <= space))
-					// in other words, either qp's head is
-					// not nested, or its first subrange
-		return 0;		// is also too big, so we give up
-	qp->split();
-	s1 = qp->current()->children();
-	stream *s2 = qp->next()->children();
-	while (s2->more() && s2->current()->rawht() <= space) {
-		s1->append(s2->current());
-		space -= s2->current()->rawht();
-		s2->advance();
-	}
-	return 1;
-// There are four possibilities for consecutive calls to tryout().
-// If we're processing a sequence of single-column ranges, tryout()
-// uses the original algorithm: (1) conservative test; (2) costly test;
-// (3) split a breakable item.
-// If we're processing a sequence of double-column ranges, tryout()
-// defers to twocol->tryout(), which gradually builds up the contents
-// of the two columns until they're as tall as they can be without
-// exceeding twocol->htavail.
-// If we're processing a sequence of single-column ranges and we
-// get a double-column range, then we use compose() to build a
-// skeleton page and set twocol->htavail, the maximum height that
-// should be occupied by twocol.
-// If we're processing a sequence of double-column ranges and we
-// get a single-column range, then we should go back and squish
-// the double-column chunk as short as possible before we see if
-// we can fit the single-column range.
-void page::tryout()
-	if (!stage->more())
-		ERROR "empty stage in page::tryout()\n" FATAL;
-	int curnumcol = stage->current()->numcol();
-	if (dbg & 32) {
-		printf("#page::tryout(): ncol = %d, prevncol = %d; on stage:\n",
-			curnumcol, prevncol);
-		stage->dump();
-		printf("#END of stage contents\n");
-	}
-	switch(curnumcol) {
-	default:
-		ERROR "unexpected number of columns in tryout(): %d\n",
-			stage->current()->numcol() FATAL;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		if (prevncol == 2)
-			compose(FINAL);
-		if (wouldfit(stage, &definite, pagesize - twocol->height()))
-			commit();
-		else if (stage->current()->breakable() || blank()
-			&& peeloff(stage,
-				pagesize - (definite.height() + twocol->height()))) {
-			// first add the peeled-off part that fits
-			adddef(stage->dequeue());
-			// then send the rest back for later
-			stage->current()->setbreaking();
-			welsh();
-		} else if (blank()) {
-			stage->current()->rdump();
-			ERROR "A %s is too big to continue.\n",
-			stage->current()->typename() FATAL;
-		} else
-			welsh();
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if (prevncol == 1)
-			compose(DRAFT);
-		else
-			twocol->tryout();
-		if (scratch.height() <= pagesize)
-			commit();
-		else
-			welsh();
-		break;
-	}
-	prevncol = curnumcol;
-// To compose the page, we (1) fill scratch with the stuff that's meant to
-// go on the page; (2) compose scratch as best we can; (3) set the maximum
-// height available to the two-column part of the page; (4) have the two-
-// column part compose itself.
-// In the computation of twocol->htavail, it does not matter that
-// twocol->height() is merely an upper bound, because it is merely being
-// subtracted out to give the exact total height of the single-column stuff.
-void page::compose(int final)
-	makescratch(final);
-	int adjht = scratch.rawht();
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		printf("# page %d measure %d\n", userpn, adjht);
-	movefloats(&scratch, ((double) adjht)/pagesize);
-	trimspace(&scratch);
-	twocol->htavail = pagesize - (scratch.height() - twocol->height());
-	twocol->compose(final);
-	adjht = scratch.height();
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		printf("# page %d measure %d after trim\n", userpn, adjht);
-// Fill the scratch area with ranges destined for the page.
-// If defonly == 0, then add anything that's on stage--this is a trial run.
-// If defonly != 0, use only what's definitely on the page.
-void page::makescratch(int defonly)
-	scratch.freeall();
-	for (stream cd = definite; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-		scratch.append(cd.current());
-	if (!defonly)
-		for (cd = *stage; cd.more(); cd.advance())
-			if (cd.current()->numcol() == 1)
-				scratch.append(cd.current());
-	if (twocol->nonempty())
-		scratch.append(twocol);
-// Accept the current contents of the stage.
-// If the stage contains two-column ranges, add a sentinel to indicate the end
-// of a chunk of stage contents.
-void page::commit()
-	if (dbg & 4)
-		printf("#entering page::commit()\n");
-	int numcol = 0;
-	while (stage->more()) {
-		numcol = stage->current()->numcol();
-		adddef(stage->dequeue());
-	}
-	if (numcol == 2)
-		adddef(new sentrange);
-// Send the current contents of the stage back to its source.
-void page::welsh()
-	if (dbg & 4)
-		printf("#entering page::welsh()\n");
-	while (stage->more()) {
-		range *r = stage->dequeue();
-		r->enqueue(ANDBLOCK);
-	}
-enum { USonly = 1 };
-// So long as anything is eligible to go onto the page, keep trying.
-// Once nothing is eligible, compose and justify the page.
-void page::fill()
-	while (stage->prime())
-		stage->pend();
-	compose(FINAL);
-	if (dbg & 16)
-		scratch.dump();
-	if (anymore()) {
-		int adjht = scratch.height();
-		if (adjht > minfull*pagesize) {
-			justify(&scratch, pagesize);
-			adjht = scratch.height();
-			int stretchamt = max(pagesize - adjht, 0);
-			twocol->stretch(twocol->height() + stretchamt);
-					// in case the page's stretchability lies
-					// entirely in its two-column part
-		} else
-			ERROR "page %d only %.0f%% full; will not be adjusted\n",
-				userpn, 100*(double) adjht/pagesize WARNING;
-	}
-void page::adddef(range *r)
-	if (dbg & 4)
-		printf("#entering page::adddef()\n");
-	switch (r->numcol()) {
-	case 1:	definite.append(r);
-		break;
-	case 2: twocol->definite.append(r);
-		break;
-	default: ERROR "%d-column range unexpected\n", r->numcol() FATAL;
-	}
-int multicol::print(int cv, int col)
-	if (col != 0)
-		ERROR "multicolumn output must start in left column\n" FATAL;
-	int curv = cv, maxv = cv;	// print left column
-	for ( ; column[0].more(); column[0].advance()) {
-		curv = column[0].current()->print(curv, 0);
-		maxv = max(maxv, curv);
-	}
-	curv = cv;			// print right column
-	for ( ; column[1].more(); column[1].advance()) {
-		curv = column[1].current()->print(curv, 1);
-		maxv = max(maxv, curv);
-	}
-	return maxv;
-void page::print()
-	static int tops = 1, bots = 1;
-	if (!scratch.more()) {
-		ERROR "## Here's what's left on squeue:\n" WARNING;
-		squeue.dump();
-		ERROR "## Here's what's left on bfqueue:\n" WARNING;
-		bfqueue.dump();
-		ERROR "## Here's what's left on ufqueue:\n" WARNING;
-		ufqueue.dump();
-		ERROR "page %d appears to be empty\n", userpn WARNING;
-		fflush(stderr), fflush(stdout), exit(0);
-					// something is very wrong if this happens
-	}
-	printf("p%d\n", userpn);	// print troff output page number
-	if (ptlist.more()) {		// print page header
-		ptlist.current()->print(0, 0);
-		ptlist.advance();
-	} else if (tops) {
-		ERROR "ran out of page titles at %d\n", userpn WARNING;
-		tops = 0;
-	}
-	int curv = 0;
-	printf("V%d\n", curv = pagetop);// print page contents
-	for ( ; scratch.more(); scratch.advance()) {
-		curv = scratch.current()->print(curv, 0);
-	}
-	if (btlist.more()) {		// print page footer
-		btlist.current()->print(0, 0);
-		btlist.advance();
-	} else if (bots) {
-		ERROR "ran out of page bottoms at %d\n", userpn WARNING;
-		bots = 0;
-	}
-	printf("V%d\n", physbot);	// finish troff output page
-int	pagetop	= 0;		// top printing margin
-int	pagebot = 0;		// bottom printing margin
-int	physbot = 0;		// physical bottom of page
-double minfull = 0.9;		// minimum fullness before padding
-int	pn	= 0;		// cardinal page number
-int	userpn	= 0;		// page number derived from PT slugs
-static void makepage()
-	page pg(pagebot - pagetop);
-	++pn;
-	userpn = ptlist.more() ? ptlist.current()->pn() : pn;
-	pg.fill();
-	pg.print();
-static void conv(FILE *fp)
-	startup(fp);		// read slugs, etc.
-	while (anymore())
-		makepage();
-	lastrange->print(0, 0);	// trailer
-	checkout();		// check that everything was printed
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-	static FILE *fp = stdin;
-	progname = argv[0];
-	while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
-		switch (argv[1][1]) {
-		case 'd':
-			dbg = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
-			if (dbg == 0)
-				dbg = ~0;
-			break;
-		case 'm':
-			minfull = 0.01*atof(&argv[1][2]);
-			break;
-		case 'c':
-			coltol = 0.01*atof(&argv[1][2]);
-			break;
-		case 'w':
-			wantwarn = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		argc--;
-		argv++;
-	}
-	if (argc <= 1)
-		conv(stdin);
-	else
-		while (--argc > 0) {
-			if (strcmp(*++argv, "-") == 0)
-				fp = stdin;
-			else if ((fp = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL)
-				ERROR "can't open %s\n", *argv FATAL;
-			conv(fp);
-			fclose(fp);
-		}
-	exit(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD page.c
echo page.h
sed 's/.//' >page.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD page.h'
-extern queue	squeue;			// the three queues on which ranges reside
-extern queue	bfqueue;
-extern queue	ufqueue;
-extern double minfull;
-extern double coltol;
-int anymore();
-// The following is used in some calls to range::enqueue(int = 0).
-#define ANDBLOCK 1
-class page;
-enum { DRAFT = 0, FINAL = 1 };
-// The mergestream currpage->stage serves as a staging area for page makeup:
-// when primed, it contains a minimal acceptable chunk of input ranges.
-// The page must either take or leave everything that's on stage.
-class mergestream : public queue {
-	page	*currpage;		// current page that's accepting stuff
-  public:
-	mergestream(page *cp)	{ currpage = cp; unblock(); }
-	void	unblock();
-	int	prime();		// stage next legal chunk
-	void	pend();			// process pending chunk on stage
-// The multicol currpage->twocol is the two-column piece of the page to which
-// two-column ranges are currently being added.
-// The page sets htavail to indicate how tall it is allowed to become.
-// All ranges on definite must be placed when the multicol is printed.
-// Each of these definite ranges also resides on one of column[0] and [1],
-// which represent the current best guess about how to divide definite
-// between the two columns.
-class multicol : public range {
-	page	*currpage;		// current page that's accepting stuff
-	stream	definite;		// definitely on page
-	stream	scratch;		// for trial compositions
-	stream	column[2];		// left (0) and right (1) columns
-	int	leftblocked;		// OK to add to left column?
-	int	htavail;		// max possible ht, set by page::tryout()
-	int	prevhtavail;		// max 2-colht last time we added something
-	friend	page;
-	multicol(page *cp)	{ currpage = cp;
-				leftblocked = 0;
-				htavail = 0;
-				prevhtavail = -1;
-				setgoal(NOGOAL); }
-					// the two-column piece behaves as part
-					// of the stream of single-column input.
-	int	numcol()	{ return 1; }
-	int	nonempty()	{ return definite.more(); }
-	void	choosecol(range *, int);// add first arg to one or other column
-	void	choosecol(stream*, int);// add *all ranges on first arg*
-					// to one or other column
-					// NOT the same as a mapcar of the
-					// preceding function over the ranges
-					// on the first argument!
-	void	compose(int);		// divide into two columns
-	void	tryout();		// decide which column gets stage contents
-	void	stretch(int);		// justify both columns to given height
-	int	print(int curv, int col);
-	int	height();		// an upper bound on actual height
-	int	rawht()		{ return max(column[0].rawht(), column[1].rawht()); }
-	void	reheight(int *cv, int *mv)
-				{ *cv += height(); *mv = max(*mv, *cv); }
-	void	dump();
-	int	isvbox()	{ return nonempty(); }	// during trimspace()
-// These sentinel ranges are used to separate the ranges on twocol::definite
-// into the chunks in which they came from the staging area.
-// Thus, they preserve the results of the computation that was done to prime
-// page::stage.
-class sentrange : public range {
-  public:
-	sentrange()		{ }
-	int	numcol()	{ return 2; }
-	int	issentinel()	{ return 1; }
-class page {
-	int	pagesize;		// allowed maximum height
-	int	prevncol;		// was last item tried 1- or 2-column?
-	int	vsince;			// how many vboxes from "current" BS
-					// (to avoid putting a single line on
-					// a page with a very large floatable)
-	stream	definite;		// definitely on page, in input order
-	stream	scratch;		// playground in which to alter page
-	void	cmdproc();		// process any of several commands
-	void	parmproc();		// process any of several parameters
-	void	tryout();		// see whether current stage contents fit
-	void	compose(int);		// float and trim current page contents
-	void	makescratch(int);	// fill scratch area
-	void	commit();		// accept the items on stage
-	void	welsh();		// reject the items on stage
-	void	adddef(range *r);	// add to one of the definite queues
-					// (definite or twocol->definite)
-  public:
-	mergestream *stage;
-	friend	mergestream;
-	multicol *twocol;
-	friend multicol;
-	page(int p)	{ pagesize = p;
-			prevncol = 1;
-			vsince = 0;
-			stage = new mergestream(this);
-			twocol = new multicol(this); }
-	~page()	{ definite.freeall(); scratch.freeall(); }
-	void	fill();
-	int	blank()	{ return !definite.more() && !twocol->definite.more();}
-	void	print();
-// functions in page.c
-main(int, char **);
//GO.SYSIN DD page.h
echo queue.c
sed 's/.//' >queue.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD queue.c'
-#include	"misc.h"
-#include	"slug.h"
-#include	"range.h"
-#include	"page.h"
-queue	squeue;
-queue	bfqueue;
-queue	ufqueue;
-// We use the stream function current() to access a queue's head.
-// Thus, queue member curr should always point to its first range.
-void queue::check(char *whence)
-	if (dbg & 8) {
-		char *p;
-		if (this == &squeue)
-			p = "squeue";
-		else if (this == &bfqueue)
-			p = "bfqueue";
-		else if (this == &ufqueue)
-			p = "ufqueue";
-		else
-			p = "weird queue";
-		printf("#checking %s\n", p);
-	}
-	if (first != curr)
-		ERROR "check(%s): first != curr, line %d\n", whence, curr->rp->lineno() FATAL;
-// When ranges are told to enqueue themselves, they are being rejected from the
-// stage back onto their original queues.
-// They reset any parameters that may have been altered by staging or trial
-// composition.
-void	range::enqueue(int block)
-	squeue.enqueue(this);
-	if (block)
-		squeue.block();
-void	ufrange::enqueue(int block)
-	restore();			// both goal positions
-	ufqueue.enqueue(this);
-	if (block)
-		ufqueue.block();
-void	bfrange::enqueue(int block)
-	restore();			// both goal positions
-	bfqueue.enqueue(this);
-	if (block)
-		bfqueue.block();
-int anymore()
-	return !(squeue.empty() && ufqueue.empty() && bfqueue.empty());
-void mergestream::unblock()
-	squeue.unblock();
-	bfqueue.unblock();
-	ufqueue.unblock();
-// Fill the staging area with a minimal chunk of input ranges.
-int mergestream::prime()
-	if (dbg & 4)
-		printf("#entering mergestream::prime()\n");
-	if (!empty())
-		return 1;
-	int brkok = 1;			// is it OK to break after the last
-					// VBOX that was added to the stage?
-	int needheight = -1;		// minimum acceptable height of the
-					// chunk being constructed on stage
-	// If the range at the head of any queue is breaking,
-	// deal with it first.
-	if (squeue.more() && squeue.current()->breaking())
-		enqueue(squeue.dequeue());
-	else if (bfqueue.more() && (bfqueue.current()->breaking() ||
-		(bfqueue.serialno() < squeue.serialno())))
-		enqueue(bfqueue.dequeue());
-	else if (ufqueue.more() && (ufqueue.current()->breaking() ||
-		(ufqueue.serialno() < squeue.serialno())))
-		enqueue(ufqueue.dequeue());
-	else while (squeue.more()) {
-		// Fill the stage with enough ranges to be a valid chunk.
-		range *r = squeue.dequeue();
-		if (r->isvbox()) {	// VBOX
-			if (dbg & 16)
-				printf("#VBOX: !empty: %d; brkok: %d; vsince: %d\n",
-					!empty(), brkok, currpage->vsince);
-			if (!empty()	// there's something there
-				&& brkok
-					// it's OK to break here
-				&& currpage->vsince >= 2
-					// enough stream has gone onto this page
-				&& rawht() >= needheight
-					// current need has been satisfied
-				) {
-					// the stage already contains enough
-					// ranges, so this one can wait
-				r->enqueue();
-				break;
-			} else {
-				if (r->rawht() > 0) {
-					++currpage->vsince;
-					brkok = r->brkafter();
-				}
-				enqueue(r);
-			}
-		} else if (r->isnested() || r->issp()) {	// US, SP
-			if (!empty() && rawht() >= needheight) {
-					// enough already, wait
-				r->enqueue();
-				break;
-			}
-			currpage->vsince = 0;
-			enqueue(r);
-			if (height() >= needheight)
-				break;
-		} else if (r->isneed()) {	// NE
-			if (!empty() && rawht() >= needheight) {
-					// not currently working on an unsatisfied NEed 
-				r->enqueue();
-				break;
-			}
-					// deal with overlapping NEeds
-			needheight = rawht() + max(needheight - rawht(), r->needht());
-			enqueue(r);
-		} else if (r->forceflush() == NO) {
-			enqueue(r);
-		} else if (r->forceflush() == YES) {
-			currpage->vsince = 0;
-			if (!empty()) {
-					// ready or not, r must wait
-				r->enqueue();
-				break;
-			}
-			enqueue(r);
-			break;
-		} else
-			ERROR "unexpected  %s[%s] in prime(), line %d\n",
-				r->typename(), r->headstr(), r->lineno() FATAL;
-	}
-	return more();			// 0 if nothing was staged
-void page::cmdproc()
-	if (stage->next())
-		ERROR "more than a single command on bsqueue\n" FATAL;
-	switch (stage->current()->cmdtype()) {
-	case FC:	// freeze the current 2-column range and start a new one
-		adddef(stage->dequeue());
-		twocol->compose(FINAL);
-		adddef(twocol);
-		twocol = new multicol(this);
-		break;
-	case BP:	// force a page break
-		adddef(stage->dequeue());
-		squeue.block();
-		break;
-	case FL:	// flush out all floatables that precede this range:
-			// no more stream input allowed until they're past
-		if (stage->serialno() > ufqueue.serialno() ||
-			stage->serialno() > bfqueue.serialno()) {
-			range *r = stage->dequeue();
-			r->enqueue(ANDBLOCK);
-		} else
-			adddef(stage->dequeue());
-		break;
-	default:
-		stage->current()->dump();
-		ERROR "unknown command\n" FATAL;
-	}
-void page::parmproc()
-	if (stage->next())
-		ERROR "more than a single parameter on bsqueue\n" FATAL;
-	switch (stage->current()->parmtype()) {
-	case NP:	// page top margin
-		if (blank())
-			pagetop = stage->current()->parm();
-		pagesize = pagebot - pagetop;
-		break;
-	case FO:
-		if (blank())
-			pagebot = stage->current()->parm();
-		pagesize = pagebot - pagetop;
-		break;
-	case PL:
-		if (blank())
-			physbot = stage->current()->parm();
-		break;
-	case MF:
-		minfull = 0.01*stage->current()->parm();
-		break;
-	case CT:
-		coltol = 0.01*stage->current()->parm();
-		break;
-	case WARN:
-		wantwarn = stage->current()->parm();
-		break;
-	case DBG:
-		dbg = stage->current()->parm();
-		break;
-	default:
-		stage->current()->dump();
-		ERROR "unknown parameter\n" FATAL;
-	}
-	adddef(stage->dequeue());
-// Process the contents of the staging area; a relic that used to do more.
-void mergestream::pend()
-	if (dbg & 4)
-		printf("#entering mergestream::pend()\n");
-	if (!more())
-		return;
-	if (current()->iscmd())
-		currpage->cmdproc();
-	else if (current()->isparm())
-		currpage->parmproc();
-	else
-		currpage->tryout();
//GO.SYSIN DD queue.c
echo range.c
sed 's/.//' >range.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD range.c'
-#include	<math.h>
-#include	"misc.h"
-#include	"slug.h"
-#include	"range.h"
-void sprange::reheight(int *cv, int *mv)
-	if (*cv != *mv)
-		ERROR "slug %d: an imbedded SP, line %d\n",
-			first->serialno(), first->lineno() WARNING;
-	*cv += dv;
-	*mv = max(*mv, *cv);
-void sprange::rerawht(int *cv, int *mv)
-	*cv += rawht();
-	*mv = max(*mv, *cv);
-void nestrange::restore()
-	subrange->restoreall();
-void stream::freeall()	// not a destructor;  called explicitly
-	strblk *p, *q;
-	for (p = first; p; p = q) {
-		q = p->next;
-		delete p;
-	}
-	first = last = curr = 0;
-void stream::dump()
-	for (stream s = *this; s.more(); s.advance())
-		s.current()->dump();
-void stream::rdump()
-	for (stream s = *this; s.more(); s.advance())
-		s.current()->rdump();
-int stream::restoreall()
-	for (stream s = *this; s.more(); s.advance())
-		s.current()->restore();
-	return measure(this);
-range *stream::append(range *r)
-	if (last == 0)
-		curr = first = last = new strblk;
-	else {
-		last->next = new strblk;
-		last = last->next;
-		if (curr == 0)
-			curr = last;
-	}
-	last->next = 0;
-	return last->rp = r;
-void stream::split()	// duplicate current() range
-	strblk *s2 = new strblk;
-	range *r2 = curr->rp->clone();
-	s2->rp = r2;
-	s2->next = curr->next;
-	if (last == curr)
-		last = s2;
-	curr->next = s2;
-	curr->rp->killkids();		// children only in the 2nd one
-	// r2->crosslink(r1);
-int stream::height()
-	stream s = *this;
-	for (int h = 0; s.more(); s.advance())
-		h += s.current()->height();
-	return h;
-int stream::rawht()
-	stream s = *this;
-	for (int h = 0; s.more(); s.advance())
-		h += s.current()->rawht();
-	return h;
-int measure(stream *sp)		// record high-water mark of stream
-{				// sets nested stream heights
-	stream s = *sp;
-	int curv, maxv;
-	for (maxv = curv = 0; s.more(); s.advance())
-		s.current()->reheight(&curv, &maxv);
-	return maxv;
-int rawmeasure(stream *sp)
-	stream s = *sp;
-	int curv, maxv;
-	for (maxv = curv = 0; s.more(); s.advance())
-		s.current()->rerawht(&curv, &maxv);
-	return maxv;
-void nestrange::rdump()
-	dump();
-	if (subrange)
-		subrange->rdump();
-void nestrange::killkids()
-	subrange = new stream;
-int nestrange::print(int curv, int col)
-	int ocurv = curv;
-	first->slugout(col);
-	for (stream s = *subrange; s.more(); s.advance())
-		curv = s.current()->print(curv, col);
-	return ocurv + height();
-#define macroclone(rangetype) range *rangetype::clone() {\
-	rangetype *t = new rangetype;\
-	*t = *this;\
-	return t; }
-#undef macroclone
-#define macropickgoal(rangetype) void rangetype::pickgoal(int acv, double scale) {\
-	if (scale > 1) {\
-		goalV = (int)(scale*goalV);\
-		goal2 = (int)(scale*goal2);\
-	}\
-	if (abs(acv - goalV) > abs(acv-goal2))\
-		goalV = goal2; }
-#undef macropickgoal
-range *generator::next()
-	range *r;
-	if (child) {
-		if (r = child->next())
-			return r;
-		delete child;
-		child = 0;
-	}
-	if (!s.more())
-		return 0;
-	r = s.current();
-	if (r->isnested())
-		child = new generator(r->children());
-	s.advance();
-	return r;
-range *queue::enqueue(range *r)
-	if (dbg & 8)
-		printf("#entering queue::enqueue()\n");
-	check("queue::enqueue");
-	if (!last || last->rp->serialno() < r->serialno())	// common case
-		return append(r);
-	if (dbg & 8)
-		printf("#queue::enqueue() pushing back\n");
-	newguy = new strblk;
-	newguy->rp = r;
-	if (r->serialno() < first->rp->serialno()) {
-		newguy->next = first;
-		curr = first = newguy;
-		return newguy->rp;
-	}
-	if (dbg & 8)
-		printf("#queue::enqueue() searching down queue\n");
-	for (curr = first;
-		next() && next()->serialno() < r->serialno();
-		curr = curr->next)
-		;
-	newguy->next = curr->next;
-	curr->next = newguy;
-	curr = first;			// restore important queue condition
-	return newguy->rp;
-range *queue::dequeue()
-	if (dbg & 8)
-		printf("#entering queue::dequeue()\n");
-	check("queue::dequeue");
-	curr = first->next;
-	range *retval = first->rp;
-	delete first;
-	first = curr;
-	if (!curr)
-		last = 0;
-	return retval;
-// ================================================================================
-//	functions that munge the troff output stored in slugs[]
-// ================================================================================
-static void doprefix(FILE *fp) // copy 1st "x" commands to output
-	int c;
-	while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
-		if (c != 'x') {
-			ungetc(c, fp);
-			break;
-		}
-		putchar(c);
-		do {
-			putchar(c = getc(fp));
-		} while (c != '\n');
-		linenum++;
-	}
-//	printf("x font 1 R\n");	// horrible kludge: ensure a font for first f1 command 
-#define	DELTASLUGS	15000
-static slug	*slugs = 0;
-static int	nslugs = 0;	// slugs has nslugs slots
-static slug	*slugp = 0;	// next free slug in slugs
-static void readslugs(FILE *fp)
-	if ((slugs = (slug *) malloc((nslugs = DELTASLUGS)*sizeof(slug))) == NULL)
-		ERROR "no room for %d-slug array\n", nslugs FATAL;
-	slugp = slugs;
-	for (slugp = slugs; ; slugp++) {
-		if (slugp >= slugs+nslugs-2) {
-			int where = slugp - slugs;
-			if ((slugs = (slug *) realloc((char *) slugs, (nslugs += DELTASLUGS)*sizeof(slug))) == NULL)
-				ERROR "no room for %d slugs\n", nslugs FATAL;
-			ERROR "now slug array can hold %d slugs\n", nslugs WARNING;
-			slugp = slugs + where;
-		}
-		*slugp = getslug(fp);
-		if (slugp->type == EOF)
-			break;
-	}
-	*++slugp = eofslug();
-	printf("# %d slugs\n", slugp-slugs);
-static slug *findend(slug *sp)
-	for (slug *p = sp; p->type == sp->type; p++)	// skip runs
-		;				// espec UF UF UF 
-	for ( ; p < slugp; p++)
-		switch (p->type) {
-		case US:
-		case UF:
-		case BF:
-		case PT:
-		case BT:
-			p = findend(p);
-			break;
-		case END:
-			return p;
-		}
-	ERROR "walked past EOF in findend looking for %d (%s), line %d\n",
-		sp->type, sp->typename(), sp->lineno() FATAL;
-	return sp;
-static int markp(int i, int n, int parm)
-{	// should VBOX i of n be marked to brevent breaking after it?
-	if (i >= n-1)
-		return 0;
-	return i <= parm-2 || i >= n-parm;
-static void markbreak(slug *p)
-	// Mark impermissible breakpoints in BS's.
-	// The parm field of a VBOX is >0 if we shouldn't break after it.
-	int parm;		// how many lines must stay on page
-	int goahead = 1;	// true until we see the next BS
-	int nowmark = 0;	// true when we should be marking
-	int n = 0;
-	while (p->type == BS)
-		parm = p++->parm;	// latest BS parm applies
-	slug *op = p;
-	while (goahead) {
-		switch (p->type) {
-		case VBOX:		// count VBOXes so second pass knows
-			if (p->dv > 0)	// knows how far to end of BS
-				n++;
-			break;
-		case US:		// mark around EQ/EN, etc.
-			nowmark = 1;
-			p = findend(p);
-			break;
-		case UF:		// but not around floats, PTs, and BTs
-		case BF:
-		case PT:
-		case BT:
-			p = findend(p);
-			break;
-		case SP:		// naked SP:  probable macro botch
-			nowmark = 1;	// mark around it anyhow
-			break;
-		case BS:		// beginning of next paragraph
-		case END:		// probable macro botch
-		case EOF:
-			goahead = 0;	// stop work after marking
-			nowmark = 1;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		p++;
-		if (nowmark) {
-			int i = 0;	// VBOX counter for second pass
-			while (op < p) {
-				switch (op->type) {
-				case VBOX:
-					if (op->dv > 0)
-						op->parm = markp(i, n, parm);
-					i++;
-					break;
-				case US:	// caused second pass to begin
-				case SP:
-				case BS:
-				case END:
-				case EOF:
-					op = p;
-					break;
-				case UF:	// skip on this pass too
-				case BF:
-				case PT:
-				case BT:
-					op = findend(op);
-					break;
-				default:
-					break;
-				}
-			op++;
-			}
-			if (i != n)
-				ERROR "markbreak failed : i %d n %d\n",
-					i, n WARNING;
-			op = p;
-			nowmark = n = 0;
-		}
-	}
-static void fixslugs()		// adjust bases and dv's, set parameters, etc.
-	slug *prevV = 0;
-	for (slug *p = slugs; p < slugp; p++) {
-		if (p->type == VBOX) {
-			prevV = p;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (p->base != 0) {
-			ERROR "%s slug (type %d) has base = %d, line %d\n",
-				p->typename(), p->type, p->base, p->lineno() WARNING;
-		}
-		if ((p->type == SP) || (p->type == NE))
-			continue;
-		if (p->type == PAGE)
-			prevV = 0;
-		if (p->dv != 0)
-			if (prevV) {
-				prevV->base = max(prevV->base, p->dv);
-				p->dv = 0;
-			} else {
-				ERROR "s slug (type %d) has dv = %d, line %d\n",
-					p->typename(), p->type, p->dv, p->lineno() WARNING;
-			}
-	}
-	prevV = 0;
-	int firstNP = 0, firstFO = 0, firstPL = 0;
-	for (p = slugs; p < slugp; p++) {
-		switch (p->type) {
-		// adjust the dv in a sequence of VBOXes
-		// by subtracting from each the base of the preceding VBOX
-		case VBOX:
-			if (prevV)
-				p->dv -= prevV->base;
-			prevV = p;
-			break;
-		case SP:
-			p->dv = max(p->dv, 0);
-			break;
-		case PAGE:
-			p->neutralize();
-			prevV = 0;
-			break;
-		// record only first "declarations" of Page Top and bottom (FO);
-		case PARM:
-			switch (p->parm) {
-			case NP:
-				if (firstNP++ == 0)
-					pagetop = p->parm2;
-				p->neutralize();
-				break;
-			case FO:
-				if (firstFO++ == 0)
-					pagebot = p->parm2;
-				p->neutralize();
-				break;
-			case PL:
-				if (firstPL++ == 0)
-					physbot = p->parm2;
-				p->neutralize();
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		// things that begin groups; not US, which should nest properly
-		case UF:
-		case BF:
-			while ((p+1)->type == p->type) {
-							// join adjacent identical
-				(p+1)->parm2 = p->parm;	// parm is latest
-							// parm2 is previous
-				p->neutralize();	// so it's not seen later
-				p++;
-			}
-			break;
-		// none of the above
-		case US:
-		case PT:
-		case BT:
-		case BS:
-		case END:
-		case TM:
-		case COORD:
-		case NE:
-		case MC:
-		case CMD:
-		case EOF:
-			break;
-		default:
-			ERROR "Unknown slug type %d in fixslugs, line %d\n",
-				p->type, p->lineno() WARNING;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	int pagesize = pagebot - pagetop;
-	if (pagesize == 0)
-		ERROR "Page dimensions not declared\n" FATAL;
-	if (physbot == 0)
-		physbot = pagebot + pagetop;
-	printf("# page top %d bot %d size %d physbot %d\n",
-		pagetop, pagebot, pagesize, physbot);
-	for (p = slugs; p < slugp; p++) {
-		switch (p->type) {
-		// normalize float parameters
-		case BF:
-		case UF:
-					// primary goal
-			p->parm = max(min(p->parm-pagetop, pagesize), 0);
-					// secondary goal
-			p->parm2 = max(min(p->parm2-pagetop, pagesize), 0);
-			break;
-		// normalize need parameters
-		case NE:
-			p->dv = max( min(p->dv, pagesize), 0);
-			break;
-		// mark permissible breaks
-		case BS:
-			markbreak(p);
-			break;
-		}
-		if (dbg & 1)
-			p->dump();
-	}
-void checkout()
-	for (slug *p = slugs; p < slugp; p++)
-		switch (p->type) {
-		case PT:
-		case BT:
-			p = findend(p);
-			break;
-		case SP:
-		case VBOX:
-			if (p->seen != 1)
-				ERROR "%s slug %d seen %d times\n",
-					p->typename(), p->serialno(),
-					p->seen WARNING;
-			break;
-		}
-eofrange *lastrange;
-stream	ptlist, btlist;
-static slug *makeranges(slug *p, stream *s, int level)
-	stream *t;
-	for ( ; p < slugp; p++)
-		switch (p->type) {
-		case VBOX:
-			s->append(new vboxrange(p));
-			break;
-		case SP:
-			s->append(new sprange(p));
-			break;
-		case BS:
-			s->append(new bsrange(p));
-			break;
-		case US:
-			s->append(new usrange(p, t = new stream));
-			p = makeranges(p+1, t, level+1);
-			break;
-		case BF:
-			s->append(new bfrange(p, t = new stream));
-			p = makeranges(p+1, t, level+1);
-			break;
-		case UF:
-			s->append(new ufrange(p, t = new stream));
-			p = makeranges(p+1, t, level+1);
-			break;
-		case PT:
-			ptlist.append(new ptrange(p, t = new stream));
-			p = makeranges(p+1, t, level+1);
-			break;
-		case BT:
-			btlist.append(new btrange(p, t = new stream));
-			p = makeranges(p+1, t, level+1);
-			break;
-		case END:
-			s->append(new endrange(p));
-			return p;
-		case TM:
-			s->append(new tmrange(p));
-			break;
-		case COORD:
-			s->append(new coordrange(p));
-			break;
-		case NE:
-			if (level) {
-				ERROR "Nested NE commands are ignored, line %d\n",
-					p->lineno() WARNING;
-				p->dv = 0;
-			}
-			s->append(new nerange(p));
-			break;
-		case MC:
-			s->append(new mcrange(p));
-			break;
-		case CMD:
-			if (level)
-				ERROR "Nested command ignored, line %d\n",
-					p->lineno() WARNING;
-			s->append(new cmdrange(p));
-			break;
-		case PARM:
-			if (level)
-				ERROR "Nested parameter ignored, line %d\n",
-					p->lineno() WARNING;
-			s->append(new parmrange(p));
-			break;
-		case EOF:
-			lastrange = new eofrange(p);
-			return 0;
-		}
-	return p;
-static queue text;			// unexamined input ranges; the real data
-void startup(FILE *fp)
-	doprefix(fp);			// peel off 'x' commands
-	readslugs(fp);			// read everything into slugs[]
-	fixslugs();			// measure parameters and clean up
-	makeranges(slugs, &text, 0);	// add range superstructure
-	measure(&text);		// heights of nested things
-	rawmeasure(&text);
-	while (text.more()) {
-		range *r = text.dequeue();
-		if (dbg & 2)
-			r->dump();
-		r->enqueue();
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD range.c
echo range.h
sed 's/.//' >range.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD range.h'
-const	NOGOAL = -1;
-class stream;
-enum primeflush { NO, YES, EXPECTED, UNEXPECTED };	// mergestream::prime()
-// Ranges do two things.  They interpose a layer between slugs and the rest
-// of the program; this is important because of the grossness of the slug
-// data structure (made necessary by its origins in troff output).  Ranges also
-// group together other ranges into meaningful chunks like unbreakable stream
-// objects, floatable objects, and page headers and footers.
-// Member function height() returns a range's height as of the latest composition.
-// Member function rawht() returns the range's original height in the input.
-class range {
-  protected:
-	slug	*first;		// earliest slug in range
-	int	accumV;		// accumulated V to this point
-  public:
-	range()		{ first = 0; accumV = 0; }
-	range(slug *p)	{ first = p; accumV = 0; }
-	char	*headstr()		{
-		return first ? first->headstr() : ""; }
-	char	*typename()		{ return first->typename(); }
-	int	serialno()		{ return first->serialno(); }
-	int	lineno()		{ return first->lineno(); }
-	virtual void	dump()		{ first->dump(); }
-	virtual void	rdump()		{ dump(); }
-	virtual int	print(int cv, int col)	{
-		first->slugout(col); return cv; }
-	virtual int	floatable()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	brkafter()	{ return 1; }
-	virtual int	isnested()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	issp()		{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	isvbox()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	isneed()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	iscmd()		{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	cmdtype()	{ return -1; }
-	virtual int	isparm()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	parmtype()	{ return -1; }
-	virtual int	parm()		{ return -1; }
-	virtual int	breakable()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	forceflush()	{ return UNEXPECTED; }
-	virtual int	pn()		{ return 0; }
-	virtual stream	*children()	{ return 0; }	// see page::peeloff()
-	virtual void	killkids()	{ }
-	virtual void	enqueue(int = 0);
-	virtual int	height()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	rawht()		{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	needht()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual void	reheight(int *, int *)	{ }
-	virtual void	rerawht(int *, int *)	{ }
-	virtual void	setheight(int) { }
-	virtual void	restore()	{ }		// goals of floatables
-	virtual int	goal()		{ return NOGOAL; }
-	int		accum()		{ return accumV; }
-	void		setaccum(int n)	{ accumV = n; }
-	virtual	void	setgoal(int)	{ }
-	virtual void	pickgoal(int, double)	{ }
-	virtual int	numcol()	{ return first->numcol(); }
-	virtual int	issentinel()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual range	*clone()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual int	breaking()	{ return 0; }
-	virtual void	setbreaking()	{ }
-class vboxrange : public range {
-	int	dv;		// inherited from slug
-	int	base;		// inherited from slug
-	int	brk;		// 0 => ok to break after, 1 => no break 
-  public:
-	vboxrange(slug *p) : range(p) { dv = p->dv; base = p->base; brk = p->parm; }
-	void	dump() {
-		printf("#### VBOX brk? %d dv %d ht %d\n", brk, dv, dv+base); }
-	int	print(int cv, int col) {
-		printf("V%d\n", cv += dv); first->slugout(col); return cv+base; }
-	int	brkafter()		{ return !brk; }
-	int	isvbox()		{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return NO; }
-	int	height()		{ return dv + base; }
-	int	rawht()			{ return first->dv + first->base; }
-	void	reheight(int *cv, int *mv) {
-		*cv += dv+base; *mv = max(*mv, *cv); }
-	void	rerawht(int *cv, int *mv) {
-		*cv += rawht(); *mv = max(*mv, *cv); }
-class sprange : public range {
-	int dv;
-  public:
-	sprange(slug *p) : range(p) { dv = first->dv; }
-	void	dump() {
-		printf("#### SP dv %d (originally %d)\n", dv, first->dv); }
-	int	print(int cv, int col)	{
-		first->slugout(col); return cv + dv; }
-	int	issp()			{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return YES; }
-	int	height()		{ return dv; }
-	int	rawht()			{ return first->dv; }
-	void	reheight(int *, int *);
-	void	rerawht(int *, int *);
-	void	setheight(int n)	{ dv = n; }
-class tmrange : public range {
-  public:
-	tmrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return NO; }
-	int	print(int cv, int col)	{ first->slugout(col); return cv; }
-class coordrange : public range {
-  public:
-	coordrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return NO; }
-	int	print(int cv, int col)
-		{ first->slugout(col); printf(" Y %d\n", cv); return cv; }
-class nerange : public range {
-  public:
-	nerange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	isneed()		{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return YES; }
-	int	needht()		{ return first->dv; }
-class mcrange : public range {
-  public:
-	mcrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return YES; }
-class cmdrange : public range {
-  public:
-	cmdrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	iscmd()			{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return YES; }
-	int	cmdtype()		{ return first->parm; }
-class parmrange : public range {
-  public:
-	parmrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	isparm()		{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return YES; }
-	int	parmtype()		{ return first->parm; }
-	int	parm()			{ return first->parm2; }
-class bsrange : public range {
-  public:
-	bsrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return NO; }
-	int	print(int cv, int col)	{ first->slugout(col); return cv; }
-class endrange : public range {
-  public:
-	endrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return UNEXPECTED; }
-class eofrange : public range {
-  public:
-	eofrange(slug *p) : range(p)	{ }
-	int	forceflush()		{ return UNEXPECTED; }
-extern eofrange *lastrange;	// the EOF block (trailer, etc.) goes here
-int measure(stream *);
-int rawmeasure(stream *);
-// A nestrange packages together a sequence of ranges, its subrange.
-// Other parts of the program reach in and alter the dimensions of
-// some of these ranges, so when the height of a range is requested
-// it is computed completely afresh.
-// (Note:  the alternative, of keeping around many copies of ranges
-// with different dimensions, was abandoned because of the difficulty
-// of ensuring that exactly one copy of each original range would be
-// output.)
-class nestrange : public range {
-  protected:
-	stream	*subrange;
-	int isbreaking;
-	int rawdv;
-  public:
-	nestrange() : range()	{ subrange = 0; isbreaking = 0; rawdv = -1; }
-	nestrange(slug *p, stream *s) : range(p)
-				{ subrange = s; isbreaking = 0; rawdv = -1; }
-	void	rdump();
-	virtual void restore();
-	stream	*children()	{ return subrange; }
-	void	killkids();
-	int	height()	{ return measure(subrange); }
-	int	rawht()		{ if (rawdv < 0 || isbreaking) rawdv = rawmeasure(subrange);
-					return rawdv; }
-	void	reheight(int *cv, int *mv) {
-			*mv += measure(subrange); *cv = max(*mv, *cv); }
-	void	rerawht(int *cv, int *mv) {
-			*mv += rawht(); *cv = max(*mv, *cv); }
-	int	isnested()	{ return 1; }
-	int	forceflush()	{ return EXPECTED; }
-	int	print(int cv, int col);
-	int	breaking()	{ return isbreaking; }
-	void	setbreaking()	{ isbreaking++; }
-class usrange : public nestrange {
-  public:
-	usrange()	{ }
-	usrange(slug *p, stream *s) : nestrange(p, s) {}
-	void dump() { printf("#### US	dv %d\n", height()); }
-	range	*clone();
-class ufrange : public nestrange {
-	int	goalV, goal2;
-  public:
-	ufrange()	{ }
-	ufrange(slug *p, stream *s) : nestrange(p, s) {
-		goalV = p->parm; goal2 = p->parm2; }
-	void 	dump() { printf("#### UF   dv %d goal %d goal2 %d\n",
-		height(), goalV, goal2); }
-	int	floatable()	{ return 1; }
-	void	enqueue(int = 0);
-	range	*clone();
-	int	goal()		{ return goalV; }
-	void	setgoal(int n)	{ goalV = goal2 = n; }
-	void	pickgoal(int acv, double scale);
-	void	restore()	{ goalV = first->parm; goal2 = first->ht; }
-class bfrange : public nestrange {
-	int	goalV, goal2;
-  public:
-	bfrange()	{ }
-	bfrange(slug *p, stream *s) : nestrange(p, s) {
-		goalV = p->parm; goal2 = p->parm2; }
-	void 	dump() { printf("#### BF   dv %d goal %d goal2 %d\n",
-		height(), goalV, goal2); }
-	int	floatable()	{ return 1; }
-	void	enqueue(int = 0);
-	range	*clone();
-	int	goal()		{ return goalV; }
-	void	setgoal(int n)	{ goalV = goal2 = n; }
-	void	pickgoal(int acv, double scale);
-	void	restore()	{ goalV = first->parm; goal2 = first->parm2; }
-	int	breakable()	{ return 1; }	// can be broken
-class ptrange : public nestrange {
-	int	pgno;
-  public:
-	int	pn()	{ return pgno; }
-	ptrange(slug *p, stream *s) : nestrange(p, s) { pgno = p->parm; }
-	void 	dump() { printf("#### PT   pgno %d dv %d\n", pgno, height()); }
-class btrange : public nestrange {
-	int	pgno;
-  public:
-	btrange(slug *p, stream *s) : nestrange(p, s) { pgno = p->parm; }
-	void 	dump() { printf("#### BT   pgno %d dv %d\n", pgno, height()); }
-// A stream is a sequence of ranges; we use this data structure a lot
-// to traverse various sequences that crop up in page-making.
-class stream {
-  protected:
-	struct strblk {		// ranges are linked by these blocks
-		strblk	*next;
-		range	*rp;
-	};
-	strblk	*first;
-	strblk	*last;
-	strblk	*curr;
-  public:
-	stream()		{ curr = last = first = 0; }
-	stream(range *r)	{ curr = last = first = new strblk;
-					last->rp = r; last->next = 0; }
-	void	freeall();	// note:  not a destructor
-	void	dump();		// top level
-	void	rdump();	// recursive
-	int	restoreall();
-	range	*current()	{ return curr->rp; }
-	range	*next()		{ return curr && curr->next ? curr->next->rp : 0; }
-	void	advance()	{ curr = curr->next; }
-	range	*append(range *r);
-	void	split();
-	int	more()		{ return curr && curr->rp; }
-	int	height();
-	int	rawht();
-// A generator iterates through all the ranges of a stream
-// (not just the root ranges of nestranges).
-class generator {
-	stream	s;
-	generator *child;
-  public:
-	generator()		{ child = 0; }
-	generator(stream *sp)	{ s = *sp; child = 0; }
-	range	*next();
-extern stream	ptlist, btlist;		// page titles
-#define INFINITY 1000001
-// A queue is a distinguished kind of stream.
-// It keeps its contents in order by the serial numbers of the ranges.
-// A queue can be blocked from dequeuing something to indicate
-// that it's not worth considering the queue again on a given page.
-class queue : public stream {
-	strblk	*newguy;
-  protected:
-	int	blocked;
-	void	check(char *);
-  public:
-	queue() : blocked(0)	{ }
-	range	*enqueue(range *r);
-	range	*dequeue();
-	void	block()		{ blocked = 1; }
-	void	unblock()	{ blocked = 0; }
-	int	more()		{ return !blocked && stream::more(); }
-	int	empty()		{ return !stream::more(); }
-	int	serialno()	{ return empty() ? INFINITY : current()->serialno(); }
-// functions in range.c
-void checkout();
-void startup(FILE *);
//GO.SYSIN DD range.h
echo slug.c
sed 's/.//' >slug.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD slug.c'
-#include	"misc.h"
-#include	"slug.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-#include	<math.h>
-static char	*bufptr(int);
-void slug::coalesce()
-	(this+1)->dp = dp;	// pretty grimy, but meant to ensure
-				// that all output goes out.
-			// maybe it has to skip over PT's;
-			// some stuff is getting pushed inside PT..END
-void slug::neutralize()
-	switch (type) {
-	case PAGE:
-	case UF:
-	case BF:
-	case PARM:
-		type = NEUTRAL;
-		coalesce();
-		break;
-	default:
-		ERROR "neutralized %d (%s) with %s\n",
-			type, typename(), headstr() WARNING;
-		break;
-	}
-void slug::dump()	// print contents of a slug
-	printf("# %d %-4.4s parm %d dv %d base %d s%d f%d H%d\n#\t\t%s\n",
-		serialno(), typename(), parm, dv, base,
-		size, font, hpos, headstr());
-char *slug::headstr()
-	const HEADLEN = 65;
-	static char buf[2*HEADLEN];
-	int j = 0;
-	char *s = bufptr(dp);
-	int n = (this+1)->dp - dp;
-	if (n >= HEADLEN)
-		n = HEADLEN;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		switch (s[i]) {
-			case '\n':
-			case '\t':
-			case '\0':
-			case ' ':
-				break;
-			default:
-				buf[j++] = s[i];
-				break;
-		}
-	buf[j] = 0;
-	return buf;
-static char *strindex(char s[], char t[])	// index of earliest t[] in s[]
-	for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
-		int j, k;
-		for (j = i, k = 0; t[k]!='\0' && s[j] == t[k]; j++, k++)
-			;
-		if (k > 0 && t[k] == '\0')
-			return s+i;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void slug::slugout(int col)
-	static numout = 0;
-	if (seen++)
-		ERROR "%s slug #%d seen %d times [%s]\n",
-			typename(), serialno(), seen, headstr() WARNING;
-	if (type == TM) {
-		char *p;
-		if (p = strindex(bufptr(dp), "x X TM "))
-			p += strlen("x X TM ");		// skip junk
-		else
-			ERROR "strange TM [%s]\n", headstr() FATAL;
-		fprintf(stderr, "%d\t", userpn);	// page # as prefix
-		for ( ; p < bufptr((this+1)->dp); p++)
-			putc(*p, stderr);
-	} else if (type == COORD) {
-		for (char *p = bufptr(dp); p < bufptr((this+1)->dp) && *p != '\n'; p++)
-			putc(*p, stdout);
-		printf(" # P %d X %d", userpn, hpos + col*offset);
-		return;
-	} else if (type == VBOX) {
-		if (numout++ > 0)	// BUG??? might miss something
-			printf("s%d\nf%d\n", size, font);
-		printf("H%d\n", hpos + col*offset);
-	}
-	fwrite(bufptr(dp), sizeof(char), (this+1)->dp - dp, stdout);
-char *slug::typename()
-	static char buf[50];
-	char *p = buf;		// return value
-	switch(type) {
-	case EOF:	p = "EOF"; break;
-	case VBOX:	p = "VBOX"; break;
-	case SP:	p = "SP"; break;
-	case BS:	p = "BS"; break;
-	case US:	p = "US"; break;
-	case BF:	p = "BF"; break;
-	case UF:	p = "UF"; break;
-	case PT:	p = "PT"; break;
-	case BT:	p = "BT"; break;
-	case END:	p = "END"; break;
-	case NEUTRAL:	p = "NEUT"; break;
-	case PAGE:	p = "PAGE"; break;
-	case TM:	p = "TM"; break;
-	case COORD:	p = "COORD"; break;
-	case NE:	p = "NE"; break;
-	case CMD:	p = "CMD"; break;
-	case PARM:	p = "PARM"; break;
-	default:	sprintf(buf, "weird type %d", type);
-	}
-	return p;
-// ================================================================================
-// 	troff output-specific functions
-// ================================================================================
-const	DELTABUF = 500000;		// grow the input buffer in chunks
-static char	*inbuf = 0;		// raw text input collects here
-static int	ninbuf = 0;		// byte count for inbuf
-static char	*inbp = 0;		// next free slot in inbuf
-int		linenum = 0;		// input line number
-static inline void addc(int c) { *inbp++ = c; }
-static void adds(char *s)
-	for (char *p = s; *p; p++)
-		addc(*p);
-static char *getutf(FILE *fp)	// get 1 utf-encoded char (might be multiple bytes)
-	static char buf[100];
-	char *p = buf;
-	for (*p = 0; (*p++ = getc(fp)) != EOF; ) {
-		*p = 0;
-		if (mblen(buf, sizeof buf) > 0)	// found a valid character
-			break;
-	}
-	return buf;
-static char *bufptr(int n) { return inbuf + n; }  // scope of inbuf is too local
-static inline int wherebuf() { return inbp - inbuf; }
-static char *getstr(char *p, char *temp)
-{		// copy next non-blank string from p to temp, update p
-	while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
-		p++;
-	if (*p == '\0') {
-		temp[0] = 0;
-		return(NULL);
-	}
-	while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0')
-		*temp++ = *p++;
-	*temp = '\0';
-	return(p);
-   bounding box of a circular arc             Eric Grosse  24 May 84
-Conceptually, this routine generates a list consisting of the start,
-end, and whichever north, east, south, and west points lie on the arc.
-The bounding box is then the range of this list.
-    list = {start,end}
-    j = quadrant(start)
-    k = quadrant(end)
-    if( j==k && long way 'round )  append north,west,south,east
-    else
-      while( j != k )
-         append center+radius*[j-th of north,west,south,east unit vectors]
-         j += 1  (mod 4)
-    return( bounding box of list )
-The following code implements this, with simple optimizations.
-static int quadrant(double x, double y)
-	if (     x>=0.0 && y> 0.0) return(1);
-	else if( x< 0.0 && y>=0.0) return(2);
-	else if( x<=0.0 && y< 0.0) return(3);
-	else if( x> 0.0 && y<=0.0) return(4);
-	else			   return 0;	/* shut up lint */
-static double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;	// used by getDy
-static void arc_extreme(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double xc, double yc)
-		/* start, end, center */
-{		/* assumes center isn't too far out */
-	double r;
-	int j, k;
-	printf("#start %g,%g, end %g,%g, ctr %g,%g\n", x0,y0, x1,y1, xc,yc);
-	y0 = -y0; y1 = -y1; yc = -yc;	// troff's up is eric's down
-	x0 -= xc; y0 -= yc;	/* move to center */
-	x1 -= xc; y1 -= yc;
-	xmin = (x0<x1)?x0:x1; ymin = (y0<y1)?y0:y1;
-	xmax = (x0>x1)?x0:x1; ymax = (y0>y1)?y0:y1;
-	r = sqrt(x0*x0 + y0*y0);
-	if (r > 0.0) {
-		j = quadrant(x0,y0);
-		k = quadrant(x1,y1);
-		if (j == k && y1*x0 < x1*y0) {
-			/* viewed as complex numbers, if Im(z1/z0)<0, arc is big */
-			if( xmin > -r) xmin = -r; if( ymin > -r) ymin = -r;
-			if( xmax <  r) xmax =  r; if( ymax <  r) ymax =  r;
-		} else {
-			while (j != k) {
-				switch (j) {
-				case 1: if( ymax <  r) ymax =  r; break; /* north */
-				case 2: if( xmin > -r) xmin = -r; break; /* west */
-				case 3: if( ymin > -r) ymin = -r; break; /* south */
-				case 4: if( xmax <  r) xmax =  r; break; /* east */
-				}
-				j = j%4 + 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	xmin += xc; ymin += yc; ymin = -ymin;
-	xmax += xc; ymax += yc; ymax = -ymax;
-static int getDy(char *p, int *dx, int *maxv)
-				// figure out where we are after a D'...'
-	int x, y, x1, y1;	// for input values
-	char temp[50];
-	p++;		// get to command letter
-	switch (*p++) {
-	case 'l':	// line
-		sscanf(p, "%d %d", dx, &y);
-		return *maxv = y;
-	case 'a':	// arc
-		sscanf(p, "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &x1, &y1);
-		*dx = x1 - x;
-		arc_extreme(0, 0, x+x1, y+y1, x, y);	// sets [xy][max|min]
-		printf("#arc bounds x %g, %g; y %g, %g\n",
-			xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
-		*maxv = (int) (ymin+0.5);
-		return y + y1;
-	case '~':	// spline
-		for (*dx = *maxv = y = 0; (p=getstr(p, temp)) != NULL; ) {
-						// above getstr() gets x value
-			*dx += atoi(temp);
-			p = getstr(p, temp);	// this one gets y value
-			y += atoi(temp);
-			*maxv = max(*maxv, y);	// ok???
-			if (*p == '\n' || *p == 0)	// input is a single line;
-				break;			// don't walk off end if realloc
-		}
-		return y;
-	case 'c':	// circle, ellipse
-		sscanf(p, "%d", dx);
-		*maxv = *dx/2;		// high water mark is ht/2
-		return 0;
-	case 'e':
-		sscanf(p, "%d %d", dx, &y);
-		*maxv = y/2;		// high water mark is ht/2
-		return 0;
-	default:	// weird stuff
-		return 0;
-	}
-static int serialnum = 0;
-slug eofslug()
-	slug ret;
-	ret.serialnum = serialnum;
-	ret.type = EOF;
-	ret.dp = wherebuf();
-	return ret;
-slug getslug(FILE *fp)
-	if (inbuf == NULL) {
-		if ((inbuf = (char *) malloc(ninbuf = DELTABUF)) == NULL)
-			ERROR "no room for %d character input buffer\n", ninbuf FATAL;
-		inbp = inbuf;
-	}
-	if (wherebuf() > ninbuf-5000) {
-		// this is still flaky -- lines can be very long
-		int where = wherebuf();	// where we were
-		if ((inbuf = (char *) realloc(inbuf, ninbuf += DELTABUF)) == NULL)
-			ERROR "no room for %d character input buffer\n", ninbuf FATAL;
-		ERROR "grew input buffer to %d characters\n", ninbuf WARNING;
-		inbp = inbuf + where;	// same offset in new array
-	}
-	static int baseV = 0;	// first V command of preceding slug
-	static int curV = 0, curH = 0;
-	static int font = 0, size = 0;
-	static int baseadj = 0;
-	static int ncol = 1, offset = 0;	// multi-column stuff
-	char str[1000], str2[1000], buf[3000], *p;
-	int firstV = 0, firstH = 0;
-	int maxV = curV;
-	int ocurV = curV, mxv = 0, dx = 0;
-	int sawD = 0;		// > 0 if have seen D...
-	slug ret;
-	ret.serialnum = serialnum++;
-	ret.type = VBOX;	// use the same as last by default
-	ret.dv = curV - baseV;
-	ret.hpos = curH;
-	ret.base =  ret.parm = ret.parm2 = ret.seen = 0;
-	ret.font = font;
-	ret.size = size;
-	ret.dp = wherebuf();
-	ret.ncol = ncol;
-	ret.offset = offset;
-	ret.linenum = linenum;	// might be low
-	for (;;) {
-		int c, m, n;	// for input values
-		int sign;		// hoisted from case 'h' below
-		switch (c = getc(fp)) {
-		case EOF:
-			ret.type = EOF;
-			ret.dv = 0;
-			if (baseadj)
-				printf("# adjusted %d bases\n", baseadj);
-			printf("# %d characters, %d lines\n", wherebuf(), linenum);
-			return ret;
-		case 'V':
-			fscanf(fp, "%d", &n);
-			if (firstV++ == 0) {
-				ret.dv = n - baseV;
-				baseV = n;
-			} else {
-				sprintf(buf, "v%d", n - curV);
-				adds(buf);
-			}
-			curV = n;
-			maxV = max(maxV, curV);
-			break;
-		case 'H':		// absolute H motion
-			fscanf(fp, "%d", &n);
-			if (firstH++ == 0) {
-				ret.hpos = n;
-			} else {
-				sprintf(buf, "h%d", n - curH);
-				adds(buf);
-			}
-			curH = n;
-			break;
-		case 'h':		// relative H motion
-			addc(c);
-			sign = 1;
-			if ((c = getc(fp)) == '-') {
-				addc(c);
-				sign = -1;
-				c = getc(fp);
-			}
-			for (n = 0; isdigit(c); c = getc(fp)) {
-				addc(c);
-				n = 10 * n + c - '0';
-			}
-			curH += n * sign;
-			ungetc(c, fp);
-			break;
-		case 'x':	// device control: x ...
-			addc(c);
-			fgets(buf, (int) sizeof(buf), fp);
-			linenum++;
-			adds(buf);
-			if (buf[0] == ' ' && buf[1] == 'X') {	// x X ...
-				if (2 != sscanf(buf+2, "%s %d", str, &n))
-					n = 0;
-				if (eq(str, "SP")) {	// X SP n
-					ret.type = SP;	// paddable SPace
-					ret.dv = n;	// of height n
-				} else if (eq(str, "BS")) {
-					ret.type = BS;	// Breakable Stream
-					ret.parm = n;	// >=n VBOXES on a page
-				} else if (eq(str, "BF")) {
-					ret.type = BF;	// Breakable Float
-					ret.parm = ret.parm2 = n;
-							// n = pref center (as UF)
-				} else if (eq(str, "US")) {
-					ret.type = US;	// Unbreakable Stream
-					ret.parm = n;
-				} else if (eq(str, "UF")) {
-					ret.type = UF;	// Unbreakable Float
-					ret.parm = ret.parm2 = n;
-							// n = preferred center
-							// to select several,
-							// use several UF lines
-				} else if (eq(str, "PT")) {
-					ret.type = PT;	// Page Title
-					ret.parm = n;
-				} else if (eq(str, "BT")) {
-					ret.type = BT;	// Bottom Title
-					ret.parm = n;
-				} else if (eq(str, "END")) {
-					ret.type = END;
-					ret.parm = n;
-				} else if (eq(str, "TM")) {
-					ret.type = TM;	// Terminal Message
-					ret.dv = 0;
-				} else if (eq(str, "COORD")) {
-					ret.type = COORD;// page COORDinates
-					ret.dv = 0;
-				} else if (eq(str, "NE")) {
-					ret.type = NE;	// NEed to break page
-					ret.dv = n;	// if <n units left
-				} else if (eq(str, "MC")) {
-					ret.type = MC;	// Multiple Columns
-					sscanf(buf+2, "%s %d %d",
-						str, &ncol, &offset);
-					ret.ncol = ncol;
-					ret.offset = offset;
-				} else if (eq(str, "CMD")) {
-					ret.type = CMD;	// CoMmaNd
-					sscanf(buf+2, "%s %s", str2, str);
-					if (eq(str, "FC"))	// Freeze 2-Col
-						ret.parm = FC;
-					else if (eq(str, "FL"))	// FLush
-						ret.parm = FL;
-					else if (eq(str, "BP"))	// Break Page
-						ret.parm = BP;
-					else ERROR "unknown command %s\n",
-						str WARNING;
-				} else if (eq(str, "PARM")) {
-					ret.type = PARM;// PARaMeter
-					sscanf(buf+2, "%s %s %d", str2, str, &ret.parm2);
-					if (eq(str, "NP"))	// New Page
-						ret.parm = NP;
-					else if (eq(str, "FO"))	// FOoter
-						ret.parm = FO;
-					else if (eq(str, "PL")) // Page Length
-						ret.parm = PL;
-					else if (eq(str, "MF")) // MinFull
-						ret.parm = MF;
-					else if (eq(str, "CT")) // ColTol
-						ret.parm = CT;
-					else if (eq(str, "WARN")) //WARNings?
-						ret.parm = WARN;
-					else if (eq(str, "DBG"))// DeBuG
-						ret.parm = DBG;
-					else ERROR "unknown parameter %s\n",
-						str WARNING;
-				} else
-					break;		// out of switch
-				if (firstV > 0)
-					ERROR "weird x X %s in mid-VBOX\n",
-						str WARNING;
-				return ret;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'n':	// end of line
-			fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &n, &m);
- = n;
-			ret.base = m;
-			getc(fp);	// newline
-			linenum++;
-			sprintf(buf, "n%d %d\n",, ret.base);
-			adds(buf);
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			// older incarnations of this program used ret.base
-			// in complicated and unreliable ways;
-			// example:  if + ret.base < ret.dv, ret.base = 0
-			// this was meant to avoid double-counting the space
-			// around displayed equations; it didn't work
-			// Now, we believe ret.base = 0, otherwise we give it
-			// a value we have computed.
-			if (ret.base == 0 && sawD == 0)
-				return ret;	// don't fiddle 0-bases
-			if (ret.base != maxV - baseV) {
-				ret.base = maxV - baseV;
-				baseadj++;
-			}
-			if (ret.type != VBOX)
-				ERROR "%s slug (type %d) has base = %d\n",
-					ret.typename(), ret.type, ret.base WARNING;
-			return ret;
-		case 'p':	// new page
-			fscanf(fp, "%d", &n);
-			ret.type = PAGE;
-			curV = baseV = ret.dv = 0;
-			ret.parm = n;	// just in case someone needs it
-			return ret;
-		case 's':	// size change snnn
-			fscanf(fp, "%d", &size);
-			sprintf(buf, "s%d\n", size);
-			adds(buf);
-			break;
-		case 'f':	// font fnnn
-			fscanf(fp, "%d", &font);
-			sprintf(buf, "f%d\n", font);
-			adds(buf);
-			break;
-		case '\n':
-			linenum++;
-			/* fall through */
-		case ' ':
-			addc(c);
-			break;
-		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-			// two motion digits plus a character
-			addc(c);
-			n = c - '0';
-			addc(c = getc(fp));
-			curH += 10 * n + c - '0';
-			adds(getutf(fp));
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			break;
-		case 'c':	// single ascii character
-			addc(c);
-			adds(getutf(fp));
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			break;
-		case 'C':	// Cxyz\n
-		case 'N':	// Nnnn\n
-			addc(c);
-			while ((c = getc(fp)) != ' ' && c != '\n')
-				addc(c);
-			addc(c);
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			linenum++;
-			break;
-		case 'D':	// draw function: D.*\n
-			sawD++;
-			p = bufptr(wherebuf());	// where does the D start
-			addc(c);
-			while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n')
-				addc(c);
-			addc(c);
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			ocurV = curV, mxv = 0, dx = 0;
-			curV += getDy(p, &dx, &mxv);	// figure out how big it is
-			maxV = max(max(maxV, curV), ocurV+mxv);
-			curH += dx;
-			linenum++;
-			break;
-		case 'v':	// relative vertical vnnn
-			addc(c);
-			if (!firstV++)
-				baseV = curV;
-			sign = 1;
-			if ((c = getc(fp)) == '-') {
-				addc(c);
-				sign = -1;
-				c = getc(fp);
-			}
-			for (n = 0; isdigit(c); c = getc(fp)) {
-				addc(c);
-				n = 10 * n + c - '0';
-			}
-			ungetc(c, fp);
-			curV += n * sign;
-			maxV = max(maxV, curV);
-			addc('\n');
-			break;
-		case 'w':	// word space
-			addc(c);
-			break;
-		case '#':	// comment
-			addc(c);
-			while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n')
-				addc(c);
-			addc('\n');
-			linenum++;
-			break;
-		default:
-			ERROR "unknown input character %o %c (%50.50s)\n",
-				c, c, bufptr(wherebuf()-50) WARNING;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD slug.c
echo slug.h
sed 's/.//' >slug.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD slug.h'
-enum slugtypes {
-	NONE,		// can't happen
-	VBOX,		// Vertical Box -- printable stuff
-	SP,		// paddable SPace
-	BS,		// start Breakable Stream
-	US,		// start Unbreakable Stream
-	BF,		// start Breakable Float
-	UF,		// start Unbreakable Float
-	PT,		// start Page Top material (header)
-	BT,		// start page BoTtom material (footer)
-	END,		// ENDs of groups
-	NEUTRAL,	// NEUTRALized slugs can do no harm (cf. CIA)
-	PAGE,		// beginning of PAGE in troff input
-	TM,		// Terminal Message to appear during output
-	COORD,		// output page COORDinates
-	NE,		// NEed command
-	MC,		// Multiple-Column command
-	CMD,		// misc CoMmanDs:  FC, FL, BP
-	PARM,		// misc PARaMeters:  NP, FO
-	LASTTYPE	// can't happen either
-enum cmdtypes {
-	FC,	// Freeze 2-Column material
-	FL,	// FLush all floats before reading more stream
-	BP	// Break Page
-enum parmtypes {
-	NP,	// distance of top margin from page top (New Page)
-	FO,	// distance of bottom margin from page top (FOoter)
-	PL,	// distance of physical page bottom from page top (Page Length)
-	MF,	// minimum fullness required for padding
-	CT,	// tolerance for division into two columns
-	WARN,	// warnings to stderr?	
-	DBG	// debugging flag
-class slug {
-	int	serialnum;
-	int	dp;		// offset of data for this slug in inbuf
-	int	linenum;	// input line number (approx) for this slug
-	short	font;		// font in effect at slug beginning
-	short	size;		// size in effect at slug beginning
-	short	seen;		// 0 until output
-	short	ncol;		// number of columns (1 or 2)
-	short	offset;		// horizontal offset for 2 columns
-  public:
-	short	type;		// VBOX, PP, etc.
-	short	parm;		// parameter
-	short	base;		// "depth" of this slug (from n command)
-	int	hpos;		// abs horizontal position
-	int	dv;		// height of this slug above its input Vpos
-	union {
-		int	ht;	// "height" of this slug (from n command)
-		int	parm2;	// second parameter, since only VBOXes have ht
-	};
-	friend	slug getslug(FILE *);
-	friend	void checkout();
-	friend	slug eofslug();
-	void	coalesce();	// with next slug in array slugs[]
-	void	neutralize();	// render this one a no-op
-	void	dump();		// dump its contents for debugging
-	char	*headstr();	// string value of text
-	void	slugout(int);	// add the slug to the output
-	char	*typename();	// printable slug type
-	int	serialno()	{ return serialnum; }
-	int	numcol()	{ return ncol; }
-	int	lineno()	{ return linenum; }
-// functions in slug.c
-slug	eofslug();
-slug	getslug(FILE *);
//GO.SYSIN DD slug.h
sed 's/.//' > <<'//GO.SYSIN DD'
-.\" 10/22/92 activate next line before installing
-.pi /$objtype/bin/aux/pm
-.		\" IZ - initialization IZ
-.fp 1 R			\" force a font out into prefix PS 10		\" point size VS 12		\" line spacing \\n(PS \\n(VS>=41 .vs \\n(VSu
-.el .vs \\n(VSp LL 6i		\" line length
-.ll \\n(LLu LT \\n(.l		\" title length \\n(LTu
-.if !\\n(HM .nr HM 1i   \" top of page
-.if !\\n(FM .nr FM 1i	\" footer margin
-.if !\\n(FO .nr FO \\n(.p-\\n(FM	\" bottom of page
-.			\" to set text ht to N, set FO to N + \n(HM.  default is 10i 32767u		\" safety first: big pages for pm
-.if !\\n(PO .nr PO \\n(.ou	\" page offset PI 5n		\" .PP paragraph indent QI 5n		\" .QS indent DI 5n		\" .DS indent PD 0.3v		\" paragraph vertical separation TS 0.5v		\" space around tables Kf 0.5v		\" space around .KF/.KE Ks 0.5v		\" space around .KS/.KE
-. P1 .4i		\" indent for .P1/.P2 dP 1		\" delta point size for programs in .P1/.P2 dV 2p		\" delta vertical for programs dT 8		\" delta tab stop for programs DV .5v		\" space before start of program IP 0		\" ? IR 0		\" ? I1 \\n(PIu
-.ev 1
-.if !\\n(FL .nr FL \\n(LLu	\" footnote length
-.ll \\n(FLu 8			\" text size & leading in footnote
-.vs 10p
-.if \\*(CH .ds CH "\(hy \\\\n(PN \(hy
-.ds # #\\\\n(.c \\\\n(.F
-.ME	\" initialize date strings
-.rm ME
-.	\"  accents:  \*'e \*`e \*:u \*^e \*~n \*va \*,c
-.ds ' \h'\w'e'u*4/10'\z\(aa\h'-\w'e'u*4/10'
-.ds ` \h'\w'e'u*4/10'\z\(ga\h'-\w'e'u*4/10'
-.ds : \\v'-0.6m'\\h'(1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*0.13m+0.00m'\\z.\\h'0.2m'\\z.\\h'-((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*0.13m+0.20m)'\\v'0.6m'
-.ds ^ \\\\k:\\h'-\\\\n(.fu+1u/2u*2u+\\\\n(.fu-1u*0.13m+0.06m'\\z^\\h'|\\\\n:u'
-.ds ~ \\\\k:\\h'-\\\\n(.fu+1u/2u*2u+\\\\n(.fu-1u*0.13m+0.06m'\\z~\\h'|\\\\n:u'
-.ds v \\\\k:\\\\h'+\\\\w'e'u/4u'\\\\v'-0.6m'\\\\s6v\\\\s0\\\\v'0.6m'\\\\h'|\\\\n:u'
-.ds , \\\\k:\\\\h'\\\\w'c'u*0.4u'\\\\z,\\\\h'|\\\\n:u'
-.		\" SP - generate paddable space SP X 1v
-.if \\n(.$ .nr X \\$1v '\\$2'exactly' \{\
-\v'\\nXu'\ \h'-\w'\ 'u'\c
-.sp \\$1\}
-.el .X "SP \\nX \\$2"
-.		\" NE - need space on this page NE X 1v
-.if \\n(.$ .nr X \\$1v
-.X "NE \\nX \\$2"
-.		\" BP, FL, FC - begin page, flush figures, flush column BP
-.. FL
-.. FC
-.		\" X - generate an x X ... command in the output X '\\n(.z'' \\!x X \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
-....el \\!.X "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
-.if !'\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=1 \\!.X "\\$1
-.if !'\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=2 \\!.X "\\$1 \\$2
-.if !'\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=3 \\!.X "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3
-.if !'\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$>3 \\!.X "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
-.if '\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=1 \\!x X \\$1 \\*#
-.if '\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=2 \\!x X \\$1 \\$2 \\*#
-.if '\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=3 \\!x X \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\*#
-.if '\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$=4 \\!x X \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\*#
-.if '\\n(.z'' .if \\n(.$>4 \\!x X \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9 \\*#
-.		\" DA - force date DA
-.if \\n(.$ .ds DY \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4
-.ds CF \\*(DY
-.		\" ND - set new or no date ND
-.ds DY \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4
-.rm CF
-.. ME		\" ME - set month strings
-.if \\n(mo-0 .ds MO January
-.if \\n(mo-1 .ds MO February
-.if \\n(mo-2 .ds MO March
-.if \\n(mo-3 .ds MO April
-.if \\n(mo-4 .ds MO May
-.if \\n(mo-5 .ds MO June
-.if \\n(mo-6 .ds MO July
-.if \\n(mo-7 .ds MO August
-.if \\n(mo-8 .ds MO September
-.if \\n(mo-9 .ds MO October
-.if \\n(mo-10 .ds MO November
-.if \\n(mo-11 .ds MO December
-.if \\n(dw-0 .ds DW Sunday
-.if \\n(dw-1 .ds DW Monday
-.if \\n(dw-2 .ds DW Tuesday
-.if \\n(dw-3 .ds DW Wednesday
-.if \\n(dw-4 .ds DW Thursday
-.if \\n(dw-5 .ds DW Friday
-.if \\n(dw-6 .ds DW Saturday
-.if "\\*(DY"" .ds DY \\*(MO \\n(dy, 19\\n(yr
-.		\" FP - font position for a family FP
-.if '\\$1'palatino'\{\
-.	fp 1 PA
-.	fp 2 PI
-.	fp 3 PB
-.	fp 4 PX\}
-.if '\\$1'century'\{\
-.	ie '\\*(.T'202'\{\
-.		fp 1 NR Centsb
-.		fp 2 NI CentI
-.		fp 3 NB CentB
-.		fp 4 NX CentBI\}
-.	el \{\
-.		fp 1 NR
-.		fp 2 NI
-.		fp 3 NB
-.		fp 4 NX\}\}
-.if '\\$1'helvetica'\{\
-.	fp 1 H
-.	fp 2 HI
-.	fp 3 HB
-.	fp 4 HX\}
-.if '\\$1'bembo'\{\
-.	ie '\\*(.T'202'\{\
-.		fp 1 B1 Bembo
-.		fp 2 B2 BemboI
-.		fp 3 B3 BemboB
-.		fp 4 B4 BemboBI\}
-.	el \{\
-.		fp 1 B1
-.		fp 2 B2
-.		fp 3 B3
-.		fp 4 B4\}\}
-.if '\\$1'optima'\{\
-.	fp 1 R Optima
-.	fp 2 I OptimaI
-.	fp 3 B OptimaB
-.	fp 4 BI OptimaBI\}
-.if '\\$1'souvenir'\{\
-.	fp 1 R Souvenir
-.	fp 2 I SouvenirI
-.	fp 3 B SouvenirB
-.	fp 4 BI SouvenirBI\}
-.if '\\$1'melior'\{\
-.	fp 1 R Melior
-.	fp 2 I MeliorI
-.	fp 3 B MeliorB
-.	fp 4 BI MeliorBI\}
-.if '\\$1'times'\{\
-.	fp 1 R
-.	fp 2 I
-.	fp 3 B
-.	fp 4 BI\}
-.		\" TL - title TL
-.if !\\n(1T .BG
-....hy 0
-.ft 3 \\n(PS+2p
-.vs \\n(VS+2p
-.ll \\n(LLu
-.ce 100		\" turned off in .RT
-.sp .5i
-.		\" AU - remember author(s) AU
-.ft 1 \\n(PS \\n(VS>=41 .vs \\n(VSu
-.el .vs \\n(VSp
-.SP .5
-.		\" AI - author's institution AI
-.SP .25
-.ft 2
-.		\" AB - begin abstract AB AB 1	  \" we're in abstract
-.if !\\n(1T .BG
-.ft 1 \\n(PS
-.vs \\n(VSp
-.ce +\\n(.lu/12u
-.ll -\\n(.lu/12u
-.SP 1 \\n(.$ \\$1
-.SP .75 
-.		\" AE - end of abstract AE AB 0 0
-.ll \\n(LLu \\n(PS \\n(VS>=41 .vs \\n(VSu
-.el .vs \\n(VSp
-.		\" 2C - 2 columns 2C
-.MC 2
-.		\" 1C - 1 column 1C
-.MC 1
-.		\" MC - multiple columns MC
-.if \\n(1T .RT
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if !\\n(OL .nr OL \\n(LL
-.if \\n(CW=0 .nr CW \\n(LL*7/15
-.if \\n(GW=0 .nr GW \\n(LL-(2*\\n(CW) x \\n(CW+\\n(GW
-.if "\\$1"" .MC 2
-.if \\$1=1 \{\
-.	X MC 1 0
-.	nr LL \\n(OLu\}
-.if \\$1=2 \{\
-.	X MC 2 \\nx
-.	nr LL \\n(CWu\}
-.ll \\n(LLu
-.if \\$1>2 .tm -mpm can't handle more than two columns
-.if \\n(1T .RT
-.		\" TS - table start, TE - table end;  also TC, TQ, TH TS
-.if !\\n(1T .RT
-.SP \\n(TSu TS
-.X "US TS
-.if \\$1H .TQ IX 1
-.. TC TZ \\n(.lu
-.if \\n(.$ .nr TZ \\$1n
-.ta \\n(TZuR
-.. TD
-.LP TZ 0
-.. TQ
-.di TT IT 1
-.. TH
-.if \\n(.d>0.5v \{\
-.	nr T. 0
-.	T# 0\}
-.di TQ \\n(.i HT 1 0 #a #b #c #d #e #f
-.TT \\n(TQu #T
-.		\" TE - table end TE IX 0
-.if \\n(IT .if !\\n(HT \{\
-.	di
-.	nr EF \\n(.u
-.	nf
-.	TT
-.	if \\n(EF .fi\} IT 0 HT 0
-.rm a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ i+ j+ k+ l+ n+ m+
-.rr 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 79 80 81 82
-.rr a| b| c| d| e| f| g| h| i| j| k| l| m|
-.rr a- b- c- d- e- f- g- h- i- j- k- l- m-
-.SP \\n(TSu TE
-.		\" EQ - equation, breakout and display EQ EF \\n(.u
-.rm EE LE 1	\" 1 is center
-.ds EL \\$1
-.if "\\$1"L" \{\
-.	ds EL \\$2
-.	nr LE 0\}
-.if "\\$1"C" .ds EL \\$2
-.if "\\$1"R" \{\
-.	ds EL \\$2 \" 2 is right adjust
-.	nr LE 2\}
-.if "\\$1"I" \{\
-.	nr LE 0
-.	if "\\$3"" .ds EE \\h'|10n'
-.	el .ds EE \\h'\\$3'
-.	ds EL \\$2\}
-.if \\n(YE .nf
-.di EZ
-.		\" EN - end of equation EN
-.rm EZ ZN \\n(dn
-.if \\n(ZN .if !\\n(YE .LP
-.if !\\n(ZN .if !"\\*(EL"" .nr ZN 1
-.if \\n(ZN \{\
-.	SP .5v EQ
-.	X "US EQ"\}
-.if \\n(BD .nr LE 0 \" don't center if block display or mark/lineup
-.if \\n(MK \{\
-.	if \\n(LE=1 .ds EE \\h'|10n'
-.	nr LE 0\}
-'lt \\n(.lu
-.if !\\n(EP .if \\n(ZN \{\
-.	if \\n(LE=1 .tl \(ts\(ts\\*(10\(ts\\*(EL\(ts
-.	if \\n(LE=2 .tl \(ts\(ts\(ts\\*(10\\*(EL\(ts
-.	if !\\n(LE \{\
-.		if !\\n(BD .tl \(ts\\*(EE\\*(10\(ts\(ts\\*(EL\(ts
-.		if \\n(BD .if \\n(BD<\\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts .nr BD \\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts
-.		if \\n(BD \!\\*(10\\t\\*(EL\}\}
-.if \\n(EP .if \\n(ZN \{\
-.	if \\n(LE=1 .tl \(ts\\*(EL\(ts\\*(10\(ts\(ts
-.	if \\n(LE=2 .tl \(ts\\*(EL\(ts\(ts\\*(10\(ts
-.	if !\\n(LE \{\
-.		if !\\n(BD .tl \(ts\\*(EL\\*(EE\\*(10\(ts\(ts\(ts
-.		if \\n(BD .if \\n(BD<\\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts .nr BD \\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts
-.		if \\n(BD \!\\h'-\\\\n(.iu'\\*(EL\\h'|0'\\*(10\}\}
-'lt \\n(LLu
-'pc %
-.if \\n(YE .if \\n(EF .fi
-.if \\n(ZN .X "END US EQ"
-.if \\n(ZN .SP .5v EN
-.if \\n(ZN .bp
-.		\" PS - start picture PS			\" $1 is height, $2 is width, in inches X 0.35v
-.if \\$1>0 .X "SP \\nX PS" \\$1>0 .nr $1 \\$1
-.el .nr $1 0
-.X "US PS \\$1 (\\n(.lu-\\$2)/2u
-.		\" PE - end of picture PE
-.X "END US PE X .65v
-.if \\n($1>0 .X "SP \\nX PE"
-.. IS	\" for -mpm only
-.. IE
-.		\" NP - new page NP
-.ev 2
-.if \\n(KF=0 \{\
-.	nr PX \\n(.s
-.	nr PF \\n(.f
-.	nr PV \\n(.v
-.	lt \\n(LTu
-.	ps \\n(PS
-.	vs \\n(PS+2
-.	ft 1
-.	if \\n(PO .po \\n(POu	\" why isn't this reset???
-.	PT \\$1
-.	bp
-.	rs
-.	BT
-.	bp
-.	nr %# +1
-.	ps \\n(PX
-.	vs \\n(PVu
-.	ft \\n(PF \}
-.ds %e .tl '\\*(LH'\\*(CH'\\*(RH'
-.ds %o .tl '\\*(LH'\\*(CH'\\*(RH'
-.ds %E .tl '\\*(LF'\\*(CF'\\*(RF'
-.ds %O .tl '\\*(LF'\\*(CF'\\*(RF'
-.		\" PT - page title PT PN \\n(%#
-.X "PT \\n(%#
-.sp \\n(HMu/2u
-.if \\n(OL .lt \\n(OLu		\" why isn't this reset???
-.if \\n(BT>0 .if \\n(%#%2 \\*(%o
-.if \\n(BT>0 .if !\\n(%#%2 \\*(%e
-.if \\n(BT=0 .tl '\0'''		\" put out something or spacing is curdled
-.X "END PT \\n(%#
-.		\" BT - bottom title BT
-.X "BT \\n(%#
-.sp |\\n(FMu/2u+\\n(FOu-1v
-.if \\n(%#%2 \\*(%O
-.if !\\n(%#%2 \\*(%E BT \\n(BT+1
-.X "END BT \\n(%#
-.		\" KS - non-floating keep KS
-.if "\\n(.z"" .NP  \" defends poorly against including ht of page stuff in diversion for .B1
-.X "US KS 0 KS +1
-.SP \\n(Ksu
-.		\" KF - floating keep KF
-.ev 1
-.if \\n(KS>0 .tm KF won't work inside KS, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F
-.if \\n(KF>0 .tm KF won't work inside KF, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F KF 1 10 0
-.	if !'\\$1'' .nr 10 \\$1u
-.	if '\\$1'bottom' .nr 10 \\n(FOu-1u
-.	if '\\$1'top' .nr 10 \\n(HM
-.	if \\n(10 .X "UF \\n(10 KF"
-.	if !\\n(10 .X "UF \\n(HM KF"
-.	nr X \\n(FOu-2u
-.	if \\n(10 .X "UF \\n(10 KF"
-.	if !\\n(10 .X "UF \\nX KF" SJ \\n(.u \\n(PS
-.if \\n(VS>40 .vs \\n(VSu
-.if \\n(VS<=39 .vs \\n(VSp
-.ll \\n(LLu \\n(LTu
-.SP \\n(Kfu
-.		\" KE - end of KS/KF KE
-.bp \\n(KS>0 \{\
-.	SP \\n(Ksu
-.	nr KS -1 \}
-.el .ie \\n(KF>0 \{\
-.	SP \\n(Kfu
-.	nr KF 0
-.	X "END UF KF"
-.	if \\n(SJ .fi
-.	ev \}
-.el .tm .KE without preceding .KS or .KF, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F
-.		\" DS - display. .DS C center; L left-adjust; I indent (default) DS		\"  $2 = amount of indent
-.\\$1D \\$2 \\$1
-.ft 1
-.if !\\n(IF \{\
-.	ps \\n(PS
-.	if \\n(VS>40 .vs \\n(VSu
-.	if \\n(VS<=39 .vs \\n(VSp\}
-.. D
-.ID \\$1
-.. CD
-.ce 1000
-.. ID
-.if \\n(.$=0 .in +\\n(DIu
-.if \\n(.$=1 .if "\\$1"I" .in +\\n(DIu
-.if \\n(.$=1 .if !"\\$1"I" .in +\\$1n
-.if \\n(.$>1 .in +\\$2n +0.5i
-.....if \\n(.$ .if !"\\$1"I" .if !"\\$1"" .in \\n(DIu
-.....if \\n(.$ .if !"\\$1"I" .if !"\\$1"" .in +\\$1n
-.. LD
-.. XD OI \\n(.i
-.SP \\n(DVu
-.		\" BD - block display: save everything, then center it. BD
-.XD BD 1 \\n(OIu
-.di DD
-.		\" DE - display end DE
-.ce 0
-.if \\n(BD>0 .XF BD 0 \\n(OIu
-.SP \\n(DVu
-.		\" XF - finish a block display to be recentered. XF
-.if \\n(dl>\\n(BD .nr BD \\n(dl
-.if \\n(BD<\\n(.l .in (\\n(.lu-\\n(BDu)/2u EI \\n(.l-\\n(.i
-.ta \\n(EIuR
-.DD \\n(OIu
-.		\" SH - (unnumbered) section heading SH
-.RT X 1v Y 3v
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "NE \\nY SH"	\" should these be reversed, change Y to 4v
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\nX SH
-.ft 3
-.		\" NH - numbered heading NH
-.RT X 1v Y 3v
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "NE \\nY NH"	\" should these be reversed, change Y to 4v
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\nX NH
-.ft 3 NS \\$1
-.if !\\n(.$ .nr NS 1
-.if !\\n(NS .nr NS 1 H\\n(NS +1
-.if !\\n(NS-4 .nr H5 0
-.if !\\n(NS-3 .nr H4 0
-.if !\\n(NS-2 .nr H3 0
-.if !\\n(NS-1 .nr H2 0
-.if !\\$1 .if \\n(.$ .nr H1 1
-.ds SN \\n(H1.
-.if \\n(NS-1 .as SN \\n(H2.
-.if \\n(NS-2 .as SN \\n(H3.
-.if \\n(NS-3 .as SN \\n(H4.
-.if \\n(NS-4 .as SN \\n(H5.
-.		\" RT - reset at beginning of each PP, LP, etc. RT
-.if !\\n(AB .if !\\n(1T .BG
-.ce 0
-.if !\\n(AB .if !\\n(KF .if !\\n(IF .if !\\n(IX .if !\\n(BE .di
-.if \\n(QP \{\
-.	ll +\\n(QIu
-.	in -\\n(QIu
-.	nr QP -1\}
-.if !\\n(AB \{\
-.	ll \\n(LLu\}
-.if !\\n(IF .if !\\n(AB \{\
-.	ps \\n(PS
-.	ie \\n(VS>=41 .vs \\n(VSu
-.	el .vs \\n(VSp\} \\n(IP \{\
-.	in \\n(I\\n(IRu
-.	nr IP -1\}
-.el .if !\\n(IR \{\
-.	nr I1 \\n(PIu
-.	nr I2 0
-.	nr I3 0
-.	nr I4 0
-.	nr I5 0\}
-.if !\\n(AB .ft 1
-.ta 5n 10n 15n 20n 25n 30n 35n 40n 45n 50n 55n 60n 65n 70n 75n 80n
-.		\" BG - begin, execute at first TL, AB, NH, SH, PP, etc. BG		\"	IZ has been called, so registers have some value
-.if \\n(CW>0 .if \\n(LL=0 .nr LL \\n(CW+\\n(CW+\\n(GW
-.ll \\n(LLu \\n(LLu
-.po \\n(POu YE 1		\" ok to cause break in .EQ (earlier ones won't)
-.ev 0
-.hy 14
-.ev 1
-.hy 14
-.ev 2
-.hy 14
-.ev 1T 1
-.X "PARM NP \\n(HM
-.X "PARM FO \\n(FO
-.if !\\n(%# .nr %# 1
-.		\" PP - paragraph PP
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\n(PD PP"
-.if \\n(1T .X "BS 2 PP"
-.ti +\\n(PIu
-.		\" LP - left aligned paragraph LP
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\n(PD LP"
-.if \\n(1T .X "BS 2 LP"
-.		\" IP - indented paragraph IP
-.if !\\n(IP .nr IP +1
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\n(PD PP"
-.if \\n(1T .X "BS 2 IP" IU \\n(IR+1
-.if \\n(.$>1 .nr I\\n(IU \\$2n+\\n(I\\n(IRu
-.if \\n(I\\n(IU=0 .nr I\\n(IU \\n(PIu+\\n(I\\n(IRu \\n(I\\n(IUu TY \\n(TZ-\\n(.i JQ \\n(I\\n(IU-\\n(I\\n(IR
-.ta \\n(JQu \\n(TYuR
-.if \\n(.$ \{\
-.ti \\n(I\\n(IRu
-.		\" QP - quoted paragraph (within IP) QP
-.if \\n(1T .NP
-.if \\n(1T .X "SP \\n(PD QP"
-.if \\n(1T .X "BS 2 QP" QP 1 +\\n(QIu
-.ll -\\n(QIu
-.ti \\n(.iu
-.		\" RS - prepare for double indenting RS IS \\n(IP
-.RT IP \\n(IS IU \\n(IR IR +1
-.if !\\n(I\\n(IR .nr I\\n(IR \\n(I\\n(IU+\\n(PIu \\n(I\\n(IRu TY \\n(TZ-\\n(.i
-.ta \\n(TYuR
-.		\" RE - retreat to the left RE IS \\n(IP
-.RT IP \\n(IS
-.if \\n(IR>0 .nr IR -1 \\n(I\\n(IRu
-.		\" B - bold font B PQ \\n(.f
-.ft 3
-.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\\f\\n(PQ\\$2
-.		\" BI - bold italic BI PQ \\n(.f
-.ft 4
-.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\\f\\n(PQ\\$2
-.		\" R - Roman font R PQ \\n(.f
-.ft 1
-.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\f\\n(PQ\\$2
-.		\" I - italic font I PQ \\n(.f
-.ft 2
-.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\^\f\\n(PQ\\$2
-.		\" CW - constant width font from -ms CW PQ \\n(.f
-.if \\n(.$=0 .ft CW
-.if \\n(.$>0 \%\&\\$3\f(CW\\$1\\f\\n(PQ\\$2
-.. IT		\" ditto to italicize argument Sf \\n(.f
-.		\" TA - tabs set in ens or chars TA
-.ta \\$1n \\$2n \\$3n \\$4n \\$5n \\$6n \\$7n \\$8n \\$9n
-.		\" SM - make smaller size SM \\n(.$ \&\\$3\s-2\\$1\s0\\$2
-.el .ps -2
-.		\" LG - make larger size LG \\n(.$ \&\\$3\s+2\\$1\s0\\$2
-.el .ps +2
-.		\" NL - return to normal size NL \\n(PS
-.		\" FS - begin footnote FS
-.if \\n(IF>0 .tm .FS within .FS/.FE, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F
-.if \\n(KF>0 .tm .FS won't work inside .KF, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F
-.if \\n(KS>0 .tm .FS won't work inside .KS, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F IF 1
-.ev 1 \\n(PS-2 \\n(VS>=41 .vs \\n(VSu-2p
-.el .vs \\n(VSp-2p
-.ll \\n(LLu X \\n(FOu
-.X "BF \\nX FS
-.SP .3v
-....FA	\" deleted by authority of cvw, 10/17/88
-.		\" FE - end footnote FE
-.if !\\n(IF .tm .FE without .FS, line \\n(.c, file \\n(.F
-.ev IF 0
-.		\" FA - the line for a footnote FA
-.		\" Tm - message to be passed on Tm
-.ev 2
-.if \\n(.$=1 .X "TM \\$1
-.if \\n(.$=2 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2
-.if \\n(.$=3 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3
-.if \\n(.$=4 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4
-.if \\n(.$=5 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5
-.if \\n(.$=6 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.if \\n(.$=7 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7
-.if \\n(.$=8 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8
-.if \\n(.$=9 .X "TM \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
-.. MH
-AT&T Bell Laboratories
-Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
-.. HO
-AT&T Bell Laboratories
-Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
-.. WH
-AT&T Bell Laboratories
-Whippany, New Jersey 07981
-.. IH
-AT&T Bell Laboratories
-Naperville, Illinois 60540
-.		\" UL - underline argument, don't italicize UL
-.		\" UX - print $2 UNIX $1 UX \\n(UX \\$2\s-1UNIX\s0\\$1
-.el \{\
-\\$2\s-1UNIX\\s0\\$1\(rg UX 1\}
-.		\" QS - start quote QS
-.LP +\\n(QIu
-.ll -\\n(QIu
-.		\" QE - end quote QE
-.ll +\\n(QIu -\\n(QIu
-.		\"  B1 - begin boxed stuff B1
-.di BB BC 0
-.if "\\$1"C" .nr BC 1 BE 1
-.		\" B2 - end boxed stuff B2 BI 1n
-.if \\n(.$>0 .nr BI \\$1n
-.di BE 0 BW \\n(dl BH \\n(dn \\n(BHu+\\n(.Vu BQ \\n(.j
-.ti 0
-.if \\n(BC>0 .in +(\\n(.lu-\\n(BWu)/2u +\\n(BIu 1
-.BB -\\n(BIu BW +2*\\n(BI
-.sp -1
-.if \\n(BC>0 .in -(\\n(.lu-\\n(BWu)/2u
-.if \\n(BQ .fi
-.		\" BX - boxed stuff BX
-.	\" macros for programs, etc.
-	programs are displayed between .P1/.P2 pairs
-	default is to indent by 1/2 inch, nofill, dP smaller
-	.P1 x causes an indent of x instead.
-	.P3 can be used to specify optional page-break points
-	inside .P1/.P2
-.		\" P1 - start of program P1 $1 \\n(P1
-.if \\n(.$ .nr $1 \\$1n
-.X "SP \\n(DV P1"
-.X "US P1" \\n($1u v \\n(.v -\\n(dP
-.vs -\\n(dVu
-.ft CW t \\n(dT*\\w'x'u
-.ta 1u*\\ntu 2u*\\ntu 3u*\\ntu 4u*\\ntu 5u*\\ntu 6u*\\ntu 7u*\\ntu 8u*\\ntu 9u*\\ntu 10u*\\ntu 11u*\\ntu 12u*\\ntu 13u*\\ntu 14u*\\ntu
-.		\" P2 - end of program P2 \\n(PS
-.vs \\nvu
-.ft 1
-.X "END US P1
-.X "SP \\n(DV P2"
-.		\" P3 - provides optional unpadded break in P1/P2 P3 x \\n(DV DV 0
-.P1 \\n($1u DV \\nx
-.. [
-.. ]
-.rm IZ /sys/lib/tmac/tmac.srefs

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