Bell LaboratoriesI am Technical Manager of the Algorithms Research group within the Computing Systems Principles department of Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent. Our group performs fundamental research in theoretical computer science, particularly algorithms. We also engage in practical algorithmic work relevant to Alcatel-Lucent's technical problems.
Room 2C-518
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sjf @
Much of my past research has been in computational geometry, particularly robustness of geometric algorithms. For several years I worked on the WISE project, which uses geometric algorithms to predict radio propagation in indoor and outdoor environments. Other work includes a particularly efficient algorithm for approximating the roots of ill-conditioned, high-degree polynomials. More recent work includes the algorithmic innards of design tools for state-of-the-art optical networks.
Bibliography in bibtex format or html format. Recent Papers, most with links to gzipped postscript files.
I am associate editor of SIAM Journal on Computing and International Journal of Computational Geometry with Applications (and previously ACM Transactions on Graphics).