@string{form = "short"}
@string{stoc={Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing}}
@string{soda={Annual {ACM-SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms}}
@string{dcg={Discrete & Computational Geometry}}
@string{acmcs={ACM Computing Surveys}}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Implementation of a Model of {`{CO}_2`} Diffusion in the Midtroposphere},
type = {Technical Report},
institution = {Claremont Graduate School},
address = {Claremont, CA},
year = {1977}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {A Procedure for Camera Calibration},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop},
address = {Maclean, VA: Science Applications, Inc.},
year = {1981},
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
editor = {P. Cohen and E. Feigenbaum},
title = {Grammatical Inference},
booktitle = {The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence},
publisher = {William Kaufman, Inc.},
address = {Los Altos, CA},
year = {1982},
category = {Survey}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {A Modification of the Greedy Algorithm for Vertex Cover},
journal = {Information Processing Letters},
volume = {16},
pages = {23--25},
month = {January},
year = {1983}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Fast Algorithms for the All Nearest Neighbors Problem},
booktitle = {FOCS '83: Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
address = {Tucson, AZ},
month = {November},
year = {1983}
, url = {thesis_abs.html}
, note = {Included in PhD Thesis}
, abstract ={
We present new algorithms for the all nearest neighbors problem:
Given a set `S` of `n` sites (points) in `d`-dimensional space, find the
nearest neighbors in set `S` of each site in `S`.
Our results:
An algorithm for solving the all nearest neighbors problem in `O(n\log\sigma)`
time, where `\sigma` is the ratio of the distance between the farthest pair
of sites to the distance between the closest pair of sites. A similar
algorithm is described for finding all `k`'th nearest neighbors.
An algorithm for building a celltree, a compressed form of digital trie,
in `O(n\log n)` probabilistic time. The logarithm, floor, and bitwise
exclusive-or functions are assumed available at unit cost.
An algorithm for solving the all nearest neighbors problem in `O(n)` worst-case
time, given a celltree for the sites.
An algorithm for building a celltree in linear expected time, assuming the
sites are independently identically distributed random variables, with
an unknown probability density function obeying some very weak conditions.
, annote = {
A "celltree" is now more commonly
called a "compressed quadtree" or "compressed hyperoctree", and this paper is apparently
the first appearance of such a construction. Vaidya
refined the
algorithm here to avoid randomness and bit-twiddling, at some cost
in dependence on `d`; his algorithm, and this one, and
that of Gabow, Bentley, and Tarjan, all use the same basic
geometrical observation, which implies that the total
number of nearest neighbors is `O(n)`, even up to approximate neighbors.
Callahan and Kosaraju
used similar ideas for "well-separated pairs decomposition".
The `sigma` ratio is now more commonly called the spread.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Fast Expected-time and Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Minimum Spanning Trees},
booktitle = {STOC '84: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual SIGACT Symposium},
address = {Washington, DC},
month = {April},
year = {1984},
note = {Included in PhD Thesis},
url = {thesis_abs.html}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Algorithms for Closest-point Problems},
school = {Stanford University},
month = {January},
year = {1985},
url = {thesis_abs.html},
abstract = {
This dissertation reports a variety of new algorithms for solving
closest-point problems. The input to these algorithms is a set or
sets of points in `d`-dimensional
space, with an associated `L_p` metric. The problems considered
- The all nearest neighbors
problem. For point set `A`, find the nearest neighbors in `A`
of each point in `A`.
- The nearest foreign neighbor
problem. For point sets `A` and `B`, find the closest point
in `B` to each point in `A`.
- The geometric minimum spanning
tree problem. For point set `A`, find the minimum spanning tree
for the complete weighted undirected graph associated with `A`,
where the vertices of the graph
correspond to the points of `A`,
and the weight of an edge is the distance between the points defining
the edge.
These problems arise in routing, statistical classification, data
compression, and other areas. Obvious algorithms for them require
a running time quadratic in `n`,
the number of points in the input. In many cases they can be
solved with algorithms requiring `O(n log ^{O(1)} n)` time.
In this work, approximation algorithms for some cases of these problems
have been found. For example, for the minimum spanning tree
problem with the `L_1`
metric, an algorithm has been devised that requires `O(n log^d (1/rho))`
time to find a spanning
tree with weight within `1+rho`
of the minimum. Several other algorithms have been found with
time bounds dependent on `log(1/rho)`
for attaining error `rho`.
Algorithms have also been found that require linear expected time, for
independent identically distributed random input points with a
probability density function satisfying weak conditions. One such
algorithm depends on the fact that under certain conditions, values
that are identically distributed, but dependent, can be bucket sorted
in linear expected time.
An algorithm has been found for the all nearest neighbors problem that
requires `O(n log n)` expected time for any input set
of points, where the expectation is on the random sampling performed by
the algorithm. This algorithm involves the construction of a new
data structure, a compressed form of digital trie.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {A Randomized Algorithm for Closest-Point Queries},
journal = sicomp,
year = {1988},
pages = {830-847},
appearedin = {STOC '85: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual SIGACT Symposium},
appearedas = {A Probabilistic Algorithm for the Post Office Problem},
ayear = {1985}
, ps = {rpo/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {rpo/p.pdf}
, abstract ={
An algorithm for closest-point queries is given.
The problem is this: given a set `S` of `n` points in
`d`-dimensional space, build a data structure so that
given an arbitrary query point `p`, a closest point in `S`
to `p` can be found quickly. The measure of distance is
the Euclidean norm. This is sometimes called the
post-office problem [Kn]. The new data structure
will be termed an RPO tree, from Randomized Post
Office. The expected time required to build an RPO tree is
`O(n^{|~d/2~| (1+ \epsilon )} )`, for any fixed `\epsilon >
0`, and a query can be answered in `O(\log n )` worst-case
time. An RPO tree requires `O(n^{|~d/2~| (1+ \epsilon )}
)` space in the worst case. The constant factors in
these bounds depend on `d` and `\epsilon`. The bounds
are average-case due to the randomization employed by
the algorithm, and hold for any set of input points.
This result approaches the `\Omega(n^{|~d/2~|} )` worst-case
time required for any algorithm that constructs the
Voronoi diagram of the input points, and is a considerable
improvement over previous bounds for `d>3`. The main
step of the construction algorithm is the determination
of the Voronoi diagram of a random sample of the sites,
and the triangulation of that diagram.
, annote = {
The first appearance of the kind of analyis done in more generality
here, the analysis essentially reduces to the
observation that there are `r^{O(1)}` balls associated with
a sample of size `r`, that might be Delaunay, and an exponentially
small probability that a given such ball with many points in it
would be Delaunay in the sample, and finally, the union bound.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Linear Programming in `0(n3^{d^2})` Time},
journal = {Information Processing Letters},
volume = {22},
pages = {21--24},
month = {January},
year = {1986}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {New Applications of Random Sampling to Computational Geometry},
journal = dcg,
volume = {2},
pages = {195--222},
year = {1987},
appearedas = {Further Applications of Random Sampling to Computational Geometry},
appearedin = {STOC '86: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual SIGACT Symposium},
ayear = {1986}
, ps = {rs/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {rs/p.pdf}
, dvi = {rs/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
This paper gives several new demonstrations of
the usefulness of random sampling techniques in
computational geometry. One new algorithm creates a
search structure for arrangements of hyperplanes by
sampling the hyperplanes and using information from
the resulting arrangement to divide and conquer.
This algorithm requires `O(s ^ {d + \epsilon})`
expected preprocessing time to build a search structure
for an arrangement of `s` hyperplanes in `d` dimensions.
The expectation, as with all expected times reported here,
is with respect to the random behavior of the algorithm,
and holds for any input. Given the data structure, and a
query point `p`, the cell of the arrangement containing
`p` can be found in `O( \log s)` worst-case time.
(The bound holds for any fixed `\epsilon >0`, with
the constant factors dependent on `d` and `\epsilon`.)
Using point-plane duality, the algorithm may be used for
answering halfspace range queries. Another algorithm finds
random samples of simplices to determine the separation
distance of two polytopes. The algorithm uses expected
`O(n ^{|__d/2__|} )` time, where `n` is the total number
of vertices of the two polytopes. This matches previous
results [DoK] for the case `d=3` and extends them.
Another algorithm samples points in the plane to determine
their order `k` Voronoi diagram, and requires expected
`O(s^{1+\epsilon}k)` time for `s` points. (It is
assumed that no four of the points are cocircular.)
This sharpens the bound `O(sk ^ 2 \log s)` for Lee's
algorithm [Lee], and `O(s ^ 2 \log s + k(s-k)
\log ^ 2 s)` for Chazelle and Edelsbrunner's algorithm
[ChE]. Finally, random sampling is used to show that
any set of `s` points in `E^3` has `O(sk^2\log ^ 8 s /
( \log \log s) ^ 6 )` distinct `j`-sets with `j\leq k`.
(For `S \subset E^d`, a set `S'\subset S` with `|S'|=j`
is a `j`-set of `S` if there is a halfspace `h^+` with
`S'=S \cap h^+`.) This sharpens with respect to `k` the
previous bound `O(s k ^ 5 )` [ChP]. The proof of
the bound given here is an instance of a "probabilistic
method" [ErS].
, annote = {
This paper extends the ideas of an earlier one
to a much more general setting; This framework is slightly less general
than that of range spaces of finite VC-dimension, which were introduced
to geometric algorithms at the
same time by Haussler and Welzl (in the same
issue of the journal).
The scheme here is very close to the
sample compression
framework in the learning theory literature. It is not clear
that there are any natural applications of the VC-dimension for which
this framework is not also applicable. (Examples of such a thing would
be of interest, at least to me.)
The framework is much the same as this
later one, which gives bounds that hold on
average; here the bounds hold with high probability, but with an extra factor
of `log r`. The arrangement search structure uses a construction
that sharpens an idea of Megiddo, and in turn was later sharpened (removing
the `epsilon`) and called cuttings. The polytope separation distance
algorithm was made obsolete by Gaertner, who gave an `O(n)`-time algorithm
by application and extension of these ideas, and later improvements.
The `k`-set bounds are sharpened here, with
a much cleaner argument.
author = {L. J. Guibas and Jorge Stolfi and Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Solving Related Two and Three Dimensional Linear Programming Problems in Logarithmic Time},
journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {49},
pages = {81--84},
year = {1987}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Approximation Algorithms for Shortest Path Motion Planning},
booktitle = {STOC '87: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual SIGACT Symposium},
address = {New York, New York},
month = {May},
year = {1987}
, ps = {mp/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {mp/p.pdf}
, abstract ={
This paper gives approximation algorithms for solving
the following motion planning problem: Given a set of
polyhedral obstacles and points `s` and `t`, find a
shortest path from `s` to `t` that avoids the obstacles.
The paths found by the algorithms are piecewise linear,
and the length of a path is the sum of the lengths of the
line segments making up the path. Approximation algorithms
will be given for versions of this problem in the plane
and in three-dimensional space. The algorithms return an
`\epsilon`-short path, that is, a path with length within
`(1+\epsilon)` of shortest. Let `n` be the total number of
faces of the polyhedral obstacles, and `\epsilon` a given
value satisfying `0<\epsilon\leq\pi`. The algorithm
for the planar case requires `O(n\log n)/\epsilon`
time to build a data structure of size `O(n/\epsilon)`.
Given points `s` and `t`, an `\epsilon`-short path from `s`
to `t` can be found with the use of the data structure
in time `O(n/\epsilon+n\log n)`. The data structure
is associated with a new variety of Voronoi diagram.
Given obstacles `S\subset E^3` and points `s,t\in E^3`,
an `\epsilon`-short path between `s` and `t` can be found
+n^2\log n\rho\log(n\log \rho))`
time, where `\rho` is the
ratio of the length of the longest obstacle edge
to the distance between `s` and `t`. The function
where the `\alpha(n)` is a form of inverse of
Ackermann's function. For `\log(1/\epsilon)` and
`\log\rho` that are `O(\log n)`, this bound is
, annote = {
This paper introduces the observation that Yao's fan
of cones can be used to build a spanner.
This observation was independently made by
Keil and Gutwin,
and by Ruppert and Seidel.
The resulting spanners have seen recent (circa 2005)
application in the wireless literature, where they are called
Yao graphs.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and S. Kapoor and P. Vaidya},
title = {Rectilinear Shortest Paths through Polygonal Obstacles in
`{:O:}(n \log^2 n)` Time},
booktitle = {SOCG '87: Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
address = {Waterloo, Ontario},
month = {June},
year = {1987}
, ps = {l1mp/p.ps.gz}
, abstract ={
The problem of finding a rectilinear shortest path
amongst obstacles may be stated as follows: Given a set
of obstacles in the plane find a shortest rectilinear
(`L_1`) path from a point `s` to a point `t` which
avoids all obstacles. The path may touch an obstacle
but may not cross an obstacle. We study the rectilinear
shortest path problem for the case where the obstacles
are non-intersecting simple polygons, and present an `O(
n log^2 n )` algorithm for finding such a path,
where `n` is the number of vertices of the obstacles. This
algorithm requires `O(n log n )` space. Another algorithm
is given that requires `O(n ( log n ) ^{ 3/2} )` time and
space. We also study the case of rectilinear obstacles in
three dimensions, and show that `L_1` shortest paths
can be found in `O( n^2 log^ 3 n )` time.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {An Algorithm for Geometric Minimum Spanning Trees Requiring Nearly Linear Expected Time},
journal = {Algorithmica},
volume = {4},
pages = {461--469},
year = {1989},
note = {Included in PhD Thesis},
url = {thesis_abs.html},
abstract = {
We describe an algorithm for finding a minimum spanning
tree of the weighted complete graph induced by a set
of `n` points in Euclidean `d`-space. The algorithm
requires nearly linear expected time for points that are
independently uniformly distributed in the unit `d`-cube.
The first step of the algorithm is the spiral search
procedure described by Bentley, Weide, and Yao [BWY] for
finding a supergraph of the MST that has `O(n)` edges.
(The constant factor in the bound depends on `d`.) The next
step is that of sorting the edges of the supergraph by
weight using a radix distribution, or "bucket," sort.
These steps require linear expected time. Finally,
Kruskal's algorithm is used with the sorted edges,
requiring `O(n\alpha(cn,n))` time in the worst case,
with `c>6`. Since the function `\alpha(cn,n)` grows
very slowly, this step requires linear time for all
practical purposes. This result improves the previous best
`O(n\log\log^**n)`, and employs a much simpler algorithm.
Also, this result demonstrates the robustness of bucket
sorting, which requires `O(n)` expected time in this
case despite the probability dependency between the edge
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Applications of Random Sampling in Computational Geometry, {II}.},
booktitle = {SOCG '88: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
address = {Urbana, Illinois},
month = {June},
year = {1988},
url = {#rs2m}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and P. W. Shor},
title = {Algorithms for Diametral Pairs and Convex Hulls that are Optimal, Randomized, and Incremental.},
booktitle = {SOCG '88: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
address = {Urbana, Illinois},
month = {June},
year = {1988},
url = {#rs2m}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and P. W. Shor},
title = {Applications of Random Sampling in Computational Geometry, {II}.},
journal = dcg,
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {387--421},
year = {1989},
note = {Merges two papers above}
, ps = {rs2m/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {rs2m/p.pdf}
, abstract ={
We use random sampling for several new geometric
algorithms. The algorithms are "Las Vegas," and their
expected bounds are with respect to the random behavior of
the algorithms. These algorithms follow from new general
results giving sharp bounds for the use of random subsets
in geometric algorithms. These bounds show that random
subsets can be used optimally for divide-and-conquer,
and also give bounds for a simple, general technique for
building geometric structures incrementally. One new
algorithm reports all the intersecting pairs of a set of
line segments in the plane, and requires `O(A+n\log n)`
expected time, where `A` is the number of intersecting
pairs reported. The algorithm requires `O(n)` space in
the worst case. Another algorithm computes the convex
hull of `n` points in `E^d` in `O(n\log n)` expected
time for `d=3`, and `O(n^{|__d/2__|})` expected time for `d>3`.
The algorithm also gives fast expected times for random
input points. Another algorithm computes the diameter
of a set of `n` points in `E^3` in `O(n\log n)` expected
time, and on the way computes the intersection of `n` unit
balls in `E^3`. We show that `O(n\log A)` expected time
suffices to compute the convex hull of `n` points in `E^3`,
where `A` is the number of input points on the surface of
the hull. Algorithms for halfspace range reporting are
also given. In addition, we give asymptotically tight
bounds for `(\le k)`-sets, which are certain halfspace
partitions of point sets, and give a simple proof of Lee's
bounds for high order Voronoi diagrams.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and Robert E. Tarjan and C. J. Van Wyk},
title = {A Fast {L}as {V}egas Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon},
journal = dcg,
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {423--432},
year = {1989},
appearedin = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
ayear = {1988},
abstract = {
We present an algorithm that triangulates a simple
polygon on `n` vertices in `O(n log ^** n)` expected
time. The algorithm uses random sampling on the
input, and its running time does not depend on any
assumptions about a probability distribution from
which the polygon is drawn.
annote = {
The first algorithm to apply randomization to
the problem, and obtain essentially linear time.
See here also. Chazelle got
rid of the "essentially"
and the randomization, at the cost of some complexity;
Amato et al. took
out some of that complexity, at the cost of putting
the randomization back in.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {{L}as {V}egas algorithms for linear and integer programming
when the dimension is small},
journal = jacm,
volume = {42},
number = {2},
pages = {488--499},
year = {1995},
appearedin = {FOCS '88: Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
ayear = {1988}
, ps = {lp/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {lp/p.pdf}
, dvi = {lp/p.dvi}
, slides = {lp/talk.pdf}
, abstract ={
This paper gives an algorithm for solving linear
programming problems. For a problem with `n` constraints
and `d` variables, the algorithm requires an expected
`O(d^2n)+(\log n)O(d)^{d/2+O(1)}
+O(d^4\sqrt{n}\log n)`
arithmetic operations, as `n\rightarrow\infty`.
The constant factors do not depend on `d`. Also, an
algorithm is given for integer linear programming.
Let `\varphi` bound the number of bits required to
specify the rational numbers defining an input constraint
or the objective function vector. Let `n` and `d`
be as before. Then the algorithm requires expected
`O(2^ddn+8^dd\sqrt{n\ln n}\ln n)
+d^{O(d)}\varphi\ln n`
operations on numbers with `d^{O(1)}\varphi` bits, as
`n->oo`, where the constant factors do not depend on
`d` or `\varphi`. The expectations are with respect to
the random choices made by the algorithms, and the bounds
hold for any given input. The technique can be extended
to other convex programming problems. For example, an
algorithm for finding the smallest sphere enclosing a set
of `n` points in `E^d` has the same time bound.
, annote = {
The bound given for integer programming is not quite right,
as corrected by F. Eisenbrand,
(The accompanying talk is the one given at FOCS in 1988; note that it gives the results
of the paper in terms of the Smallest Enclosing Sphere (or Minimum Enclosing Ball) problem.)
The delay between conference and journal publication is not the fault of the journal.
Developments between 1988 and 1995, roughly as discussed at the conclusion of the journal version of the paper:
Several developments have occurred since the conference version
of this paper appeared.
Adler and Shamir have shown that these ideas can be applied to
general convex programming.
Chazelle and Matou{\v s}ek have derandomized the recursive algorithm,
obtaining a deterministic algorithm requiring
`d^{O(d)}n` time.
Alon and Megiddo have applied and extended the ideas
of this paper to a parallel setting.
Seidel gave a different randomized algorithm, requiring
`O(d!n)` expected time, with a somewhat simpler analysis;
Matousek, Sharir and Welzl found a variant of Seidel's algorithm
requiring time subexponential in `d`. Their algorithm is
a randomized instance of the simplex algorithm.
Kalai was the first to find a subexponential simplex
algorithm. Problem instances have long been known
for which versions of the simplex algorithm require at least `2^d`
operations.[KM] These results cast new light on the complexity
of the simplex algorithm, and on the possibility that linear programming
problems can be solved in "strongly polynomial" time; such an algorithm
would need
`(nd)^{O(1)}` operations, with the number of operations
independent of the size of the numbers specifying a problem instance.
Some more recent related results:
Vapnik's leave-one-out error estimate for
support vector machines is a version of Lemma 3.2, generalized to quadratic
programming. (Such deleted error estimates were
found in the sixties.)
Chazelle et al.
observe that one of these
algorithms can be the basis for sublinear geometric
algorithms; another paper
observes that the approach works well from the standpoint
of multi-pass algorithms. Lemma 3.2 (or its generalization
to convex programming), was
rediscovered recently:
Calafiore and Campi, Theorem 1.
Their proof rediscovers "backwards analysis".
author = {Jon L. Bentley and Kenneth L. Clarkson and David B. Levine},
title = {Fast Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Computing Maxima and Convex Hulls},
journal = {Algorithmica},
pages = {168-183},
year = {1993},
appearedin = {SODA '90: Proceedings of the First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
ayear= {1990},
annote = {Related to this paper.}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and Herbert Edelsbrunner and Leonidas J. Guibas and Micha Sharir and Emo Welzl},
title = {Combinatorial complexity bounds for arrangements of curves and surfaces},
journal = dcg,
volume = {5},
number = {2},
pages = {99--160},
year = {1990},
appearedin = {FOCS '88: Proceedings of the Twenth-ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
ayear = {1988}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Approximation algorithms for planar traveling salesman tours and minimum-length triangulations},
booktitle = {SODA '91: Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
month = {January},
year = {1991}
, ps = {tsp/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {tsp/p.pdf}
, abstract ={
This paper gives a partitioning scheme for the geometric,
planar traveling salesman problem, under the Euclidean
metric: given a set `S` of `n` points in the plane, find
a shortest closed tour (path) visiting all the points.
The scheme employs randomization, and gives a tour
that can be expected to be short, if `S` satisfies
the condition that a random subset `R\subset S` has on
average a tour much shorter than an optimal tour of `S`.
This condition holds for points independently, identically
distributed in the plane, for example, for which a tour
within `1+\epsilon` of shortest can be found in expected
time `nk^2 2^k`, where `k=O(\log\log n)^3/\epsilon^2`.
One algorithm employed in the scheme is of interest
in its own right: when given a simple polygon `P`, it
finds a Steiner triangulation of the interior of `P`.
If `P` has `n` sides and perimeter `L_P`, the edges
of the triangulation have total length `L_PO(\log n)`.
If this algorithm is applied to a simple polygon induced
by a minimum spanning tree of a point set, the result is a
Steiner triangulation of the set with total length within
a factor of `O(\log n)` of the minimum possible.
, annote = {
A better partitioning scheme was given by Eppstein, using quadtrees,
and of course Arora's algorithm makes the whole approach moot.
There is a certain foreshadowing here of "pseudo-triangulations",
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and Richard Cole and Robert E. Tarjan},
title = {Randomized parallel algorithms for trapezoidal diagrams},
journal = {Int. J. Comp. Geom. and Applications},
year = {1992},
pages = {117-133},
appearedin = {Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
ayear = {1991}
, ps = {tri/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {tri/p.pdf}
, dvi = {tri/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
We describe randomized parallel algorithms for building
trapezoidal diagrams of line segments in the plane.
The algorithms are designed for a CRCW PRAM. For general
segments, we give an algorithm requiring optimal `O(A+n\log
n)` expected work and optimal `O(\log n)` time, where
`A` is the number of intersecting pairs of segments.
If the segments form a simple chain, we give an algorithm
requiring optimal `O(n)` expected work and `O(\log
n\log\log n\log^**n)` expected time, and a
simpler algorithm requiring `O(n\log^**n)` expected work.
The serial algorithm corresponding to the latter is among
the simplest known algorithms requiring `O(n\log^**n)`
expected operations. For a set of segments forming `K`
chains, we give an algorithm requiring `O(A+n\log^**n+K\log n)`
expected work and `O(\log n\log\log n\log^** n)`
expected time. The parallel time bounds require the
assumption that enough processors are available, with
processor allocations every `\log n` steps.
, annote = {
The serial version of our basic algorithm, as applied to non-intersecting segments,
is a bit simpler
than the divide-and-conquer scheme of the earlier paper,
and not very far from Seidel's algorithm,
independently discovered at the same time as this one. (His algorithm uses planar
point location for a key task, while we use a sweepline algorithm.)
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and Kurt Mehlhorn and Raimund Seidel},
title = {Four results on randomized incremental constructions},
journal = {Comp. Geom.: Theory and Applications},
year = {1993},
pages = {185-121},
appearedin={Proc. Symp. Theor. Aspects of Comp. Sci.},
ayear = {1992}
, ps = {cms/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {cms/p.pdf}
, dvi = {cms/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
We prove four results on randomized incremental constructions (RICs):
- an analysis of the expected behavior under insertion and deletions,
- a fully dynamic data structure for convex hull maintenance in arbitrary dimensions,
- a tail estimate for the space complexity of RICs,
- a lower bound on the complexity of a game related to RICs.
, annote = {
Among other things, this paper extends Seidel's "backwards analysis" approach
(not far from the "leave one out" technique of learning theory) to a general
version of RIC; this involves a kind of "searching in history" and exploitation
of the exchangeability of members of a random sample.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
editor = {F. K. Hwang and D. Z. Hu},
title = {Randomized Geometric Algorithms},
booktitle = {Computers and Euclidean Geometry},
publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
year = {1992},
category = {Survey},
ps = {rga/p.ps.gz},
pdf = {rga/p.pdf},
abstract ={
This paper surveys some of the applications of randomization to computational
and combinatorial geometry. Randomization provides
a general way to divide-and-conquer geometric problems,
and gives a simple incremental approach to building geometric structures.
The paper discusses closest-point problems,
convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, trapezoidal diagrams of line segments,
linear programming in small dimension, range queries,
and bounds for point-line incidences and for `(\le k)`-sets.
Relations to the
Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, PAC-learnability of geometric concepts,
and the Hough transform are briefly noted.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {A bound on local minima of arrangements that implies the upper bound theorem},
journal = dcg,
volume = {10},
pages = {227--233},
year = {1993}
, ps = {kmins/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {kmins/p.pdf}
, dvi = {kmins/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
This paper shows that the `i`-level of an arrangement of hyperplanes in
`E^d` has at most `((i+d-1), (d-1))` local minima.
This bound follows from ideas previously used to prove bounds on `(\le k)`-sets.
Using linear programming duality,
the Upper Bound Theorem is obtained as a corollary,
giving yet another proof of this
celebrated bound on the number of vertices of a simple polytope
in `E^d` with `n` facets.
, annote = {This paper by Mulmuley seems closely
related, and probably should have been cited.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Safe and effective determinant evaluation},
booktitle = {FOCS '92: Proceedings of the Thirty-first IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
month = {October},
year = {1992},
pages = {387-395}
, ps = {dets/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {dets/p.pdf}
, dvi = {dets/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
The problem of evaluating the sign of the determinant of a
small matrix arises in many geometric algorithms.
Given an `n\times n` matrix `A` with integer entries, whose columns are all
smaller than `M` in Euclidean norm,
the algorithm given here evaluates the sign of the determinant `\det A`
exactly. The algorithm requires an arithmetic precision of less
than `1.5n+2\lg M` bits.
The number of arithmetic operations needed
is `O(n^3)+O(n^2)\log\OD(A)/\beta`,
where `\OD(A)|\det A|` is the product of the lengths of the columns of `A`,
and `\beta` is the number of "extra" bits of precision,
`\min\{\lg(1/bb u)-1.1n-2\lg n-2,\lg N - \lg M - 1.5n - 1\},`
where `bb u` is the roundoff error in approximate arithmetic, and `N`
is the largest representable integer.
Since `\OD(A)\leq M^n`, the algorithm requires `O(n^3\lg M)` time,
and `O(n^3)` time when `\beta=\Omega(\log M)`.
,title = {Convex Hulls: Some Algorithms and Applications}
,author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,year = {1996}
,note = {Presentation at Fifth MSI-Stony Brook Workshop on Computational Geometry}
,ps = {hulltalk.ps.gz}
,nobib = {y}
,url = {hulltalk.html}
,abstract = {
This talk sketches: a convenient method for
computing the volumes of Voronoi regions; a proof that
"area-stealing" natural neighbor interpolation works;
a scheme for smoother natural neighbor interpolation
alternative to Sibson's method; the interpolation
scheme used in the "finite volume element" method;
and the observation that the minimax piecewise-linear
interpolant of a convex function is the (lower)
convex hull.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and David Eppstein and Gary L. Miller and Carl Sturtivant and Shang-Hua Teng},
title = {Approximating center points with iterated {R}adon points},
journal = {International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications},
volume = 6,
number = 3,
pages = {357--377},
appearedin = {SOCG '93: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Computational Geometry},
ayear = {1993},
year = {1996},
ps = {center/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {center/p.pdf}
, dvi = {center/p.dvi}
, demo = {center/demo.html}
, demoscrolling = {auto}
, abstract ={
We give a practical and provably good Monte Carlo algorithm
for approximating center points. Let `P` be a set of `n`
points in `\R^d`. A point `c \in \R^d` is a `\beta`-center
point of `P` if every closed halfspace containing `c`
contains at least `\beta n` points of `P`. Every point
set has a `1/(d+1)`-center point; our algorithm finds
an `\Omega(1/d^2)`-center point with high probability.
Our algorithm has a small constant factor and is the first
approximate center point algorithm whose complexity is
subexponential in `d`. Moreover, it can be optimally
parallelized to require `O(\log^2d\log\log n)` time.
Our algorithm has been used in mesh partitioning methods
and can be used in constructing high breakdown estimators
for multivariate datasets in statistics. It has the
potential to improve results in practice for constructing
weak `\epsilon`-nets. We derive a variant of our algorithm
whose time bound is fully polynomial in `d` and linear in
`n`, and show how to combine our approach with previous
techniques to compute high quality center points more
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Algorithms for polytope covering and approximation},
booktitle = {WADS '93: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures},
pages = {246--252},
year = {1993},
url = {#pcover}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {An algorithm for approximate closest-point queries},
booktitle = {SOCG '94: Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Computational Geometry},
year = {1994},
pages = {160-164},
url = {#pcover}
, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson"
, title = {Algorithms for Polytope Covering and Approximation, and for
Approximate Closest-point Queries}
, year = {1994}
, ps = {pcover/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {pcover/p.pdf}
, dvi = {pcover/p.dvi}
, abstract ={
This paper gives an algorithm for polytope covering:
let `L` and `U` be sets of points in `R^d`,
comprising `n` points altogether. A cover for
`L` from `U` is a set `C\subset U` with `L` a subset
of the convex hull of `C`. Suppose `c` is the size of
a smallest such cover, if it exists. The randomized
algorithm given here finds a cover of size no more than
`c(\rboundp)`, for `c` large enough. The algorithm
requires `O(c^2n^{1+\delta})` expected time. (In
this paper, `\delta` will denote any fixed value
greater than zero.) More exactly, the time bound is
where `\gamma\equiv 1/|__d/2__|`. The previous best bounds
were `c O(\log n)` cover size in `O(n^d)` time [MiS].
A variant algorithm is applied to the problem of
approximating the boundary of a polytope with the
boundary of a simpler polytope. For an appropriate
measure, an approximation with error `\epsilon`
requires `c=O(1/\epsilon)^{(d-1)/2}` vertices, and the
algorithm gives an approximation with `c(\apboundp)`
vertices. The algorithms apply ideas previously used
for small-dimensional linear programming. The final
result here applies polytope approximation to the the
post office problem: given `n` points (called
sites) in `d` dimensions, build a data structure so
that given a query point `q`, the closest site to `q`
can be found quickly. The algorithm given here is given
also a relative error bound `\epsilon`, and depends on
a ratio `\rho`, which is no more than the ratio of the
distance between the farthest pair of sites to the distance
between the closest pair of sites. The algorithm builds
a data structure of size `O(n(\log\rho)/\epsilon^{d/2}`
in time `O(n^2(\log\rho))/\epsilon^d`. With this data
structure, closest-point queries can be answered in
`O(\log n)/\epsilon^{d/2}` time.
, annote = {
Brönnimann and Goodrich show that
the same iterative randomized algorithm
applies in the general setting of range spaces of bounded
VC-dimension, and that
a linear-sized `epsilon`-net implies a
constant-factor approximation algorithm. Their results
are extended by this later paper.
, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson"
, title = "More output-sensitive geometric algorithms"
, booktitle = "FOCS '94: Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science"
, year = 1994
, pages = "695--702"
, ps = {os/p.ps.gz}
, pdf = {os/p.pdf}
, dvi = {os/p.dvi}
, abstract = {
A simple idea for speeding up the computation of extrema
of a partially ordered set turns out to have a number
of interesting applications in geometric algorithms; the
resulting algorithms generally replace an appearance of the
input size `n` in the running time by an output size `A\leq
n`. In particular, the `A` coordinate-wise minima of a set
of `n` points in `R^d` can be found by an algorithm needing
`O(nA)` time. Given `n` points uniformly distributed
in the unit square, the algorithm needs `n+O(n^{5/8})`
point comparisons on average. Given a set of `n` points
in `R^d`, another algorithm can find its `A` extreme
points in `O(nA)` time. Thinning for nearest-neighbor
classification can be done in time `O(n\log n)\sum_i A_i n_i`,
finding the `A_i` irredundant points among `n_i`
points for each class `i`, where `n=\sum_i n_i` is the
total number of input points. This sharpens a more
obvious `O(n^3)` algorithm, which is also given here.
Another algorithm is given that needs `O(n)` space to
compute the convex hull of `n` points in `O(nA)` time.
Finally, a new randomized algorithm finds the convex hull
of `n` points in `O(n\log A)` expected time, under the
condition that a random subset of the points of size `r`
has expected hull complexity `O(r)`. All but the last
of these algorithms has polynomial dependence on the
dimension `d`, except possibly for linear programming.
, annote = {
There is some overlap with the work of
Chan and
Ottman et al,
in particular, for finding extreme points.
,author={Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,title={Algorithms for the Minimum Diameter of Moving Points
and for the Discrete 1-center Problem}
,pdf = {moving_diam/p.pdf}
,ps = {moving_diam/p.ps.gz}
,dvi = {moving_diam/p.dvi}
,abstract = {
Given points moving with constant, but possibly different,
velocities, the minimum moving diameter problem is to
find the minimum, over all time, of the maximum distance
between a pair of points at each moment. This note gives
a randomized algorithm requiring `O(n \log n )` expected
time for this problem, in two and three dimensions.
Also briefly noted is a randomized `O(n\log n\log\log n)`
expected-time algorithm for the discrete 1-center problem
in three dimensions; in this problem, a member `p` of a
set `S` of points is desired, whose maximum distance to `S`
is minimum over all points of `S`.
,annote = {
Slight foreshadowing of sublinear geometric algorithms.
,author={Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,title={A General Randomized Incremental Reconstruction Procedure}
,pdf = {recon/p.pdf}
,ps = {recon/p.ps.gz}
,dvi = {recon/p.dvi}
,abstract = {
The technique of randomized incremental construction
allows a variety of geometric structures to be built
quickly. This note shows that once such a structure
is built, it is possible to store the geometric
input data for it so that the structure can be built
again by a randomized algorithm even more quickly.
Except for the randomization, this generalizes the
technique of Snoeyink and van Kreveld that applies to
planar problems.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title={A graduate course
in computational geometry},
note = {Lecture notes},
url = {cis677}
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Nearest Neighbor Queries in Metric Spaces},
journal = dcg,
volume = 22,
pages = {63--93},
year = 1999,
appearedin = {STOC '97: Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth SIGACT Symposium},
ayear = {1997},
ps = {nnms/p.ps.gz},
pdf = {nnms/p.pdf},
abstract = {
Given a set `S` of `n` sites (points), and a distance measure `d`,
the nearest neighbor searching problem
is to build a data structure so that given a query point `q`,
the site nearest to `q` can be found quickly.
This paper gives data structures for this problem when the sites and queries
are in a metric space.
One data structure, `D(S)`, uses a divide-and-conquer recursion.
The other data structure, `M(S,Q)`, is somewhat like a skiplist.
Both are simple and implementable.
The data structures are analyzed when the metric space obeys a
certain sphere-packing bound, and when the sites and query points
are random and have distributions with an exchangeability property.
This property implies, for example, that
query point `q` is a random element of `S\cup\{q\}`.
Under these conditions,
the preprocessing and space bounds for the algorithms are close
to linear in `n`. They depend also on the sphere-packing
bound, and on the logarithm of the distance ratio `\upsilon(S)` of `S`,
the ratio of the distance between the farthest pair of
points in `S` to the distance between the closest pair.
The data structure `M(S,Q)`
requires as input data an additional
set `Q`, taken to be representative of the query points.
The resource bounds of `M(S,Q)` have a dependence on
the distance ratio of `S\cup Q`.
While `M(S,Q)` can return wrong
answers, its failure probability can be bounded, and
is decreasing in a parameter `K`. Here `K\leq |Q|/n` is chosen
when building `M(S,Q)`.
The expected query time for `M(S,Q)` is `O(K\log n)\log\upsilon(S\cup Q)`,
and the resource bounds increase linearly in `K`.
The data structure `D(S)` has expected `O(\log n)^{O(1)}` query
time, for fixed distance ratio.
The preprocessing algorithm for `M(S,Q)` can be used to solve
the all-nearest-neighbor problem for `S` in
`O(n(\log n)^2(\log\upsilon(S))^2)` expected time.
annote = {
The assumption of a sphere-packing bound is equivalent
to a bounded doubling constant, as discussed by
Krauthgamer and Lee,
which is more general than the growth-restricted
or doubling measure
assumption of Karger and Ruhl.
See also Har-Peled and Mendel,
and a survey.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson and Wim Sweldens and Alice Zheng},
title={Fast Multiple Antenna Differential Decoding},
journal={IEEE Trans. Commun.},
number = 2,
url = {/who/wim/papers/fast/},
abstract = {
We present an algorithm based on lattice reduction for the
fast decoding of diagonal differential modulation across
multiple antenna. While the complexity of the maximum
likelihood algorithm is exponential both in the number of
antenna and the rate, the complexity of our approximate
lattice algorithm is polynomial in the number of antennas
and the rate. We show that the error performance of our
lattice algorithm is very close to the maximum likelihood
author = {Mihai B\u{a}doiu and Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Optimal Core-Sets for Balls},
year = {2002},
slides = {core_sets/t/t.xml},
demo = {core_sets/t/demo.xml},
slidesnote2 = {y},
note = {Manuscript},
abstract = {
Given a set of points `P\subset \RR^d` and value `\epsilon>0`,
an $\epsilon$-core-set `S \subset P` has the property that the smallest ball
containing `S` is within `\epsilon` of the smallest ball containing
This paper shows that any point set has an `\epsilon`-core-set
of size `|~1/\epsilon~|`, and this bound is tight
in the worst case. Some experimental results are also
given, comparing this algorithm with a previous one,
and with a more powerful, but slower one.
- Revised May 2006: Removed dependence on size of smallest ball, consider variant, etc.
author = {Mihai B\u{a}doiu and Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title = {Smaller Core-Sets for Balls},
booktitle = {SODA '03: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
year = {2003},
abstract = {
Given a set of points `P\subset R^d` and value `\epsilon>0`,
an `\epsilon`-core-set `S \subset P` has the property that the smallest ball
containing `S` is within `\epsilon` of the smallest ball containing
This paper shows that any point set has an `\epsilon`-core-set
of size `|~1/\epsilon~|`, and this bound is tight
in the worst case.
A faster algorithm given here finds an `\epsilon`-core-set of size
at most `2/\epsilon`.
These results imply the existence of small core-sets for solving approximate
clustering and related problems. The sizes of these core-sets
are considerably smaller than the previously known bounds,
and imply
faster algorithms; one such algorithm needs
`O(d n/\epsilon+(1/\epsilon)^{5})`
time to compute an `\epsilon`-approximate
minimum enclosing ball (1-center) of `n` points in `d`
A simple gradient-descent algorithm is also given, for computing
the minimum enclosing ball in `O(d n / \epsilon^{2})` time.
This algorithm also implies slightly faster algorithms for
computing approximately the smallest radius `k`-flat fitting
a set of points.
annote = {The ideas and algorithm have seen application in
machine learning, including support vector regression,
and computational biology (mentioned in the "supplementary notes" of the latter).}
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby},
title={A Model of Coverage Probability under Shadow Fading},
abstract = {
We give a simple analytic model of coverage probability
for CDMA cellular phone systems under lognormally
distributed shadow fading. Prior analyses have generally
considered the coverage probability of a single antenna;
here we consider the probability of coverage by an
ensemble of antennas, using some independence assumptions,
but also modeling a limited form of dependency among the
antenna fades. We use the Fenton-Wilkinson approach
of approximating the external interference `I_0` as
lognormally distributed. We show that our model gives
a coverage probability that is generally within a few
percent of Monte Carlo estimates, over a wide regime of
antenna strengths and other relevant parameters.
author={K. Georg Hampel and Kenneth L. Clarkson and
John D. Hobby and Paul A. Polakos},
title={The Tradeoff between Coverage and Capacity
in Dynamic Optimization of 3{G} Cellular Networks},
booktitle={VTC-2003-Fall: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference},
pages = {927--932},
pdf = {vtc2003.pdf},
abstract = {
For 3G cellular networks, capacity is an important
objective, along with coverage, when characterizing the
performance of high-data-rate services. In live networks,
the effective network capacity heavily depends on the
degree that the traffic load is balanced over all cells,
so changing traffic patterns demand dynamic network
reconfiguration to maintain good performance. Using a
four-cell sample network, and antenna tilt, cell power
level and pilot fraction as adjustment variables, we
study the competitive character of network coverage and
capacity in such a network optimization process, and
how it compares to the CDMA-intrinsic coverage-capacity
tradeoff driven by interference. We find that each set of
variables provides its distinct coverage-capacity tradeoff
behavior with widely varying and application-dependent
performance gains. The study shows that the impact of
dynamic load balancing highly depends on the choice of the
tuning variable as well as the particular tradeoff range
of operation.
author={Simon C. Borst and Kenneth Clarkson
and John Graybeal and Harish Viswanathan and Phillip Whiting},
title={User-Level {QoS} and Traffic Engineering for
{3G} Wireless {1xEV-DO} Systems},
journal={Bell Labs Technical Journal},
number = 2,
pdf = {BCGVW.pdf},
abstract = {
3G wireless systems such as 3G-1X, 1xEV-DO and 1xEV-DV
provide support for a variety of high-speed data
applications. The success of these services critically
relies on the capability to ensure an adequate QoS
experience to users at an affordable price. With
wireless bandwidth at a premium, traffic engineering and
network planning play a vital role in addressing these
challenges. We present models and techniques that we have
developed for quantifying the QoS perception of 1xEV-DO
users generating FTP or Web browsing sessions. We show
how user-level QoS measures may be evaluated by means of
a Processor-Sharing model which explicitly accounts for
the throughput gains from multi-user scheduling. The model
provides simple analytical formulas for key performance
metrics such as response times, blocking probabilities and
throughput. Analytical models are especially useful for
network deployment and in-service tuning purposes due to
the intrinsic difficulties associated with simulation-based
optimization approaches. We discuss the application of
our results in the context of Ocelot, which is a Lucent
tool for wireless network planning and optimization.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title={Solution of Linear Systems Using Randomized Rounding},
abstract = {
This paper gives an algorithm for solving linear systems, using a
randomized version of incomplete `LU` factorization together with
iterative improvement. The factorization uses Gaussian elimination
with partial pivoting, and preserves sparsity during factorization by
randomized rounding of the entries. The resulting approximate factorization
is then applied to estimate the solution. This simple technique,
combined with
iterative improvement, is demonstrated to be effective for a range of
linear systems. When applied to medium-sized sample matrices for PDEs,
the algorithm is qualitatively like multigrid: the work per iteration
is typically linear in the order of the matrix, and the number of
iterations to achieve a small residual is typically on the order of
fifteen to twenty. The technique is also tested for a sample of asymmetric
matrices from the Matrix Market, and is found to have
similar behavior for many of them.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title={Nearest Neighbor Searching in Metric Spaces:
Experimental Results for `sb(S)`},
slides = {sb/t/vv.xml},
slidesnote2 = {y},
demo = {sb/t/demo.xml},
abstract = {
Given a set `S` of `n` sites (points), and a distance
measure `d`, the nearest neighbor searching problem is to build
a data structure so that given a query point `q`, the site nearest
to `q` can be found quickly. This paper gives a data structure for
this problem; the data structure is built using the distance function
as a "black box". The structure is able to speed up nearest
neighbor searching in a variety of settings, for example: points
in low-dimensional or
structured Euclidean space, strings under Hamming and edit distance,
and bit vector data from an OCR application. The data structures are
observed to need linear space, with a modest constant factor. The
preprocessing time needed per site is observed to match the
query time. The data structure can
be viewed as an application of a "kd-tree" approach in the metric
space setting, using Voronoi regions of a subset in place of
axis-aligned boxes.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby},
title={A Model of Soft Handoff under Dynamic Shadow Fading},
booktitle={VTC-2004-Spring: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference},
volume = 3,
pages = {1534--1538},
slides = {dynamics/t.xml},
slidesnote2 = {y},
demo = {dynamics/demo.xml},
abstract = {
We introduce a simple model of the effect of temporal
variation in signal strength on active-set membership,
for cellular phone systems that use the soft-handoff
algorithm of IS-95a. This model is based on a
steady-state calculation, and its applicability is
confirmed by Monte Carlo studies.
,author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,title = {On the Expected Number of `k`-sets of Coordinate-Wise Independent Points}
,year = {2004}
,pdf = {cwi_ksets/p.pdf}
,ps = {cwi_ksets/p.ps.gz}
,dvi = {cwi_ksets/p.dvi}
,abstract = {
Let `S` be a set of `n` points in `d` dimensions.
A `k`-set of `S` is a subset of size `k` that is
the intersection of `S` with some open halfspace.
This note shows that if the points of `S` are random,
with a coordinate-wise independent distribution,
then the expected number of `k`-sets of `S` is
`O((k\log(en/k))^{d-1})2^d/(d-1)!`, as `k\log n->oo`,
with a constant independent of the dimension.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson},
title={Subgradient and Sampling Algorithms for `L_1` Regression},
booktitle={SODA '05 : Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
ps ={l1/p.ps.gz},
dvi = {l1/p.dvi},
slides = {l1/t/t.xml},
demo = {l1/t/demo.xml},
slidesnote1 = {y},
slidesnote2 = {y},
abstract = {
Given an `n\times d` matrix `A`
and an `n`-vector `b`, the `L_1`
regression problem is to find the
vector `x` minimizing the objective
function `||Ax-b||_1`, where
`||y||_1 \equiv \sum_i |y_i|` for vector
`y`. This paper gives an algorithm needing
`O(n\log n)d^{O(1)}` time in the worst case
to obtain an approximate solution, with
objective function value within a fixed
ratio of optimum. Given `\epsilon>0`, a
solution whose value is within `1+\epsilon`
of optimum can be obtained either
by a deterministic algorithm using an
additional `O(n)(d/\epsilon)^{O(1)}` time,
or by a Monte Carlo algorithm using an
additional `O((d/\epsilon)^{O(1)})` time.
The analysis of the randomized algorithm
shows that weighted coresets exist for
`L_1` regression. The algorithms use the
ellipsoid method, gradient descent, and
random sampling.
,title = {Improved Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Set Cover}
,author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson and Kasturi Varadarajan}
,journal = dcg
,year = {to appear}
,slides = {set_cover/t/t.xml}
,slidesnote1 = {y}
,pdf = {set_cover/p.pdf}
,ps = {set_cover/p.ps}
,appearedin = {SOCG '05: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Symposium on Computational Geometry}
,ayear = {2005}
,abstract = {
Given a collection `S` of subsets of some set `U`, and
`M \subset U`, the set cover problem is to find
the smallest subcollection `C\subset S` such that `M` is
a subset of the union of the sets in `C`. While the general
problem is NP-hard to solve, even approximately, here we
consider some geometric special cases, where usually
`U = \RR^d`. Combining previously known techniques [BG,CF], we show
that polynomial time approximation algorithms with provable performance exist,
under a certain general condition: that for a random subset
`R\subset S` and function `f()`, there is a decomposition
of the complement `U\setminus\cup_{Y\in R} Y` into an
expected `f(|R|)` regions, each region of a particular
simple form. Under this condition, a cover
of size `O(f(|C|))` can be found in polynomial time. Using this result,
and combinatorial geometry results implying
bounding functions `f(c)` that are nearly linear,
we obtain `o(\log c)` approximation algorithms
for covering by fat triangles, by pseudodisks,
by a family of fat objects,
and others. Similarly, constant-factor
approximations follow for similar-sized fat triangles
and fat objects, and for fat wedges.
With more work, we obtain constant-factor
approximation algorithms for covering by unit cubes in
`\RR^3`, and for guarding an `x`-monotone polygonal chain.
author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson},
editor = {Gregory Shakhnarovich and Trevor Darrell and Piotr Indyk},
title = {Nearest-Neighbor Searching and Metric Space Dimensions},
booktitle = {Nearest-Neighbor Methods for Learning and Vision: Theory and Practice},
year = {2006},
pages = {15--59},
publisher = {MIT Press},
category = {Survey},
pdf = {nn_survey/p.pdf},
ps = {nn_survey/p.ps.gz},
dvi = {nn_survey/p.dvi},
slides = {nn_survey/t/t.xml},
slidesnote1 = {y},
isbn = {0-262-19547-X},
abstract = {
Given a set `S` of points in a metric
space with distance function `D`, the
nearest-neighbor searching problem is to build a
data structure for `S` so that for an input query point `q`,
the point `s\in S` that minimizes `D(s,q)`
can be found quickly.
We survey approaches to this problem, and its
relation to concepts of metric space dimension.
Several measures of dimension can be estimated
using nearest-neighbor searching, while others
can be used to estimate the cost of that searching.
In recent years, several data structures have been
proposed that are provably good for low-dimensional
spaces, for some particular measures of dimension.
These and other data structures for nearest-neighbor
searching are surveyed.
annote = {
Some dimensions discussed: box, packing, Hausdorff, Assouad,
pointwise, information, correlation, quantization, energy,
,author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,title = {Building Triangulations Using `\epsilon`-Nets}
,booktitle={STOC 2006: Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual SIGACT Symposium}
,year = {2006}
,pdf = {enet_tris/p.pdf}
,ps = {enet_tris/p.ps.gz}
,dvi = {enet_tris/p.dvi}
,slides = {enet_tris/t2/t.xml}
,slidesnote1 = {y}
,demo = {sobolev_cover/tstoc/demo.xml}
,abstract = {
This work addresses the problem of approximating
a manifold by a simplicial mesh, and the related
problem of building triangulations for the purpose of
piecewise-linear approximation of functions. It has
long been understood that the vertices of such meshes
or triangulations should be "well-distributed," or
satisfy certain "sampling conditions." This work
clarifies and extends some algorithms for finding such
well-distributed vertices, by showing that they can
be regarded as finding `\epsilon`-nets or
Delone sets in appropriate metric spaces. In some cases
where such Delone properties were already understood,
such as for meshes to approximate smooth manifolds that
bound convex bodies, the upper and lower bound results
are extended to more general manifolds; in particular,
under some natural conditions, the minimum Hausdorff
distance for a mesh with `n` simplices to a `d`-manifold
`M` is
as `n\rightarrow\infty`, where `\kappa(x)` is the
Gaussian curvature at point `x\in M`. We also relate
these constructions to Dudley's approximation scheme for
convex bodies, which can be interpreted as involving an
`\epsilon`-net in a metric space whose distance function
depends on surface normals. Finally, a novel scheme is
given, based on the Steinhaus transform, for scaling
a metric space by a Lipschitz function to obtain a
new metric. This scheme is applied to show that some
algorithms for building finite element meshes and for
surface reconstruction can be also be interpreted in the
framework of metric space `\epsilon`-nets.
- Revised from 20/2/06: patches to upper bound proof, lower bound proof, many typos etc.
- Revised from version of 11/19/05: better upper bound proof, typos in Dudley example, cites peyre/cohen.
,title = {Metric Space `\epsilon`-Nets and Their Applications}
,author = {Kenneth L. Clarkson}
,year = {2005}
,note = {Survey talk related to two papers above}
,slides = {enet_tris/t/t.xml}
,slidesnote1 = {y}
,slidesnote2 = {y}
,nobib = {y}
,demo = {sobolev_cover/t3/demo.xml}
,abstract = {
Metric spaces are very simple geometric structures: they comprise a set
and a distance measure that obeys the triangle inequality.
`epsilon`-nets, also called "low-dispersion sets" or "farthest-point
samples", are subsets of metric spaces that are "well-distributed" in a
certain sense. They can be found efficiently using a greedy algorithm.
This talk will review that algorithm, and briefly survey applications of
`epsilon`-nets in motion planning, nearest neighbor searching, building
meshes to approximate curves and surfaces, and building triangulations
to approximate functions.
author={Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby},
title={Ocelot's Knapsack Calculations for Modeling Power Amplifier and Walsh Code Limits},
abstract = {
We give a model for the performance impact on wireless
systems of the limitations of certain resources, namely,
the base-station power amplifier and the available OVSF
codes. These limitations are readily modeled in
the loss model formulation as a stochastic
knapsack. A simple and well-known recurrence of
Kaufman and Roberts allows the
predictions of the model to be efficiently calculated.
We discuss the assumptions and approximations we have
made that allow the use of the model. We have included
the model in Ocelot, a Lucent tool for modeling and
optimizing cellular phone systems. The model is
fast to compute, differentiable
with respect to the relevant parameters, and able
to model broad ranges of capacity and resource use.
These conditions are critical to our application of
optimization. }